#!/usr/bin/perl # Insist that all variables be declared use strict; # Allow for utf8 characters use utf8; # Use the MediaWiki::Bot library use MediaWiki::Bot; # Use the Encode library use Encode; # Username my $user = 'Plasticspork'; print "User: $user\n"; # Prompt for password print "Password: "; my $pass = <STDIN>; # Removing trailing spaces/newlines from password $pass =~ s/[ \t\r\n]+$//; # Create an editor object on the English language WP my $editor=MediaWiki::Bot->new($user); $editor->set_wiki('','w'); # Turn debugging on, to see what the script is doing $editor->{debug} = 1; # Log in if( $editor->login($user, $pass) ) { print "Failed to login!\n"; exit; } # Specify the template to orphan, use 'Foo' for 'Template:Foo' my $template = "Foo"; # Specify what to state in the edit summary my $edit_summary='Orphan template per [[Wikipedia:Templates for discussion]]'; # Label edit as minor. This argument is optional. my $is_minor = 1; # Get the list of all transclusions in article-space (namespace 0) my @articlelist = $editor->what_links_here_ns("Template:".$template, 0); # Escape any characters used in regular expressions $template =~ s/([()\-\.\[\]])/\\$1/gi; # First character is case insensitive $template =~ s/^([A-Za-z])(.*)$/[\u$1\l$1]$2/; # Wikipedia allows for underscores and spaces in template references $template =~ s/ /[_ ]/gi; # Display the template regular expression for debuging purposes print "Regular expression: $template\n"; # Loop over all articles in the article list foreach my $articlestruct (@articlelist) { # Get the actual article name from the article structure my $article = $articlestruct->{'title'}; # Only want transclusions, not links if( $articlestruct->{'type'} =~ /transclusion/ ) { # Show which articles are being processed print "Processing: ".$article."\n"; # Pull the wikitext for the article my $text=$editor->get_text($article); # Remove the template from the article $text =~ s/{{[_ ]*(?:[Tt]emplate:|)$template[_ ]*[^{}]*}}[ ]*[\r\n]?//g; # Ask for confirmation to commit the changes print "Press enter to commit or s to skip\n"; my $response = <STDIN>; if ($response =~ /s/i) { print "Skipping...\n"; } else { # Submit to Wikipedia. # Note: This does not warn of edit conflicts, it just overwrites existing text. print "Submitting...\n"; $editor->edit($article, $text, $edit_summary, $is_minor); } # Take a break (frequent edits are forbidden per bot policy) print "Sleep 5\n"; sleep 5; } } # Custom module for namespace restricted "what links here" list sub MediaWiki::Bot::what_links_here_ns { my $self = shift; my $article = shift; my $ns = shift; my @links; $article = MediaWiki::Bot::uri_escape_utf8( $article ); my $res = $self->_get( 'Special:Whatlinkshere', 'view', "&target=$article&limit=5000&namespace=$ns" ); unless (ref($res) eq 'HTTP::Response' && $res->is_success) { return 1; } my $content = $res->decoded_content; while ( $content =~ m{<li><a href="[^"]+" title="([^"]+)">[^<]+</a>([^<]*)}g ) { my $title = $1; my $type = $2; if ( $type !~ /\(redirect page\)/ && $type !~ /\(transclusion\)/ ) { $type = ""; } if ( $type =~ /\(redirect page\)/ ) { $type = "redirect"; } if ( $type =~ /\(transclusion\)/ ) { $type = "transclusion"; } push @links, { title => $title, type => $type }; } return @links; }