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Salibhu Zwakawapano is the second born son of Esmond Zvakavapano and Mary Chinyanga.

He did His primary education first at Mhizha Primary School in Highfield Harare up to grade 3 and transferred to Nechavava Primary School in Buhera.

He moved back to Harare to start his secondary school at Kwayedza. From Kwayedza having finished his Form 4 he went to National Commercial College for his form 6 education. While still on National Commercial College he gave his Life to Jesus and attended church at Glad Tidings Fellowship in Glen Norah Highglen.

He became an Usher, youth leader and cellgroup leader before leaving for South Africa.

Before he went to South Africa after he married Emily Agere he went to Botswana for work and came back again to Zimbabwe. He had a white wedding with his wife Emily and were blessed with their first born son Shown Zwakawapano.

As a family they then moved to South Africa were he worked. In 2010 He started a church ministry called United Assembly Church and other 3 people in Molweni KZN. He became an elder in that church after having appointed one of his co founders as the Pastor. He begat his second child in 2011 and named her Angel Nyasha

3 years later he opened another branch in Qheto with his evangelism team and became the leader of that branch. The branch grew but after a year His company sent him to Cape town for a month and while he was there the Qheto branch collapsed. When he returned from Cape Town he built the church from ground again and it grew. He was ordained to be a Pastor by his senior Pastor. He resigned from his job at Down to Earth Technologies to look for another job that does not sent him away from church. After a month he got another job at Drensky Technologies as a technician and driver and was assigned a company car.

By that time he had two Children Shown and Angel. In 2016 he left United Assembly Church and started a church called One Accord Ministry