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This is a sandbox, I believe. It will be used as a space to edit the Hamstringing page without making edits to the actual article. Riley.oconnell (talk) 14:01, 26 March 2013 (UTC)

Hamstringing is a method of crippling a person or animal so that they cannot walk properly by severing tendons in the thigh of the individual. It is used as a method of torture, or to incapacitate the victim.


Hamstringing is used primarily to incapacitate a human or animal and render them incapable of effective movement. The severing of the hamstring muscles results not only in the crippling of the leg, but also in tremendous pain [1] common to heavy laceration. For this reason hamstringing has been used as a form of torture, often resulting in the death of the victim.


In humans the hamstring extends between the hip and knee joints. The hamstring muscle group is made up of the biceps femoris, semitendinosis and semimembranosus. [2] It facilitates both the flexing of the knee and hip extension[3] , making it a vital contributor to normal leg movement. By severing these muscles or the tendons involved in this process, normal leg movement is disrupted. In addition to sustaining massive bleeding, the injured leg becomes useless and the victim is rendered lame. The severing of the hamstring is usually accomplished through use of a blade such as a knife or sword.

Medical Treatment[edit]

Due to a lack of research in the field of critical hamstring injuries, the current injury management is quite limited.[4] Management of the injury is based solely "on clinical experience, anecdotal evidence and the knowledge of the biological basis of tissue repair."[5]Therefore even with current medical science a victim of complete hamstringing is almost certain to die, due to severe bleeding. The irreversible nature of this torturous method is likely to either kill or permanently maim the victim, with no help from medical science.

Use in Language[edit]

Literal, to hamstring an individual by severing the tissues of their hamstring. As a metaphor "to be hamstrung" suggests having limitations, externally imposed or not, preventing full freedom of movement or utilization of resources.[6]

Biblical References[edit]

  • Rendering chariot horses lame by hamstringing is mentioned in the Bible, called houghing in the King James Version,[7] from an old spelling of hock. This is seen as a positive use of hamstringing use because it prevented those horses from being used in warfare.
  • This is in contrast to Simeon and Levi, who hamstring cattle/oxen for cruel reason. This kind of animal abuse is frowned upon by God, as written in Genesis 49:5-7[8]
  • David, ordered to hamstring the warhorses, refrains from injuring 100 of the beasts.[9] These horses were kept by kings who built large armies for their own protection. [10]


  1. ^ http://www.hamstringinjury.net/hamstring_injury_signs_and_symptoms.html Hamstring Injury.net, Hamstring Injury Relief and Help Guide
  2. ^ Hoskins, Wayne; Pollard, Henry (2005). "Hamstring injury management—Part 2: Treatment". Manual Therapy (10): 1. doi:10.1016/j.math.2005.05.001.
  3. ^ http://www.livestrong.com/article/151904-what-is-the-purpose-function-of-the-hamstring/ Brughelli, Matt. (2011)
  4. ^ D'Alessandro, P; Wake, G; Annear, P. (2012). "Hamstring Pain and Muscle Strains Following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: A Prospective, Randomized Trial Comparing Hamstring Graft Harvest Techniques". {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  5. ^ Hoskins, Wayne; Pollard, Henry (2005). "Hamstring injury management—Part 2: Treatment". Manual Therapy (10): 1. doi:10.1016/j.math.2005.05.001.
  6. ^ http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?search=hamstring
  7. ^ Book of Joshua, Chapter 11, Verse 9 (King James Version)
  8. ^ Genesis, Chapter 49, Verses 5-7 (New King James Version)
  9. ^ 2 Samuel, Chapter 8, Verse 4 (New King James Version)
  10. ^ 1 Kings, Chapter 22, Verse 4 (New King James Version)