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Rong Fei 容妃
He Zhuo 和卓氏
BornOctober 11, 1734
Uygur Hetian region, China
DiedMay 24, 1788
Beijing China
Cause of deathIllness
Resting placeYuling Consort Mausoleum 裕陵妃园寝
Other namesHe Zhuo 霍卓氏、Rong Fei 容妃
SpouseQianlong Emperor
Relatives[[..]] (brother)

Rong Fei 容妃








South shore of the water not too far, A high pavilion centered in the road. Thehe painting is as real day and night, Recite now a verse as in days past.


    • 《清史稿 列传一 后妃传 214》:“又有容妃,和卓氏,回部台吉和札赉女。初入宫,号贵人。累进为妃。薨。” [1]
  • 《清史稿 列传一》:“又有容妃,和卓氏,回部台吉和札赉女。初入宫,号贵人。累进为妃。薨。”

Rong Fei

Born: October 11, 1734; died May 24, 1788.

Origin: Tibet, Uygur 维吾尔族

Family name: He Zhuo 和卓氏it

Other names: He Zhuo 霍卓氏、Rong Fei 容妃

   ".  Official rankings:
". Qianglong 
   ".    25th year 2/4 Gwei Ren 贵人
   ".    27th year 5/21 Ceremonial rank Rong Bing 容嫔
   ".    33rd year 10/26 Ceremonial rank Rong Fei 容妃
   ".    53rd year died from illness;
    .    buried Yuling Consort Mausoleum 裕陵妃园寝

Rong Fei history. [2] [3] [4] [5]


The story of a Qianglong 乾隆 Emperor favored consort Rong Fei 容妃 was embellished over time to folklore, transforming her into a fictional character Xiang Fei 香妃 around the early Republic era, 1920s.  Movies and TV series were made about the fictitious Xiang 香妃.

Consort Rong Fei 荣妃 满服 in Manchu robe.

The actual Rong Fei 容妃 was a cherished consort of Qianglong in his later years.  She was from an important Uygur clan family named He Zhuo 和卓 which helped Qianglong in quelling rebellions.  They are apparently from the Uygur Hetian region.  Qianlong moved the family to Beijing with all kinds of gifts and honors.  She was beautiful but 26 when taken into the palace as Gwei Ren 贵人 under the tutelage of the Empress.  Next year she became Gwei Bing 贵 嫔 and officially recorded. This was the 6th rank imperial consort. She went up steadily.  Two years later she was ceremonially inducted as Rong Bing 容嫔. Both the Emperor and Empress favored her. Qianglong directed a Minister and an Imperial Scholar 大学士 to compose records in her honor. She accompanied him on his 4th southern expedition 南巡 with other consorts in his 30th reign year. He decreed imperial gifts for her on 80 occasions. These included many ruyi 如意 in addition to exotic food and jewelry. [6]

Jade plaque with verse, Imperial gift to Rong fei 御赐蓉妃 乾隆

Qianlong thirty third year 6 month 5th day at 34, she became Rong Fei 容妃 in similar ceremony the next day.  She never climbed higher in the consort hiarchy.  But her actual position continued to ascend within the palace.  She often went on the southern and eastern expeditions.  In later years the higher ranking consorts died and Qianlong often did not replace them to the point that there was no Empress from his 31st reign year.   At a Yuanming Yuan 圆明园 宴会 banquet in his 46th year, she headed the first table on the west.  At the end of the same year she was 48 and seated second at the East first table for the Qian Qing Gong Great banquet 乾清宫大宴. She died seven years later of illness.  Afterwards she was buried in a golden coffin.  In the 1970s they measured her physicals, height 1.67m,  blood type O, etc. Remains of a Koran was found near her.

Rong Fei tomb

All of the above are recorded in the various ministry chronicles such as Ceremonies 礼部, Medicine 御医,etc.  Looks like Qianlong not only liked her, probably respected her.  No children so most likely neutral in succession plots.  She was tall, beautiful, intelligent, good natured, politically important and relatively neutral on Chinese, Manchu and eunach intrigues.  Probably a big help to Qianlong operating the palace which had no Empress for a long time and the last one died before her.

