Poppa Wafer is a upcoming artist who is bound for greatness in his near future! His newest song in (2021) Named after his fear of how life goes by so fast as the feeling of himself leading in anyway he can. The name of the song is [1] “Time” Poppa always loved making music at a young age, starting from an old account dating back in 2015 named LilPeanut. Poppa wafer’s name is yet to be found but will be shown soon as he is figured out of identity. [Tale of the artist] In the time dating back to the summer of 2020 Poppa wafer had a YouTube channel named Ballistic Super Wafer This YouTube channel was filled with gaming fun and Old music that didn’t make it to Make it to the SoundCloud page in the future. After all was set he begun to set in and make more music. But now in the present time we wait for him to continue and enjoy the ride!