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We need to save this planet!

StrikeForLives(SFL) is a community organization which is active since October, 2019. Its run by all the youngsters who have vowed to work for spreading and augmenting the dwindling awareness about the contemporary time's natural issues; a mission wanting to educate and instill the fading love for nature and the lives in it by trying to wake up the  'HUMANE Human' from inside the masses!

This mission has'nt born out of a single, specific incident, instead it has been seeded collectively  in every incident, every event, every moment that has witnessed harm and injustice to an innocent life, and one such everyday incident's occurrence triggered the images of all the past incidents unveiling the truth in the face that the world that we live in will not be a beautiful place if we don't 'want' it to be, anymore.

We need to save them!

And that's how STRIKE FOR LIVES came into existence. With the youth's 'want' to live in a world that deserves better.

The aim is simplistic and not far-fetched, but that doesn't make it any less ambitious. The simplistic, not-so-far-fetched yet ambitious aim is to bring mother Earth the greenery she has been born with. The greenery that nourishes us even today and even will despite itself being on the verge of 'mortal extinction'.

The organization conducts plantation drives every month since its establishment. And the members of the group as its rightful parents feel proud to say that in little time, their baby organization with the humongous strength of its will, on its little feet has successfully planted 54 saplings.

We save them!

In order to headstart your green life, SFL has something in it's bag for you, and that is: A Challenge.

A challenge to everyone to take the

#ONE TREE RESOLUTION for planting at least 1 sapling/tree every month, which is the least a human can do to repay nature its huge debt.