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User:Raizaboy/Jews from Żelechów

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New article name goes here Żelechów, a town in In Poland, that have a recorded history of existence of more than 700 years. Most of the people living on the towm where of the jewish faith, mostly farmers, and leather craftmen.

Prior to WW2 many of the jews of Żelechów, emigrated to other parts of the world, I will try in this article to document to a certain extent, where did this jews end up.

For history about the town itself you can read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C5%BBelech%C3%B3w

I, Myself am a descendant of the jews from Zelechow, my Surname is Cybulkiewicz, so I will start with this familys journey from Zelechow to South America.

The first Cybulkiewicz to arrive in Colombia, South America was Alter Baruch Cybulkiewicz, a shoe and boot maker. He emigrate dto Colombia in 1927, traveled by himself living his family behind, until he was stablished. His wife and Zelechow born children arrived in 1931-32. A bit later his brother Moises "Fete" Cybulkiewicz arrived.

Alter Cybulkiewicz, help many Zelechow's jews, at the port of entry wich was at the time, Puerto Colombia. He also Help many other Jews that arrived from all over Europe.



Most of the jews arriving in Colombia prior to the war arrived trough the city of Barranquilla, and arrived at the port of Puerto Colombia.


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