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Ryan Das
A Depiction of a Supernova in Action



Hello, my name is Ryan and I am currently taking CIS 2050 at the University of Guelph. I am currently in my graduating year and majoring in Honours BioPhysics (Co-op)[1] . Over the past four years, I have been alternating between work and academic semesters and I am currently in my last work term. Being in Co-op has delayed my graduation by a few months, but I have really learnt a lot and have developed great work experience. My undergraduate experience has been challenging and rewarding so far, as BioPhysics is a very demanding program. I have joined the consulting world early on in my career and I plan on opening my own consulting firm someday. I also plan on pursuing further studies in Nuclear Physics and Radiation Biology.

Personal Life


I was born in a Tea Estate in Mongoldoi, Assam, India. I have had a very interesting childhood, as my parent's work allowed them to travel extensively. I have been to 10 schools, lived in three continents, have visited over a dozen countries and can speak 5 languages. As a result, I have met amazing people and have had memorable life experiences, from Lion Safaris in Africa to trekking along Mt. Everest. I do consider myself very lucky to have experienced so much in such a little time.

Education and Academic Career


I moved to Canada when I was in grade 10 and attended Harold M. Braithwaite High School. I really enjoyed my high school years and was able to excel academically and in extracurriculars. I represented my school in Tennis, Table Tennis, Badminton and also made it to OFSA a couple of times. I was also in Royal Canadian Air Cadets during my high school years and retired after coming to University.

In the fall of 2007 I decided to attend University of Guelph and I majored in BioPhysics. I got a few scholarships and have been here eversince.

My Passions & Hobbies



  • While I was an Air Cadet, I was awarded my wings, and as a result I attained my Pilot's License. Ever since I attained my license at the age of 16, I have been continually involved in the art of soaring sailplanes.
    Sailplane in Flight
  • As a result I also joined a non-profit organization called Freedoms Wings. Freedoms Wings is an organization that flies physically impared war veterans, x-heli loggers and teenarges that aspire to fly. There are now specially designed aircraft with hand controls that enable members of Freedoms Wings to fly. See link below.


  • One of my other hobbies is astrophysics and astronomy. I have a few binoculars and a telescope which I use occasionally to look at planetary objects. Few people know that most binoculars these days are more powerful than the telescope Galileo used. Hence I like using a variety of binoculars, to view the moon mainly.
  • Other components of astronomy that I am passonate about are:
  1. Supernovas
  2. Black Holes
  3. Solar Storms
  4. Asteroid belts


  • I also love collecting Antiques, mainly model cars and car related memorabilia.
  • I also have a feather collection


  1. ^ "BioPhysics". University of Guelph. Retrieved 27 May 2011.

Freedom Wings