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Ring Ceremony Rituals[edit]

This ritual is usually performed at Bride's place where in a Bride's father offers her daughter to[edit]

Ring Ceremony Rituals

Groom and then only the Groom and Bride exchange ring. After that Groom is presented with[edit]

golden chain with many other gifts. Than after the couple seeks for Allah's blessings for their[edit]

healthy and happy future.[edit]

Wedding day
Reception day

Wedding day RITUALS[edit]

On wedding day, the groom and his family Along with relatives and invitees go for ceremony of NIKKAH.[edit]

The MORH (SEHRA) is being tied to the grooms head and is placed on the motorcar. with the lamp lit for[edit]

the household deity the grooms mother set forth for the marriage venue along with a musician band.[edit]

Reception day[edit]

After the Nikah, the families will come together and host a WALIMA (MAGGIGE BANQUET). The[edit]

Walima usually acts as the wedding reception, so this is the event where there will be dinner,[edit]

opportunities to congratulate the couple, take pictures with them and present gifts.[edit]