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rahul yadav born on 30/03/2001 he stay in vasai and he is a professional football player at pune city fc and he's starting club was almighty fc coach name was ibrahim ikedia he was also international player at niergira football team in year 2000 he already make is carrier in football.As from 7th standard he started playing from the ambassador high school vasai. Already went out from many countries like Spain, Portugal, russia,swedan ,etc and he playes gothiya cup in England in year 2014 now he is invited to New York for trials of the nycfc team he had played many tournament like kenkre, Nationals etc he always have tension about his future . But he has plan something for future if any person dont think about future that means he cant stay in present properly in his life he like jankidevi public school very in he also meet nikhil pujari national player indian football team .rahul like photography. if u want to follow him facebook page Rahul yadav and on instagram rahulyadav3317 same for twitter