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User:Playdramabuff/Scuba Lessons (play)

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Scuba Lessons
Written byJoseph Zeccola
  • Kelly
  • Coffee Guy
  • Martin
  • Rayne
  • Dan

Scuba Lessons is a play by Joseph Zeccola.A highlight followed with The Interview”, written by Dublin High student Tim Blair.  Not only was the play superbly authored but powerfully executed.  Listen carefully for a clever reference to The Office”.  In the tradition of short plays the plot twists to a satisfying conclusion.After a brief intermission the One Acts shifted gears and locations again - taking us inside a New York City subway train.  The it's not me, it's you” break-up cliché is taken in an unexpected direction - with entertaining results.  A group of friends and a dramatic twist lead to on-stage tears - and audience laughter.Arguably the most dramatic play was left for last - Itamar Moses' Men's Intuition”.  Combining riddles and ridicule this evening finale demanded much from the two young leads - they delivered.[1][2][3]


The play has mainly five characters:

  • Kelly
  • Coffee Guy
  • Martin
  • Rayne
  • Dan


External links[edit]

Performances and Videos[edit]

  1. ▶ Scuba Lessons - part 1 - YouTube-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdSSsML-jNk
  2. ▶ Blind Date Monologue from Scuba Lessons - YouTube-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BiykXl9W42o
  3. ▶ Monoblogs: Kelly's Awkward Blind Date - YouTube-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=juX36Urq6Sw
  4. ▶ Monologue from "Scuba Lessons" - YouTube-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzvN2vhJLUA
  5. ▶ Jasmine reciting "Scuba Lessons" - YouTube-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dt1EcbIT-DI

Online script links[edit]

  1. http://www.monologuearchive.com/z/zeccola_joseph.html
  2. http://www.one-act-plays.com/playwrights/joseph_zeccola.html
  3. http://www.theatrehistory.com/plays/scuba_lessons.html
