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The editing and censorship of the Bible

This article will discuss the historical changes that have been made, by way of editing, censorship, misinterpretation and mistranslation to the original text found in scrolls and codex ( ancient books) that make up The Bible.This applies to both the Old and New Testaments Before getting into these changes, here is some history behind these changes. Beside Genisis the events, people and places described in the bible took place over several thousands of years ago and before the English language was even thought of. This was a time when if something was to be shared or taught to others, it was spoken out loud not read. Writing was an expensive practice that normally only the rich or well off could afford to do. Pen (and ink) and parchment was not easily or widely produced. The Pope even made it illegal to own an unauthorized copy of the bible. A short time later people performing unauthorized translating of the bible would have been burn at the stake with their work. This happened to John Wycliffe, he was burned at the stake for translating the bible into English in 1415. Then in 1517 seven people were killed for teaching their children "The Lord's Prayer" in English instead of Latin.

The original scrolls and codex (books) that had the first know accounts of the gospel, were written in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. The first complete English translated Bible was called the "Great Bible" in 1539AD. The King James version wasn't wrote until 1611 with 80 books in all. The Apocrypha was officially removed from it in 1885 with only 66 books remaining. In 1782 the first bible printed here in America, called the "The Robert Aitken's Bible". The Dead Sea Scrolls weren't found until 1947, so this left a very long time period for things to change without anything to be able to perform some fact checking with.