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I have several MOSes to guide design for now, namely for U.S.: IndigoBook (public domain), MaroonBook (UC Law pdf}, and some open BlueBook-based primers; for U.K. and Commonwealth: Oscola (UWL guide pdf) and AGLC (USyd guide and pdf) so far; and for EU: Oscola and EU court guides.

U.S. styles


IndigoBook uses periods, MaroonBook doesn't, but otherwise the U.S. structure is similar:



Christopher Sprigman; Jennifer Romig; et al., eds. (2021). "The Indigo Book: A Manual of Legal Citation" (2d ed.). Public.Resource.Org.

Based on public-domain (CC-0) release of Bluebook v10 (1950-something), so virtually identical, but only covers US law.

See table T19 on how legal doc and academic doc styles differ. We should use whatever is convenient to conform enough to CS1/CS2. Smallcaps->italics for compatibility.

Academic text: (litigants/case-name italicized inline, but not in footnotes) (note from page source: federal statutes and bills are not in smallcaps)

Caption text
Header text Header text Header text
Federal constitution U.S. Const. art. I, § 8, cl. 8. U.S. Const. art. I, § 8, cl. 8.
State constitution Ga. Const. art VIII, § IV. Ga. Const. art VIII, § IV.
Federal statute 42 U.S.C. § 1983. 42 U.S.C. § 1983. not smallcaps
Session laws FASTER Act of 2021, Pub. L. No. 117-11, 135 Stat. 262 (2021).
Bill (not enacted) H.R. 3054, 117th Cong. (2021).
Hearing Protecting Federal Judiciary Employees from Sexual Harassment, Discrimination, and Other Workplace Misconduct: Hearing Before the H. Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property, and the Internet, 116th Cong. (2020), https://www.congress.gov/event/116th-congress/house-event/110505.
  • H.R. Rep. 117-27, at 5 (2021).
  • S. Rep. No. 99-146, at 363, as reprinted in 1986 U.S.C.C.A.N. 42, 412.
  • H.R. Rep. 117-27, at 5 (2021).
  • S. Rep. No. 99-146, at 363, as reprinted in 1986 U.S.C.C.A.N. 42, 412.
State statute Colo. Rev. Stat. § 13-90-107 (2021). Colo. Rev. Stat. § 13-90-107 (2021).
State statute with topic convention N.Y. Gen. Bus. Law § 349 (McKinney 2021).
Rules, restatements, model rules, and uniform acts
  • Fed. R. App. P. 32(a).
  • Restatement (Third) of Agency § 2.01 (Am. L. Inst. 2006).
  • Unif. Trade Secrets Act §1(4) (Unif. L. Comm’n 1985) (as amended).
  • Fed. R. App. P. 32(a).
  • Restatement (Third) of Agency § 2.01 (Am. L. Inst. 2006).
  • Unif. Trade Secrets Act §1(4) (Unif. L. Comm’n 1985) (as amended).
Federal and state cases South Dakota v. Wayfair, Inc., 138 S. Ct. 2080 (2018). South Dakota v. Wayfair, Inc., 138 S. Ct. 2080 (2018). else if in footnote: South Dakota v. Wayfair, Inc., 138 S. Ct. 2080 (2018).
Book Anjali Vats, The Color of Creatorship: Intellectual Property, Race, and the Making of Americans (2020). Anjali Vats, The Color of Creatorship: Intellectual Property, Race, and the Making of Americans (2020). (Note that editor, translator, and edition information is in regular caps, not small caps like the author and title.)
Chapter in collected work Sung Hui Kim, The Ethics of In-House Practice, in Lawyers in Practice: Ethical Decision Making in Context (Leslie C. Levin & Lynn Mather eds., 2012). Sung Hui Kim, The Ethics of In-House Practice, in Lawyers in Practice: Ethical Decision Making in Context (Leslie C. Levin & Lynn Mather eds., 2012).
  • Cases:
    • Cunningham v. State, 822 S.E.2d 281, 285 n.4 (Ga. 2018) (Hunstein, J.) (“And that’s all she wrote.”)
    • Brown v. State, 216 S.E.2d 356, 356-57 (Ga. Ct. App. 1975) (reversing conviction)
    • Couch v. Durrani, 2021-Ohio-726, ¶ ¶ 9-15 (Ct. App. 2021).
    • United States v. Leggett, 23 F.3d 409 (6th Cir. 1994) (unpublished table decision).
    • Dep’t of Revenue v. James B. Beam Distilling Co., 377 U.S. 341, 349 (1964) (7–2 decision) (Black, J., dissenting).
  • Unreported/pending
R10.2 Case postfix parenthetiticals hierarchy
(date) [hereinafter <short name>] (en banc) (<Lastname, J.>, concurring) (plurality opinion) (per curiam) (alteration in original) (emphasis added) (footnote omitted) (citations omitted) (quoting <another source>) (internal quotation marks omitted) (citing <another source>), http://www.domainname.com (explanatory parenthetical), prior or subsequent history.
R12.3 Omission
  • In general, do not indicate the departments or divisions of intermediate appellate courts. (Except when such information is pertinent to making a point in the article text)
    • Correct: Hamel v. Emp. Sec. Dep't, 966 P.2d 1282 (Wash. Ct. App. 1998).
    • Incorrect: Hamel v. Emp. Sec. Dep't, 966 P.2d 1282 (Wash. Ct. App., Div. 2 1998).
  • If the identity of the court is clearly and unambiguously indicated by the reporter’s name, do not include the court in the parenthetical information with the year.
R14.1 Case history
  • When citing a case, include the subsequent history of the case, subject to several exceptions. Refer to Table T14 for how to abbreviate explanatory phrases when introducing case history. Italicize the explanatory phrase.
