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Omundudu combined school[edit]

Omundudu Combined School is a school found in Engela Constituency,Endola Circuit in Ohangwena region. The school is 35 kilometer from Oshakati, 6 kilometers from Endola.[1]. The name Omundudu is an oshiwambo name means a mountain.The school name is named after the village Omundudu. The school has grades from grade Pre-10.The school principal is Mr.Elifas Haifidi.Omundudu combined school has 568 learners, 24 teachers, a secretary and 2 cleaners.There is one disabled learner.[2] There are 36 classes, a reception, a library and a computer lab. Omundudu church is right next to the school yard. The school has netball, soccer, and volleyball fields. There's a gardern in the school for agriculture practical leasons. The school is surrounded by mopane trees.
