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Sinalau bakas

Sinalau Bakas is one of the most popular traditional foods in Sabah.

The name Sinalau Bakas is a KadazanDusun term for Smoked Wild Boar. Which is, the pig of the forest.

The pig is different from the ordinary pig. Here is an ordinary but awesome pig [1]

Wild Boar

Now , Sinalau bakas is made from Wild Boar ( Look at the pictures provided)


thumb|Wild Boar @ Pumbaa

What makes Sinalau Bakas tasty mainly because it has a distinguish forest and natural taste. When it is cooked with fire from woods, the taste becomes more potent, resulting to a long lasting sweetly, salty, and moist happiness in your mouth. The taste cannot be described in any language. You have to try it yourself.

When you are in Tamparuli Sabah, and you are heading to Kundasang or Ranau, Sandakan, you will see many Sinalau Bakas' stalls along the road.

The price is affordable and priced by Kilo(s).
