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国际商务硕士(Master of International Business),是国外商学院提供的一种硕士学位。学习年限为1至2年,通常为全职学习。它的目标是为公司经理增加在全球化时代的能力和资源。



  • International business
  • International political economy
  • Learning of languages
  • World cultures.


  • Strategic planning for international operations
  • Organizational capabilities required for international operations
  • International marketing
  • International finance
  • Human resource management.
  • Imports and exports
  • Intercultural communication

The degree may be thought of as an MBA with a particular focus on multinational corporations.








Business Analysis and Decision Making 
Cross Cultural Management and Teamwork 
Cooperation and Conflict in World Trade 
Management Competencies
Asian Business and Management
Managing the Multinational
International Human
Global Corporate Governance
International Human Resource Management
Global Corporate Strategy
Trade Policy, Politics and Governance
Politics and Business in Post-Mao China
Corruption in Today’s World
Globalisation and China
The EU and Globalisation
Master of International Business





United States



Core Requirements (15 hours)

  • IBUS734 – International Business Negotiations. (3) An advanced examination of how decision makers in business and government settings manage the process and outcomes of negotiations. Cross-cultural negotiations in a global business environment.
  • IBUS705 – Sustaining the Global Enterprise. (3) Examines the management of strategic, structural, and informal processes within multinational corporations; and how to lead a global workforce.
  • IBUS706 – Nation States, Regional Networks and Global Markets. (3) Introduces conceptual frameworks to understand globalization and the changes taking place in the international political economy, and the interactions of governments and global organizations. (New course)
  • IBUS707 – Comparative Institutional Systems. (3) Introduces conceptual perspectives for understanding economic events in the global economy; and a comparative view of national institution-based systems.
  • POLI710 – Introduction to International Relations. (3) An introduction to the field of international relations, including causes of war, world order, international distribution of wealth, durability of state system, and the individual in the world system.

International Business Electives* (6 hours)

  • IBUS711 – Global Corporate Valuation. (3) Application of key corporate valuation models in evaluating different business situations facing multinational corporations.
  • IBUS713 – Global Financial Markets. (3) Advanced issues in the structure of global financial markets, including the Eurobond, foreign bond, syndicated credit, Euronote, and swap markets.
  • IBUS715 – Foreign Market Entry and Growth. (3) International market selection, foreign market entry, and growth and regional expansion strategies.
  • IBUS716 – Cross-border Alliances and Joint Ventures. (3) Strategic management of cooperative strategies (e.g., joint ventures, strategic alliances, cooperative agreements).
  • IBUS718 – Consulting and Organizational Development in MNCs. (3) Restructuring and transformation initiatives within multinational organizations as internal consultants and/or change agents.
  • IBUS732 – Comparative Management. (3) Cross-cultural analysis of management theory and practice in select countries and regional markets.
  • IBUS735 – International Mergers and Acquisitions. (3) Practical skills to effectively transact international mergers and acquisitions. Focus given to essential strategic, financial, organizational and legal factors.
  • IBUS736 – Strategic Management of Global Supply Chains. (3) Strategic frameworks for designing and managing global supply chains, including management of operational practices from an international perspective.
  • IBUS738 – International Business and Sustainable Development. (3) An introduction to international environmental and social management issues that affect an organization’s sustainable development initiatives.
  • ECON705 – Economic Development. (3) Overall view of problems of economic development, including its history and relationship to the modern world. Brief consideration is given to such noneconomic factors as political, sociological, and cultural environments. Basic theories of growth are presented and critically evaluated.

International Studies (International Relations/Comparative Politics) Electives* (6 Hours)

  • POLI719 – Politics and Social Change. (3) Systematic survey, analysis, and comparison of major contemporary theoretical works on political and social change.
  • POLI724 – Religion and Politics. (3) Religion as a factor in the comparative politics and international relations of states and societies.
  • POLI733 – International Organization. (3) Examination of theoretical and substantive problems relating to the development and functioning of international intergovernmental and nongovernmental organizations.
  • POLI734 – Economics of International Politics. (3) Study of the international political significance of economic issues relating to monetary reform, trade, aid, and economic development.
  • POLI737 – Nationalism and Politics. (3) Proeminar on the politics of nationalism from both the political sociology and international relations perspectives.
  • LAWS784 – Transnational Law (3) A survey course focusing on the actors, sources, and principles of international and transnational law.

Foreign Policy Elective* (3 hours)

  • POLI731 – Government and Politics of Latin America. (3) This course examines the nature of democracy and democratic transitions, the relationship between economic and political development, and the causes and effects of different economic development strategies in Latin America.
  • POLI746 – Chinese Foreign Policy. (3) A seminar on the Chinese tradition in foreign policy and the foreign policies of the Republic of China and the People’s Republic of China, emphasizing the impact of domestic Chinese affairs on their foreign relations in the post-World War II period.
  • POLI747 – Japanese Foreign Policy. (3) A seminar on the foreign policy of Japan with emphasis on the post-World War II period and on the analysis of Japanese objectives and capabilities in international relations.
  • POLI749 – International Relations of the Middle East. (3) Foreign policies and international relations of the Middle East, focusing on relations within the region and with the West and Soviet bloc.
  • POLI781 – Government and Politics of Japan. (3) Explores the key institutions, actors, and processes of contemporary Japanese domestic politics.
  • POLI782 – Problems in Chinese Government and Politics. (3) The Chinese political tradition as it has merged with Communist theory and practice with special attention to problems of regionalism, localism, and central planning.
  • POLI783 – Dynamics of Middle East Politics. (3) The comparative politics of the Arab countries and inter-Arab relations. Comparative analysis is used to study common political problems (authority, participation, integration) and political structures. Aspects of inter-Arab relations analyzed include: Arab unity, the Israeli conflicts, and East-West competition.
  • POLI784 – Government and Politics of Europe. (3) Proseminar in European politics. Themes include party systems and voting behavior, parliamentary politics, public policy, democratization and privatization in Central and Eastern Europe, and research on the European Union.
  • POLI785 – Contemporary Russian Politics. (3) An examination of current domestic issues in Russia and other states of the former Soviet Union, focusing on the institutions, processes, and results of policy decisions.


Cross Cultural Management
Economics of Business I	
International Business Theory
Professional & Research Methods
Quantitative Methods for International Business

Globalization of Innovation
European Business
Global Perspectives on Enterprise

Foreign Market Entry Strategy
Debates and Controversies in International Business
International Strategic Management

Business Ethics
Chinese Business
Managing and Exploiting Intellectual Capital
The Emerging Markets
The Economics of China

Middle East


South America



Global Human Resources
Human Resource Management in Japan
Multinational Enterprises and Strategy in Asia
Strategic Technological Innovation in Asia
Business Environment: Political Economy of Asia
Corporate Social Responsibility: A Japanese Perspective
International Retail Markets
Strategic Financial Management
Japanese Economy
Strategic Communication in Global Business
Advanced Seminar in Global Business
Leadership in Global Organizations
Business and Society in Japan
Creative Industries in Global Markets