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Complete blood count
Analyte Result Normal range
Red cell count 5.5 x 1012/L 4.5–5.7
White cell count 9.8 x 109/L 4.0–10.0
Hemoglobin 123 g/L 133–167
Hematocrit 0.42 0.35–0.53
MCV 76 fL 77–98
MCH 22.4 pg 26–33
MCHC 293 pg/L 330–370
RDW 14.5% 10.3–15.3
An example of CBC results showing a low hemoglobin, mean red cell volume (MCV), mean red cell hemoglobin (MCH) and mean red blood cell hemoglobin content (MCHC). The person was anemic. The cause could be iron deficiency or a hemoglobinopathy.Adapted from Blann and Ahmed (2014).[1]

Blood film in chronic myeloid leukemia

Left: blood film from a person with chronic myeloid leukemia, a myeloproliferative disorder; many immature and abnormal white blood cells are visible. Right: Example of CBC results in chronic myeloid leukemia. The white blood cell and platelet counts are markedly increased, and anemia is present. The differential count shows basophilia and the presence of band neutrophils, immature granulocytes and blast cells.[2]
Complete blood count
Analyte Result
White cell count 98.8 x 109/L
Hemoglobin 116 g/L
Hematocrit 0.349 L/L
MCV 89.0 fL
Platelet count 1070 x 109/L
Analyte Result
Neutrophils 48%
Lymphocytes 3%
Monocytes 4%
Eosinophils 3%
Basophils 21%
Band neutrophils 8%
Metamyelocytes 3%
Myelocytes 8%
Blast cells 2%

Blood film in chronic myeloid leukemia

Complete blood count
Analyte Result
White cell count 98.8 x 109/L
Hemoglobin 116 g/L
Hematocrit 0.349 L/L
MCV 89.0 fL
Platelet count 1070 x 109/L
Analyte Result
Neutrophils 48%
Lymphocytes 3%
Monocytes 4%
Eosinophils 3%
Basophils 21%
Band neutrophils 8%
Metamyelocytes 3%
Myelocytes 8%
Blast cells 2%
Left: blood film from a person with chronic myeloid leukemia, a myeloproliferative disorder; many immature and abnormal white blood cells are visible. Right: Example of CBC results in chronic myeloid leukemia. The white blood cell and platelet counts are markedly increased, and anemia is present. The differential count shows basophilia and the presence of band neutrophils, immature granulocytes and blast cells.[3]
  1. ^ Blann, A et al. (2014). p. 106.
  2. ^ Harmening, DM. (2009). p. 380.
  3. ^ Harmening, DM. (2009). p. 380.