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User:Richard Wayne Storm III

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Hello I am a young man age 26, roots of the Storm family line. My ancestors are of many decent, mainly of Germanic, Norwegian, Irish,also Italian, Native American (Cherokee) and (Wayandotte), it's alot to claim of myself, but I do have a nag for history and a buff if youd like to call it that. But my family has alot of promises of success too Ralph W. Emerson the poet in which I have a poetry skill, Naturally mastered the poetry genre's. Dirck Storm also a figure of family history as well. I won't claim anything more until I have learned more of events and archives of my family's chest. Which my family of mother's parents (Emerson)-(Wampler) (Kilgore) (Moore).!) Father's side (Storm) (Cottone) also~~ no further information of the others. But a brief description of where I'm coming from as my blood and ancestors were possibly and well sure of. TBC...