Rong Fei portraits copied from Castiglione oils were used for pictures of The fictional Xiang Fei. It's also said that her body wafted perfume naturally.  Hence the fictitious Xiang Fei 香妃 (fragrant consort) name.  The jade plaque is inscribed with a verse attributed to Qianglong who is known to have written over 45,000 poems and essays..  Seals conform to a known practice of two seals one for each character Qian and Long.  

December 19. 2019


Zhuge Liang (181–234) was a statesman of the state of Shu Han in the Three Kingdoms period.

Zhuge Liang, Chu-ko Liang or Chu-ke Liang may also refer to:

Zhang Fengju (1895-1986) was a 20th c. Chinese scholar educator.

Zhang Fengju, Zhang Dinghuang, Chang Feng-Chu may refer to


----------Sept 19. Test image


Qu Yuan seems ok.

Noes-------------------------------- test image <img src="https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/48702972361_c5be8bd1ea_h.jpg" alt="Wine Poetry Feast, Shanghai 鱼酒唱和会手卷" />


郭沫若(1892?11?16?[i]—1978?6?12?)左联 ?? 冯至 成仿吾(1897?8?24?—1984?5?17?)?? 张资平(1893?5?24?—1959?12?2?)?? 郑伯奇(1895?6?11?—1979?1?25??? 徐祖正(1894?—1978?5?)??

1921-22 Published in Creative Quarterly«创造»季刊: #4, "On the Road"«路

上»?«shelley»?«与闻天的通信一则» See photo 1923 «创造季刊»2?1? write introduction for 冯至 poem group "Return" «归乡»

    ncl[7] 001772906   P 820 5 8796  complete

1935 Witness for Feng Zhi 冯至 marriage ????????? 1925 "Ripples"«语丝»#15 Feb 6, "Baudelare"

   ncl   000195859    P 050 835 2

1925 «创造季刊» "Contemporary Review" Jan 24 and 31 issues, full 2 part

review of Lu Xun. Article titled "Mr. Lu Xun", coining the title used in huge

numbers to this day.

   ncl  001737681      P 050 8564    complete

«国民新报副刊» alternated Editor w Lu Xun




Camel  駱駝    http://www.bookinlife.net/book-473880.html  has table of





Guo Moru 郭沫若

You Dafu 郁达夫

Chen Fanwu 成仿吾(1897?8?24?—1984?5?17?)??

zhang ziping 张资平(1893?5?24?—1959?12?2?)??

Zheng Boqi 郑伯奇(1895?6?11?—1979?1?25???

Shu Zuzhen 徐祖正(1894?—1978?5?)??   

Ma Xulun 马叙伦、

Zheng Zhenduo 郑振铎

Shen Yinmo  沈尹默

Zhou Zhoren 周作人

Feng Zhi 冯至

Zhu Jiahua 朱家骅

Zhu Gongliang 朱公亮 Zhu Shiming 朱世明 

Shang Zheng 商震..


Vignette, a Poetry Fest


A fish and wine poetry fest handscroll... Guo Moru 郭沫若 first met  Shen  Yinmo  沈尹默 at Zhang Fengju 张凤举 residence in 1921.  When Guo returned from Japan in 1937, they had a feast at the Jinjiang Hotel with Zhang Fengju and his new bride Zhang Weijun ,  沈迈士, and 褚保权夫妇、Following the feast they toasted each other with impromptu poetry lines while Shen Yinmo wrote simultaneously to produce a joint handscroll.  Everyone signed or chopped his seal.  This is a http://a0.att.hudong.com/37/27/50200009239445155564278809887_s.jpgform of traditional literary entertainment.  Dated November 8, 1937 at Jinjian Hotel.

The first stanza was between Shen Yinmo and Zhang Fengju, 1st line probably by Shen, then Zhang, alternatingly.


Only drank my own wine, already heady with drink, the jade is so green, rouge is extra red, fish abundance for today, Where is the rhyme, Moro steals a look, Clever to bend and bow." chopped Shen Yinmo 沈尹默 and Zhang Fengju 张凤举.

