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User:RAYOLIVERESQ/Leslie Kenton

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

LESLIE KENTON is an author and daughter of the celebrated pianist and bandleader, Stan Kenton. Ms. Kenton has published 35 books on beauty, health and well being.

Her private life was recently documented in an auto biographical expose about her father's dysfunctional ability to extend paternal love to his daughter.

In her book Love Affair, Leslie Kenton, describes her suppressed emotions and memories as a child. The memoir describes an incestuous relationship between Ms. Kenton and her publicly celebrated father , Stan Kenton. Although Love Affair describes an illicit and dysfunctional sexual relationship between Ms. Kenton and her father, Ms. Kenton has couched the sexual abuse as a love affair, in the same context as conventional concepts of love and sex.


Kenton, L. Love Affair: The memoir of a forbidden father-daughter relationship, Random House, 2010