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Pack Rat Evaluation:

The article didn't list any drawbacks, and didn't take into account natural occurrences that could cause the midden to move. https://www.pearsonhighered.com/content/dam/region-na/us/higher-ed/en/products-services/withgott-5e-info/pdf/ch14.pdf on page 319 mentions various weather scenarios that go along with climate change, and since pack rats middens can show how crops dealt with the climate, it is important to note that other crops could be carried by a flood and be adopted into the midden. This could affect what crops we believe could have grown in various areas.

Also, the fact that animals typically only go after certain types of plants, it is likely that the Pack Rats midden does not show an accurate record of what plants thrived in certain areas, as other plants that may have thrived may not have been as nutritious to the Pack Rats. This fact could be extended upon in the Diet section of the article.