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User:Sahleykid/Jonathan Watt

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Jonathan Watt
==Degrees Received==

Ph.D. Linguistics, 1995, University of Pittsburgh M.A., Linguistics, 1987, University of Pittsburgh M.Div., 1982, Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary B.S. Magazine Journalism, 1978, Syracuse University Courses Taught

Cultural Anthropology Multiculturalism & Globalism Cross-Cultural Conflict State Religion & Culture Dynamics of Groups at Work Research Methods Old Testament Introduction New Testament Introduction Old Testament Prophets: Daniel Old Testament Poetry: Psalms Old Testament: Pentateuch New Testament: Pauline Epistles New Testament: Book of Hebrews New Testament: Gospel of Matthew New Testament: Book of Romans New Testament: Corinthian Epistles New Testament: Catholic Epistles Inter-Testamentary Studies Biblical Archaeology (OT and NT) Advanced ESL Reading English Composition Research Writing English Grammars History of the English Language Early Church Experience Patristic & Medieval History Reformed Presbyterian History Hellenistic Greek Grammar I Hellenistic Greek Grammar II Intermediate Greek Reading Greek Exegesis Septuagint Greek Adv. Greek Reading & Linguistics General Linguistics Applied Linguistics Sociolinguistics Historical Linguistics Language and Religion Languages of the World World of Islam Jihad vs. McWorld 20th Century Jewish Experience Persp. on Judaeo-Christian Heritage Research in Missions & Culture Research Methods Applied Research Project World Christian Movement Cultures of Biblical Times Liberation Theology Church and Mission Old Testament Ministry Principles New Testament Ministry Principles Spiritual Formation Leadership in Mission & Ministry Crisis Ministry Presentations/Publications

Forthcoming – Exegetical/Critical Commentary on Colossians and Philemon. In the Brill Exegetical Commentary Series. Stanley E. Porter and Andrew W. Pitts (General Editors). E.J. Brill: Leiden. 2012. The Leader’s Bible – New Testament. Editor/translator for Synoptic Gospels, Acts and I, II Thessalonians. 400th Anniversary Edition of KJV. 2011 “The Community Diminutive.” Paper on pragmatics of diminutive suffixes for presentation to the Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, Nov.19, at San Francisco. 2011. Critical review of Tope Omoniyi (ed.), The Sociology of Language and Religion. Palgrave/MacMillan, 2010. In: Language Policy – vol. -forthcoming, 2011. “Language Policy and Religion.” Ch.18 in Spolsky, Bernard (Ed.). Cambridge Handbook of Language Policy. Cambridge University Press. (With Christina B. Paulston), 2010. “A History of Greek with Reference to the New Testament” and “Some Implications of Bilingualism for New Testament Exegesis.” Two chapters in: Stanley E. Porter & Andrew W. Pitts, Eds. Studies in the Language of the New Testament, Vol.1. Leiden: E.J. Brill. 2010. “A Short Study of Greek Diminutives.” Paper presented to the Biblical Greek Language and Linguistics Section of the Society of Biblical Literature, Atlanta, Nov. 20, 2010. “Hermeneutic Implications of Bilingualism with Reference to Matt.5:22.” Paper for presentation to the Biblical Greek Language and Linguistics Section of the Society of Biblical Literature annual meeting, New Orleans, Nov.21-24, 2009. “The Contribution of Bilingualism to an Understanding of the Nature of New Testament Greek with Implications for the Exegesis of Phil.2:6-11.” Paper for presentation to the New Testament and the Greek Language Section of the Evangelical Theological Society annual meeting, New Orleans, Nov. 18-20, 2009. “Talking with the Dead: Linguistics and Pedagogy of Hellenistic Greek.” In: S.B. Porter and M.B. O’Donnell (Eds.). The Linguist as Pedagogue: Trends in the Teaching and Linguistics Analysis of the Greek New Testament. New Testament Monographs, 11. Sheffield Phoenix Press. 2009. “Religion as a Domain of Intercultural Discourse.” In Section Five of Kiesling, Scott, Elizabeth Rangel and Christina B. Paulston (Eds.). Blackwell Handbook of Intercultural Discourse and Communication.” Blackwell Publishing. 2009. “A Brief History of Ancient Greek with a View to the New Testament.” In Vol.1 of Porter, Stanley E. and Andrew W. Pitts (Eds.). Studies in the Language of the New Testament. Leiden: E.J. Brill. 20093 “Religious and Sacred Literacies.” Ch.25 in Blackwell Handbook of Educational Linguistics. Bernard Spolsky and Francis Hult, Eds. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. (With Sarah L. Fairfield.) 2008. “Religious Language as Social Ideology.” Paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, Nov.16, 2007, in San Diego, CA. 2007. “Religious and Sacred Literacies.” Ch.25 in Blackwell Handbook of Educational Linguistics. Bernard Spolsky and Francis Hult, Eds. Forthcoming - Oxford: Basil Blackwell. Co-authored with Sarah L. Fairfield, 2006. “What Can Educational Linguistics Offer Religious Organizations?” Paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, Nov.15-17, 2006, in Washington D.C. “Register Shift Conflict of Working Class College Students.” Paper for presentation at the 10th New Zealand Language and Society Conference. Christchurch, New Zealand, August 19-20, 2006. Linguistic Ideological Conflicts in Students from Working Class Backgrounds.” Paper presented at the 3rd Annual Conference of the Arts and Humanities, Honolulu, HI, Jan.13-16, 2005. Editor & Contributor, Pro Gloria Christi: Essays in Honor of Edward A. Robson. Published in Beaver Falls, PA and Oswego, NY, 2005. “Talking with the Dead: Linguistics and Pedagogy of Hellenistic Greek.” In: S.B. Porter and M.B. O’Donnell (Eds.). Studying the Greek New Testament: Papers from the SBL Greek Language and Linguistics Section. Sheffield Phoenix Press, Forthcoming. “Pronouns of Shame in the Gospel of Luke.” Geneva Review, Vol.2. pp.18-25, 2005. “Contextual Disconnections in Lost Christianities.” Paper presented to the annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society in Philadelphia, PA, Nov.17. Published in: Journal of Greco-Roman Christianity and Judaism. Fall 2006 (www.macdiv.ca/jgrchj). “Socio-Cultural Domains and the Parable of the Sower.” Paper presented to the annual meeting of the Biblical Greek Language and Linguistics Section of the Society of Biblical Literature, in Philadelphia, PA, Nov.21, 2005. Awards & Distinctions

Excellence in Scholarship Award, Geneva College, 2004-2005 Moderator of 174th Synod (2005) of Reformed Presbyterian Church Affiliations, e.g., membership in professional organizations, etc.

Society of Biblical Literature Evangelical Theological Society




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