    • In re Verizon Internet Servs., Inc., 257 F. Supp. 2d 244 (D.D.C. 2003), rev’d on other grounds, Recording Indus. Ass’n of Am., Inc. v. Verizon Internet Servs., Inc., 351 F.3d 1229 (D.C. Cir. 2003).
    • B.L. v. Mahanoy Area Sch. Dist., 964 F.3d 170 (3d Cir. 2020), cert. granted, No. 20-255 (Jan. 8, 2021).
R16.1 US Code
  • <Name of Act [optional]>, <title> U.S.C. § <section number>.
    • Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, 21 U.S.C. §§ 301-399i.
  • Year optional for current sections of the United States Code; mandatory for historical versions
    • Communications Act of 1934, 47 U.S.C. § 223 (2012 & Supp. I 2013).
  • Annotated/Service
    • <title> U.S.C.A. § <section number> (West <year opt.>).
  • Statutes: <Name of Statute> <original section number>, <title> <Abbreviation for Name of Statutory Code> § <section number> <(<Name of Publisher, but only if citing unofficial code> <year published>)>.
    • Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 § 103, 17 U.S.C.A. § 1201(e) (West).
  • Official Session laws: <Name of Statute,> Pub. L. No. <____>, <original section number>, <volume> Stat. <page number>, <page pinpoint> <(year passed)>.
    • Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Pub. L. No. 111-148, § 1101, 124 Stat. 119, 141-43 (2010).
  • Rules of Procedure:
    • Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(b)(1).
  • Restatements:
    • Restatement (Third) of the Law Governing Lawyers § 2 cmt. e (Am. L. Inst. 2000).
  • Uniform Commercial Code: U.C.C. § <section number> (<publisher> <year published>).
    • U.C.C. § 9-105.
    • U.C.C. § 9-105 (Am. L. Inst. & Unif. L. Comm’n 1977).
  • Proposed rules: <Title of Proposed Rule> , <Volume> Fed. Reg. <Page> , <(proposed on <date rule was proposed>)> (to be codified at <intended C.F.R. citation>)>, <URL where Proposed Rule can be found>.
  • Comments: <Commenter’s name>, Comment on <Proposed Rule Being Commented Upon, including optional citation in the Federal Register (<date>) <(date of comment filed)>, <URL of Comment if available and helpful>.
  • Other
    • Unif. Trade Secrets Act § 1(4) (Unif. L. Comm’n 1985) (as amended).
    • Mo. Code Regs. Ann. tit. 15, § 30-200.030 (2020).
  • Adjudication:
    • Tegna, Inc., 367 N.L.R.B. No. 71 (Jan. 17, 2019).
  • Parallel citations:
  • Landrys Inc., 199 L.R.R.M. (BL) ¶ 2103 (N.L.R.B. Div. of Judges June 26, 2014).
  • Amazon, Inc. and Amazon Logistics, Inc., File No. 1923123, 2021 WL 489846 (FTC Feb. 2, 2021) (agreement containing consent order), https://www.ftc.gov/system​/files​/documents​/cases​/amazon​_flex​_order​_with​_no​_signatures.pdf.
  • Committee hearings: <it><full title of hearing>: Hearing on <bill number, if any> Before the <name of committee or subcommittee></it>, <number of the legislative session> <optional pincite to page number> <abbreviation for the state’s name from Table T12> <year of publication> <name and title of speaker>.
    • Cell Tax Fairness Act of 2008: Hearing on H.R. 5793 Before the Subcomm. on Commercial and Administrative Law of the H. Comm. on the Judiciary, 110th Cong. 12 (2008) (statement of Zoe Lofgren, Member, H. Comm. on the Judiciary).
    • Testimony from invited guests addressing the use of eminent domain in the State: Hearing before the Assemb. Commerce and Econ. Dev. Com., 2006–2007 Sess. 5 (N.J. 2006) (statement of Guy R. Gregg, Assemblyman).
  • Reports and other legislative material: <name of house, in small caps> Rep. No. <number of the Congress, followed by a hyphen and the number of the report>, <at optional pincite> <year of publication> <parenthetical to indicate conference report, if applicable>.
    • H.R. Rep. No. 110-803, at 105 (2008) (Conf. Rep.).
    • Paycheck Fairness Act, H.R. 11, 111th Cong. § 203 (2009).
    • S. 2318, 112th Cong. (2013) (enacted).
  • US Constitution: <U.S. Const.> <cited section of constitution, abbreviated> <number of article or amendment in Roman numeral form> <§ and pinpoint, if applicable> <(additional information, if needed)>.
    • U.S. Const. amend. XVIII (repealed 1933).
    • Ariz. Const. art. XVI, § 2.
R24.1 Documents within the same case citation
    • Def.’s Second Am. Answer ¶ 28.
    • Jones Dep. 8:24-9:5.
    • Def. Acme’s Resp. to Pl. Morrison’s Req. for Admis. No. 2.A.
    • Trial Tr. vol. 3, 45, Mar. 5, 2015.
    • Sanchez Dep. 1:1–2, Jan. 3, 2005, ECF No. 8.
  • General published case documents: <Name of document> <pincite> , <Citation to case in which document was filed> (<docket number in parenthesis>), <optional commercial database identifier or webpage URL>.
    • Compl. 5, Parsell v. Shell Oil Co., 421 F. Supp. 1275 (D. Conn. 1976) (Civ. No. B-700).
    • Brief for Brendan Keefe in His Official Capacity as Investigative Reporter for 11Alive Atlanta, and WXIA-TV as Amici Curiae in Support of Respondent, Georgia v. Public.Resource.org, Inc., 140 S. Ct. 1498 (2020) (No. 18-1150), 2019 WL 5391110.
  • Pending cases: <Name of document> <pincite>, <Name of case>, <docket number>, (<exact date of document being cited>) <optional commercial database identifier or webpage URL>.
  • Transcripts

