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360 degree combustion engine

360 Degree Combustion Rotary Engine
360 Degree Combustion Rotary Engine

360 Degree Combustion Rotary Engine


It is the world's first 360 degree combustion engine. The reciprocating combustion engine currently in use burns only 180 degrees. Internal combustion engine fuel can only be designed to burn at 180 degrees .As the fuel only burns at 180 degrees, the engine efficiency is only between 25 - 30 .180 degree internal combustion  engine makes the more polluting. It is a technology developed in India to reduce air pollution by increasing efficiency .patent No 422457


60-degree rotary internal combustion engine with a triangular rotor featuring an internal Zindle rcurve ring gear is disclosed. Said engine comprises a triangular rotor featuring an internal Zindler curve-shaped ring gear and a planetary spur gear configured to mesh with said Zindler curve-shaped ring gear. The planetary gear also meshes with a fixed center spur gear, a rotatable circular casing concentrically encompassing the rotor. An air combustion chamber is formed in the space between the casing and rotor, and circular covers are fixed to the sides of said casing, respectively, to create an air-tight closed structur

working method

patent No422457
Patent No422457

The rotary internal combustion engine comprises an equilateral triangular rotor having a Zindler curve-shaped ring gear on its inside surface, wherein a planetary gear is so-disposed to mesh with the said ring gear. The planetary gears mesh with fixed central spur gear. The Centre spur gear is mounted on a shaft, wherein one end of the shaft is disposed of through a hole provided on the side cover on the output side. It is movably fixed on said covers employing bearings.  The central spur gear is stationary, wherein said stationary central spur gear is provided to facilitate the rotor to trace an eccentric path when it turns. Specifically, the planetary spur gear is configured to mesh simultaneously with the Centre spur gear and the Zindler curve-shaped ring gear of the rotor. When the rotor turns, it follows an eccentric path around the centre spur gear. The planetary gear shaft is fixed to the rotor covers The equilateral triangular rotor with Zindler curve-shaped ring gear. Corner seals are provided on both sides of the equilateral triangular rotor casing to prevent gas leakage from the combustion chambers during the combustion process. the thickness of the rotor is identical in all directions. Such a design helps to keep the overall weight of the rotor less.Said design also aids in cooling the rotor during operation and helps apply lubrication when required quickly. The present design uses a rotor cooling mechanism that uses water or air (gravity Centre).

The rotor is encompassed inside a circular rotor casing.  The rotation is at different angular velocities, in the ratio of 3 : 1. For every 3600 rotation of the casing, the rotor turns by 1200. Two circular covers are fixed to the sides of said casing respectively, to make it an air-tight closed structure. Inlet and exhaust ports are provided on the casing for the intake and exhaust of gases, respectively. The casing further features a provision for installing one or more spark plugs to aid the combustion of the fuel in the combustion chamber The electric circuit powering the spark plugs is partially provided on the casing, wherein continuity of said circuit is ensured utilizing a carbon brush arrangement. Expressly, an electric carbon brush is provided, wherein said brush remains in Constant contact with a concentric copper ring mounted on the axis, therein facilitating the continuity of said electrical circuit even during the operation of the engine. The power to operate the spark plug is provided by the magnetic coil which is fixed outside the rotor casing, The magnetic coil is encompassed in a rotatable outer casing fixed on the output shaft. The rotation of the rotor is balanced through a ball-groove mechanism the steel balls fixed at the Centre of each edge of the rotor are configured to roll through the oval path/grooves provided on the rotor covers. The movement of the balls in the grooves helps the rotor to maintain its rotation along an oval-shaped path, which keeps it stable. In one embodiment, the shape of the grooves is a distorted oval. The shape of the grooves varies with the overall size of the rotor. Said ball-groove mechanism aids in causing the radial load to exert only on the faces of the equilateral triangular rotor

working operation



Zindler curve is a closed curve in a plane such that all chords which cut the curve length

into equal halves have the same length. Consider the following parametric equation for a

real parameter ’b’ for a simple mathematical illustration.

                                                             Z(v) = X(v) + iY (v)

                                                                      = e i2v + 2e −iv + be iv/2      v ∈ [0, 4π]                (1)

For b > 4, the curve is a Zindler Curve. The derivative of Equation (1) and its absolute

value are given below.                                              

zindler curve ring gear
zindle rcurve ring gear1 234

                                                           Z’(v) = i(2e i2v − 2e −iv + (b/2 )e iv/2 )

                                                            |Z’(v)| 2 = Z’(v)Z’(v)* = 8 + (b2 /2)− 8cos3v             (2)

From this it is evident that |Z’(v)| is 2π-periodic. Then for any fixed value of the variable,

say v0 , the following equation holds, which is half the length of the entire curve.

                                             ∫  v0v0+2π |Z’(v)dv =  ∫0 2π  |Z’(v)dv                              (3)

The chord length, which divides the curve into two halves, can be shown to be independent

of v0, the reference point. These chords are bounded by the points Z(v0 ) and Z(v0+ 2π)

zindler curve
zindler curve

for any choice of the reference point v0 ∈ [0, 4π]. The length of such a chord is

                                                     |Z(v0+ 2π) − Z(v0 )| = |2beiv0/2 | = 2b                                (4)

The following plots show the curves for a different choice of the parameter b. For b = 4,

the chord meets the curve at one additional point and is not a Zindler curve. The simplest

of all Zindler curves is a circle[12][13]. Figure 1 shows the behavior's of Equation (1) for

four different values of the parameter b.

Working Operation


The invention discloses a 3600 rotary internal combustion engine with a triangular rotor featuring an internal Zindler curve ring gear. As illustrated in Figure 6, the working cycle comprises four strokes: i) Suction stroke, which completes in 00 − 3600 of crank rotation, ii) compression stroke that completes in 00 − 3600 of crank rotation, iii) expansion stroke that completes in 00 − 3600 of crank rotation, and iv) exhaust stroke, which completes in 00 − 3600 degree of crank rotation. The motor is started using self-motor, which rotates the shaft causing the casing to rotate, therein inducing rotation on the planetary gear, which in turn turns the Zindler curve-shaped ring gear and hence the rotor. Per the preferred embodiment, the relative speed of rotation of the casing and the rotor is 3:1. For every 360 0 rotation of the planetary gear, said gear runs over 20 teeth of the inner ring gear of the rotor.During the suction stroke, fuel is sucked into the combustion chamber, wherein the suction stroke completes in 00 − 3600 of crank rotation. The compression stroke completes in 00 − 3600 of crank rotation. Subsequently, the expansion stroke commences, wherein the fuel is ignited bythe spark plug, wherein the said stroke completes in 00 − 3600 of the crank rotation. The exhaust stroke after expansion also completes in 00 − 3600 of crank rotation. Therefore, every stroke in the IC engine of the present invention happens over 00 − 3600 of the crank rotation. The rotation of the rotor causes the planetary gear to rotate, wherein said rotation of the planetary gear causes the side covers and hence the casing to rotate, wherein said rotation is transferred to the central shaft at the output side. Figure 6 depicts the operation cycle of the engine.


  • Konrad Zindler: Über konvexe Gebilde. II. Teil, Monatshefte für Mathematik und Physik 31 (1921), 25–56.
  • H. Martini, S. Wu: On Zindler Curves in Normed Planes, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 55 (2012), 767–773.
  • J. Bracho, L. Montejano, D. Oliveros: Carousels, Zindler curves and the floating body problem, Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 49 (2004), 9–23.
  • P. M. Gruber, J.M. Wills: Convexity and Its Applications, Springer, 1983, ISBN 978-3-0348-5860-1, p. 58.