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User:Roxy Lopez

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Roxy LopezItalic text is the founder of The Truth Denied Talk Radio, http://www.thetruthdenied.com/Italic text website and CHEMTRAILS KILL on Facebook, as well  Youtube Channel. Roxy's  background is Musician, entertainer, writer, author, Radio show talk show host of THE TRUTH DENIED TALK SHOW RADIO My interests are  world wide consipracies with a focus on Geoengineering, Chemtrails, Aerosols, GMO, Agriculture,  & Environment.

I speak English. I am a student of Martial Arts, avid book reader, internet reader and researcher, and I find that Wikipedia is a good source of information, constantly evolving.

Official BioItalic text Roxy LopezItalic text is a native Hawaiian who has spent most of her adult life in the music industry as a major label recording artist and performer. She is also a published author & Radio Talk Show host of The Truth Denied Talk Radio, as well as the founder of one of the most popular alternative media tabloids called THE TRUTH DENIED .The Truth Denied acquired worldwide attention when Lopez made a global stance against Geoengineering (aka Chemtrails), GMO’s, Fracking , environmental health hazards, Morgellons Disease, Gang stalking and illegal government Surveillance programs that are increasingly on the up rise. Roxy opens the can of worms to the secrets that the Global Government is keeping from us all.

LopezItalic text has appeared in several documentaries, and has been interviewed by countless news channels such as KPHO, CBS, Intel Hub, LA TIMES, along with countless other radio and TV interviews. Her work is featured on over a thousand websites worldwide!” Author and world renowned speaker, Mr. Sean David Morton refers to Lopez as a “Conspiracy Factualist”. She has been endorsed by congressional candidates such as Mr. Steve Susman of Texas and California Candidate John Fitzgerald. After serving as chairman of the board for an environmental committee for 4 years Lopez had been asked to run for congress in the state of Arizona but passed.

Lopez has an ongoing Radio Program entitled http://www.thetruthdenied.com and has been hosted on several networks including the GIC Network, American Freedom Network, Rev Radio, and DAVID ICKE’s THE PEOPLE’S Voice in the UK and USA.

Mission: To expose corruption in an effort to kick start Humanities critical mind in an effort to make the necessary changes required for a life of freedom, health, and happiness!Italic text

Lopez is also an investigative journalist covering subjects such as Geoengineering, aka. “Chemtrails”, Morgellon’s Disease, GMO Foods, Morgellons Disease, Gang stalking, The military Industrial Complex, the war on Vaccines, Synthetic Biology, HAARP, Agenda 21, NWO, ET’s, UFO’s, and the rise of the New World Order.

WEBSITE: http://www.thetruthdenied.com You Tube: The Truth Denied Facebook: Roxy Lopez Contact: info@thetruthdenied.com

“Awareness is half the battle; the other half is taking Action. There is nothing more important than creating awareness so that we can make the changes that are abundantly clear for me as an investigator, yet completely invisible to most. Awareness is the key to the changes we are all seeking, unifying & creating new ideas as a society is mandatory. The truth can no longer be denied.“ ~ Roxy Lopez of the Truth Denied