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Edward5010 ...

Edward5010 revolutionised hacking on the online game called Runescape, accumelating immense ammounts of real life profit through his "No Honour" (As referred to on Runescape) ways. His methods of hacking on Runescape were later adopted by other games such as World of Warcraft & Warhammer Online. Edward5010 also became widely known through his Divine lure, it was the first of its kind & became a viral video. Whilst also conducting these activities he maintained his position as the leader of the reuputable clan Australian Army which was founded in 2007 by Edward5010. Australian Army is the undisputed #1 Australian clan & has broken into the top 10 several times. Australian Army is the main reason behind his success in the hacking scene.


2004 - March - Edward5010 created his account on Runescape

2007 - January - Edward5010 created the clan Australian Army

2011 - February - Edward5010 lures his first Divine (He lures 4 more over the next 12 months, but this was the most significant one)

2011 - August - Edward5010 gets involved in the 'hacking' scene on Runescape

2011 - October - Edward5010 hacks & cleans the website Tip.it for over $35,000 USD

2012 - January - Edward5010 hacks & cleans the website Zybez.net for over $40,000 USD

2012 - January - Edward5010 hacks Zezima, the #1 RS player for 5 years.


Whilst his methods are generally unknown to the public, it has been specified by people who have helped in the past that he obtains massive Runescape community forum databases (With the help of a hacker named Sigex3). From these he attempts to log into every users RS accounts using the same username & password as they used on the forum. This method has been around for a while, but the ways in which Edward5010 organises himself & the use of others to help him thoroughly 'clean' databases for all they're worth is where he gains his fame.

"Sweat Shops" (As we're told he calls them) consist of people he pays to manually log into the accounts. All accounts which successfully log in are then passed over to his "cleaner". The cleaner then extracts all the accounts wealth, the "cleaner" then passes the account on to his "dumper" who then sells the wealth to Chinese bulk buyers for real life profits (USD). Whilst this is happening Edward5010 effectively does nothing whilst paying his workers minimal wage.

His methods of luring is again unknown fully to the public, but its essentially a single to multi lure. His social engineering skills allow him to lure close to anybody into Australian Army's "South DD" located East of the Edge lure. Australian Army & Edward5010 managed to lure Sparc Mac, 5 divines & countless bils of gold (Worth over $20,000 USD) using this method.



{{Urban Dictionary - http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=edward5010 - Accessed April 21 2012 Edward5010 Hacks Zezima - http://ph-rs.com/index.php?/topic/119-edward5010-hacks-zezima/ - Accessed April 21 2012 Edward5010 Lures Divine - http://wn.com/Edward5010_Lures_Divine - Accessed April 21 2012 Australian Army's Website - http://www.aa-rs.net - Accessed April 21 2012 Edward5010's Personal Gold Shop - http://aa-rs.net/index.php?/topic/6375-065m-edwards-trusted-gold-shop-065m/ - Accessed April 21 2012}}

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