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User:Rajbaz/Rajput draft

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                                         RAJPUT-THE ROYAL WARRIOR RACE.

A Rajput (prince or son of a king) is member of the world,s most ancient and Indian_Subcontinent,s traditional and hereditary ruling, warrior and landlords caste.Rajputs are also known as Rajanyas(kings),Kshatriyas(warriors),Aryas(nobles,lords,honurable),Rajaputras(sons of kings or princes),Thakurs(landlords).Rajput is a power wielding caste,class or race.Rajputs use various titles.Rajputs are addressed as Raja Sahib,Rana Sahib,Rai Sahib,Rao Sahib,Rawal Sahib,Thakur Sahib etc.The main title is Raja(king) and every Rajput adult and child is addressed as Raja Sahib or Raja Ji(Your Highness).Rajputs have been ruling the .Indian_Subcontinent for thousands of years.The instituition of kingship may have been created by Rajput ancestors in the world.


BRAHMA is the ancestor of the Rajputs.Brahma had two sons, ATRI AND MARICHI.Atri was the first Rishi(sage or prophet) to whom the VEDA was revealed.The fifth Mandala or chapter of the Rigveda is attributed to Rishi Atri.Rishi Atri is the founder of Atri GOTRA.Atri,s son was Samudra, Samudra,s son was SOMA, INDU, OR CHANDRA or the moon.CHANDRAVANSHI Rajputs (the moon dynasty) claim Soma,Indu or Chandar as their ancestor and belong to Atri Gotra.

BRAHMA,S OTHER SON WAS Marichi.Marichi,s son was KASHYAPA.Kashyapa was second rishi to whom the veda was revealed.The eighth Mandala or chapter of the Rigveda is attributed to Rishi Kashyap.Rishi Kashyapa is the founder of Kashyap Gotra.Rishi Kashyapa,s son was Vivashvant or Surya the Sun.SURYAVANSHI Rajputs (the Sun dynasty) claim Vivashvant or Surya as their ancestor and belong to Kashyap Gotra.


'XUAN ZANG,' The Chinese historian in his histories on book ii chapter 11 says that "the Indian society is divided into four classes.The second is called Kshatriya the royal caste.For ages they have been the governing class: they apply themselves to virtue and kindness".

  • Then on chapter 12 Xuan Sang says"The succession of kings is confined to the Kshtriya caste, who by usurpation and bloodshed have from time to time raised themselves to power.Although a distinct caste, they are regarded as honourable (Aryas or lords)".He calls Rajputs Kshatriyas and ARYAS and says that they are a distinct caste.Here is the link[1].


XUAN SANG on chapter one, paragraph one says that India is known by various names e.g. Sindhu and Hindhu etc.He wanted to know what was the real name of India and what was the correct pronunciation, so he made some enquiries.He was told that the correct pronunciation is Indu.In his book he calls India INDU.The ancestor of Chandarvansh or the moon dynasty is also called INDU, And Chandarvanshi Rajputs are also known as Induvanshis.King Indu could have given the name India to India and also the name Hindu to the Hindu religeon.Hindu could be corruption of Indu rather than the river Sindhu.In his Annals TOD has also speculated that Indu could be the origin of the names India and Hindu.People generally think that India is a new name which came into use during British period but in fact it is an ancient name which was used by Greeks in Alexander,s time.The Greek historian megasthene,s called his book INDIKA and the name India was used by both Greek and Roman historians.TBC.Rajbaz (talk) 16:03, 25 January 2011 (UTC)