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FIRST NOTE, on the second log-in:

I just logged in and was notified that Wikipedia does not have a user page with this exact name. In general, this page should be created and edited by User:Robindustygraves.

   * To start a page called User:Robindustygraves, type in the box below. When you are done, add an edit summary and select Save page. Your changes should be visible immediately. 

So that I am typing this in to create a FIRST USER PAGE for Robindustygraves, again, wondering what happened to the first FIRST USER PAGE for robindustygraves.

Robindustygraves 16:49, 18 June 2006 (UTC)

SECOND NOTE: March 7th 2015

In the past 9 years every single one of "MY" email web sites and log in web sites has been hacked. Wikipedia had every single page that I commented on so badly filled with spam that the pages were completely DELETED - most notably, any page on the REAL " John Kenneth Hutchison ", inventor and experimenter in Vancouver,(city) British Columbia, (Province), Canada. Someone even went to the bother of extensive searches to ADD a page about a John Kenneth Hutchison who was a banker in Toronto a hundred years ago. All web presence of Dr. (Doctor Phd) Judy Wood, was deleted as well, since both of these people were involved in the explanation of the FAKE 911 Twin Towers fiasco and cover-up... I note that I have a web page on burning WATER instead of gasoline in your car, and not only has all of my web presence been spammed ( and still is, with fake web sites that list "ROBINDUSTYGRAVES" repeatedly on fake pages to divert real web searches), but that some of the electronic components, such as a MOSFET ( Metal Oxide Silicon Field Effect Transistor ) that I list, have the identical format of spam on fake web pages to divert valid web searches! This is a clue to the source of the spammer/hackers - since the format of the fake web pages is typically qn2.subfake.fakepage.XX/2x4 . Looking up who-is for fakepage.XX usually finds the owner is " PRIVACY PROTECT. COM" or some hidden-URL service. The fact that the spammers used the identical format to create fake pages FOR A TRANSISTOR ! ! ! speaks clearly of their intent... These internet trolls or spam artists spend massive amounts of time online, and would have to have some INCOME from some source, which I can only guess at -- this becomes more clear when they go to the bother of spamming electronic parts... I would advise people who are working with STRING THEORY "new and improved" science, in the fields of free Energy ( like Searle, Stanley Meyers, Charles Pogue (carb), John Hutchison, etc. ) to be very careful, and use fake email and names. The ARABS offered Stanley 1 BILLION Dollars for his patents, before he was killed... (as Jesse Ventura says "Follow the Money"! ) I made a donation to the periodic WIKIPEDIA fund, along with a comment that wikipedia is a valuable resource, BUT, is sourced with so much propaganda and garbage that any high-school student with access to a REAL library would see that entire web pages are full of absolute, outlandish lies and garbage, that you would wonder who is in charge! -- CASE IN POINT, Christopher Columbus, with statues all over North America ( I will load pictures of his statue in British Columbia at the Exhibition Grounds when I get a chance) is listed as an Italian son of a weaver from Genoa, who discovered North America. His son, who became an historian, educated at a fine University, paid for with the plunder from Islands and Slave Trade, wrote a book about searching for his relatives in Italy, and not finding a since trace. This text has been available for hundreds of years, and yet Wikipedia, and all North American text books list Columbus as :"ITALIAN" from Genoa... Real researchers, going over Columbus notes and writings, find he is Jewish, could not even write Italian, - and he never set foot on South, Central, nor North America. Most of his life was deliberately fabricated, and he found GOLD on the tropical islands, which, when he had it analysed in Europe, clearly came from Black, African traders, who regularly travelled across the Pacific to the islands, and who are depicted in murals in Mayan cities!... Thus, Columbus KNEW that "AFRICANS" "discovered" the Americas, long before he arrived... Why the entire WIKIPEDIA page of absolute garbage on Christopher Columbus? Anyone who BOTHERS to read his own writings, his own notes, and the text books of his University Historian son and other contemporary historians, would clearly see that 90% of the Columbus page on Wikipedia is garbage... Unfortunately, many OTHER subjects are either garbage, or, in the case of the pages on the Vancouver genius and inventor, John Hutchison, ( the HUTCHISON EFFECT) or co-author, Dr. Judy Wood, have been simply DELETED. ( If you can't lie, don't say anything? ? ) Thus, I use wikipedia, and value it, but see clearly that the staff at wikipedia are not entirely "VOLUNTEER" since there seems to be deliberate manipulation, censorship, and control, to less-than-honest ends in the TRUTH.... robin dusty graves, robindustygraves.com, robindusty.com, robin-dusty-graves.com, dustygraves.com, kidbots.com, gravitationalresearch.com, March 7th, 2014. robindustygraves@gmail.com ( note, that from the first day that I signed in, listing my Name, address, and Phone numbers, someone with administrative privileges went in, deleted my signatures, my information, my log-ins etc. and then, had the spammer/hacker/trolls rant on for pages about my lack of sign-in details! - go figure- !)