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  • Brown, Peter Harry, and Daniel G. Abel. Outgunned. New York: Free,2003. Print
An Insight into gun laws and firearms lawsuits
  • Cukier, Wendy, and Victor W. Sidel. The Global Gun Epidemic. Westport:Prager Security International, 2006. Print
Looks at the societal impact of firearms
  • Davidson, Osha Gray. Under Fire. 1st edition ed. New York: Henry Holt and Compoany, 1993 Print.
A look at the NRA and gun politics
An informative article about the 1897 shotgun
A timeline listing when the different guns started being produced
Information pertaining to the model 1897 Shotgun
Instructions for the operation and maintenance of the Winchester Model 1200 shotgun
  • Levy, David. IMI UZI 9mm Model B Information and Accessories. Software Maintenance, Inc., 16 Aug. 2004. Web. 24 Jan. 2009. <http://www.uzi.org/>.
Instructions for the operation, maintenance, shooting, and accessories of the IMI UZI 9mm Model B
  • O'Connor, Jack. "Rifle." The World Book. Vol. 16. Chicago: Field Interprise Educational Coorporation, 1967. 314-16. Print.
A background on rifles
Military manuel about the model 1200
A website regarding Winchester firearms
  • Williamson, Harold F. Winchester. 1st Edition ed. Washington DC: Combat Forces, 1952. Print.
A book about the history of Winchester firearms
Brief History about the Model 1200
Brief History about the M-1917 Bayonet
Assembling and disassembling the model 1897
  • David, Miller. The Illustrated Directory of Guns. Cordwainers: Collin Gower Enterprises, 2005. Print.
Description of the model 1897