From 2011 Fall auction, Works of Art, 江苏万达国际拍卖有限公司

0262 鱼酒唱和诗卷 手卷 水墨纸本


江苏万达国际拍卖有限公司 > 2011年秋季艺术品拍卖会

0262 鱼酒唱和诗卷 手卷 水墨纸本


作   者     沈迈士   沈尹默   郭沫若   张凤举


题识:1.面条要板板,冷水再冲冲。玉箸拈之碧,椒油拌以红。命长增口福,运大足心雄。省得聪明误,聋盲备一 躬。十一月五日,与尹默、保权、凤举夫妇共饮于锦江。尹默答余冲字韵诗,即席步韵成一即事之作。余才短,未能立即唱和,归后始得此。今(余)日复应尹默 招,地同人同,尹默复带有良纸佳笔,因书出之,奉尹默先生。郭沫若,廿六年十一月八日于锦江。




郭沫若早年书迹少见,此卷为1937年11月8日,郭沫若与沈尹默、褚保权夫妇、张凤举、沈迈士在上海锦江饭店小聚共饮时,酒后众人兴起 留下的墨宝。1921年,郭沫若与沈尹默初识于张凤举寓所,1937年抗战爆发,郭氏从日本回到上海,沈尹默为其安排住处,二人来往十分密切,鱼酒联吟的 趣事,即发生于此时。

Diary page, Zhang Fenju meets Pu Yi Concludes evidence document at War Crimes Tribunal were counterfeits

Pu Yi 溥仪

Zhang Fengju Diary Pu Yi Meeting, Aug. 29, 1946. The USSR captured Pu Yi at the end of WWII. Zhang was asked to verify the writing on a fan and a document used to incriminate Pu Yi at the War Crimes Tribunal. The items were used as evidence against Pu Yi. This page describes the meeting August 29, 1946.

"August 29, 1946.

Afternoon near the USSR Embassy under their supervision met Pu YI. who wore a blue suit. Shook hands with every visitor. Showed great warmth when meeting us. After arriving Tokyo, he apparently went all around the cityand beyond. Very ordinary appearance. Physically healthy. Did not talk much. Said "The Japanese went to our Nanjing. Did not expect us to be in Tokyo today.." When departing said "We shall meet again". Did not seem feminine (reputed). Witnessed him write each word. Can conclude that the writing on the fan and the document in question are both counterfeits. Pu Yi's attitude at the War Crimes Tribunal and also today were quite good. He did not betray the Republic of China."

Last Emperor

end notes--------------------------------

  1. ^ Twenty Five Chronicles. 二十五史. Shanghai Guji Press. -. 上海古籍出版社. 1986. pp. 清史稿 后妃传列传一. ISBN 7-5325-0464-6.
  2. ^ "Rong Fei Imperial Consort of Qianlong 容妃 清高宗的妃子". Baidu.baike.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  3. ^ "Imperial gift to Rong fei 御赐蓉妃". Flickr.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  4. ^ Millward, James A. "A Uyghur Muslim in Qianlong's Court: The Meaning of the Fragant Concubine". The Journal of Asian Studies. 53 – via Jstor.
  5. ^ 中国皇后全传(第3版). The Contemporary World Press. 2018. ISBN 7509014042.
  6. ^ Liu Li. 刘力 (2008). Qianlong. 乾隆传. https://books.google.com/books?: Beijing Book Co. Inc. ISBN 9787999037996. {{cite book}}: External link in |location= (help)
  7. ^ Library國家圖書館Established19331949LocationTaipei, National Central; TaiwanBranchesN/AAccess; TsengWebsitewww.ncl.edu.tw, useCirculationLibrary does not publicly circulateOther informationDirectorShu-hsien. "National Central Library - Wikipedia". en.wikipedia.org. Retrieved 2019-07-14.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  8. ^ Library國家圖書館Established19331949LocationTaipei, National Central; TaiwanBranchesN/AAccess; TsengWebsitewww.ncl.edu.tw, useCirculationLibrary does not publicly circulateOther informationDirectorShu-hsien. "National Central Library - Wikipedia". en.wikipedia.org. Retrieved 2019-07-14.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)