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User:Ramkumail/TSR Rice mill

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TSR Mills TSR mills was founded by T.S.Ramasamy in the year 1970 as a trading company for agro and agro based commodities in Muthur, Tirupur, Tamil Nadu, India. It started as merchandising company for procuring from farmers around the region to move them to wholesale traders. It grew in to a wholesaler itself in 1980 and started value addition of agro products in 1985 by leasing a rice mill in Kuttappalayam. It started in own rice milling facility in the year 1984 in Mettankattu valasu but continued its focus in the trading of other agricultural commodities. In 1990 it expanded the infrastructure for rice mill. In 1995 it started its own value addition facility for ground nut and coconut. In 2000 the value addition facility was closed. In the same year it expanded the rice milling unit and then rice bacame its only business. It continued to modernise its facilities to stay relevant. It became known for IR20 variety of rice in the markets it served mainly because the variety was grown in the region by large number of farmers and it had specific characteristics due to climatic and soil conditions of the region and processing techniques used by the mill. In 2012 it started coconut oil plant and once again diversified its business.


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