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Phase Dispersion Minimization (PDM) is a data analysis technique that searches for periodic components of a time series data set. It is useful for data sets with gaps, non-sinusoidal variations, poor time coverage or other problems that would make Fourier techniques unuseable. It was first developed in 1978 [1] and has been widely used for astronomical and other types of periodic data analyses.


PDM is a variant of a standard astronomical technique called "data folding". This involves guessing a period for the data, and cutting, or "folding" the data into multiple sub-series with a time duration equal to the trial period. The data is now plotted versus "phase", or a scale lof 0->1, relative to the trial period. If the data is truly periodic with this period, a clean functional variation, or "light curve" will emerge. If not, the points will be randomly distributed in amplitude.

PDM Analysis[edit]

The PDM analysis divides the folded data into a series of bins and computes the variance of the amplitude within each bin. These bin variances are then combined and compared to the overall variance of the data set. For a true period the ratio of the bin to the total variances will be small. For a false period the ratio will be approximately unity. A plot of this ratio versus trial period will usually indicate the best candidates for periodic components.


  1. ^ "Period Determination Using Phase Dispersion Minimization," Stellingwerf,R.F., Ap.J. 224, 953, 1978.