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User:Rogério Brito/Books/Garbage

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Collection of Diverse Theorems

Definitions of Linear Algebra
Characteristic polynomial
Minimal polynomial
Bilinear form
Definite bilinear form
Positive-definite matrix
Gram matrix
Circulant matrix
Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse
Representation theory
Involution (mathematics)
Jordan normal form
Definitions of Modules
Module (mathematics)
Direct sum of modules
Indecomposable module
Semisimple module
Simple module
Universal property
Free object
Exact sequence
Definitions of Category Theory
Pullback (category theory)
Pushout (category theory)
Dual (category theory)
Fiber bundle
Equaliser (mathematics)
Duality (mathematics)
Definitions of Projective Geometry
Projective geometry
Homogeneous coordinates
Projective plane
Projective space
Finite geometry
Fano plane
Special Groups
Matrix group
General linear group
Special linear group
Orthogonal group
Projective linear group
Unitary group
Special unitary group
Modular group
Braid group
Symplectic group
Möbius transformation
Spectral theorem
Cayley–Hamilton theorem
Moore–Penrose pseudoinverse/Proofs
Schur's lemma
Maschke's theorem
Special Matrices
Toeplitz matrix
Hermitian matrix
Hessenberg matrix
Tridiagonal matrix
Sparse matrix
Initial Applications
Least squares
Linear least squares
Local ring
Representation theory of finite groups
Group representation
Finite field
Decompositions and Algorithms
Gaussian elimination
Gauss–Jordan elimination
LU decomposition
Cholesky decomposition
Symbolic Cholesky decomposition
QR decomposition
Singular value decomposition
Eigendecomposition of a matrix
Jacobi eigenvalue algorithm
Numerical stability
Kalman filter