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Guilherme Cercal Augusto, 03/18/1991 Founder of Fusion Festival Brasil (Curitiba - PR) and self-taught in the study of music, he has his own way of absorbing and composing tracks. He began to play and produce at the age of 16 (2007) in Curitiba, his hometown, going through various styles of e-music until he knew the genres of Psytrance. In 2011 he started the Quantiks project with the intention of achieving solidity and maturity within the nocturnal psytrance. In the first 4 years of project, Cercal (as it is called by his friends) devoted to study and experimentation. During this period he also defined his style and in 2016 performed his first live performance. Always focusing on the dance floor, Quantiks is a danceable night fullon, with Sci Fi & SfX atmospheres, added to the melodies with subliminal expressions elaborated under varied themes, which fall to the "quantum" points of view of life.