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Hiroshima and Nagasaki story One summers day on a nice summers day I woke up to the sound of bells ringing people to go to church. He prayed and worshiped the Japanese god I love god and everyone is untitled to there own opinion.i went to bed and I said everything will be ok tomorrow. When I woke up at 6.30am on 6th of August 1945 as the sun rose gently above my bed that day I was sitting down in my living room ready to go to school to learn about subjects.Then all of a sudden I felt a cold shiver down my spine like as if I was hoping for the bomb to fall I said to my friend did you feel the cold shiver too. I have to go to the bathroom I said silently. I went to the toilet at 8.00am I went back to my classroom quickly. And then all of a sudden a light sprung up into the sky like one thousand suns. The windows pelted across the classroom hitting my teacher and my peers my friend fell of his chair and smacked the ground hard. I flung myself into a corner as I saw the mushroom cloud rise above the beautiful city of Hiroshima. But now it was was more like the radioactive city of Hiroshima I opened my eyes in amazement to see fire and bodies with glass in . I stood up with anger wishing the Americans dropped the bomb on the vulnerable city of Hiroshima.I walked out of my school not beliving my eyes I was alone cold and depressed from what I had witnessed I saw building in constant pain and fire.I smelt smoke and ash it was awful I shouted mumand dad but I could never see them.Then I realised I was on the path back to my home. But on the way I saw people in pain I cheered them up and helped them.Before I got to my house I saw a man and a women walking towards me it was mummy and papa my elder sister kashtin was was fine and so was my lovely family .I found my house in pieces as the man in the house other than my dad I got medicence,food and fluids. People were suffering of lukimia and radiation sickness . The next day I felt a cold breeze on my back.My dad was now suffering and was in constant pain.I made him better to go so he would live and I found a tablet I gave it to him and he was better in the next second it was a miracle.Me and my family wondered around the city again it was so sad I felt awful for them people who died.I felt dust on my back and I saw a flower growing from the soil I loved the grass.people say Hiroshima was a accident but it was a total disaster what a horrible thing that happened. So then we lived our lives and lived happily ever after and rebuilt the city again. This is the effects of what people had to Handel in Hiroshima. I wrote this story because I wanted to show people what happened to the people of Hiroshima.