Do not capitalize the name for a type of court document, such as an injunction, petition, etc.

  • Patents: Cite the patent number and the date the patent was filed. For citations to a specific field of the title page, include the field code in brackets.
    • U.S. Patent No. 8,112,504 B2, at [75] (filed Mar. 4, 2009)
    • System for disseminating media content representing episodes in a serialized sequence, U.S. Patent No. 8,112,504 B2 (filed Mar. 4, 2009) (issued Feb. 7, 2012)
  • For registered trademarks, cite as <TRADEMARK NAME>, Registration No. <registration number>. For trademarks that have been filed, but not approved, cite as U.S. Trademark Application Serial No. <Serial Number> (filed <date>).
    • THE BLUEBOOK A UNIFORM SYSTEM OF CITATION, Registration No. 3,886,986.
    • U.S. Trademark Application Serial No. 86,680,743 (filed Jul. 1, 2015).
Executive branch
  • Executive orders: Cite by page number to 3 C.F.R. (If the material is not in the C.F.R., cite to the Federal Register.) However, since all executive orders are not reprinted in successive years of the C.F.R., cite to the original year, rather than the most recent edition of the C.F.R.
    • Exec. Order 13,136, 3 C.F.R. 216 (Sep. 3, 1999).
  • Other papers: Cite to Public Papers of the Presidents (Papers) if found there. If not recorded in the Public Papers, cite the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents (Weekly Comp. Pres. Doc.), published from 1965 to January 29, 2009, the Daily Compilation of Presidential Documents (Daily Comp. Pres. Doc.), published from January 29, 2009 to date, or the U.S. Code Congressional and Administrative News (U.S.C.C.A.N.).
  • FAA, FCC, Fed Reserve, USITC, etc decisions:
    • Federal Express Corporation, FAA Order No. 2002-20, 2002 WL 31777976 (F.A.A.).
    • Aerocomp, Inc., FAA Order No. 2006-1, Order Dismissing Appeal (Jan. 12, 2006).
    • Protecting and Promoting the Open Internet, GN Docket No. 14-28, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 29 FCC Rcd 5561 (2014).
    • Written Agreement Between Allied First Bancorp, Inc. and Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Docket No. 14-006-WA/RB-HC (2014).
    • Polyvinyl Alcohol from China, Japan, and Taiwan, Inv. Nos. 701-TA-309, 731-TA-528, 731-TA-529, USITC Pub. 4067 (Mar. 27, 2009) (Review).


  • Court cases: <it>{Name of the case}</it>, {Volume number} {Abbreviated name of the report series} {Page number on which the case begins}, {Page numbers cited}, ({Court name} {Year}).
  • Opinions: Wisconsin Department of Corrections v Schacht, 524 US 381, 393 (1998) (Kennedy concurring). [Alternatively: "... (1982) (Brennan) (plurality)"]
  • Unreported cases: {case name}, {docket, index, etc number, if available}, slip op at {cited page} ({court} {date, year}). People v Paul, No 4582-84, slip op at 3 (NY Sup June 27, 1986).
  • Court documents (briefs, motions): {title}, {case name}, {docket or action number}, *{cited page} ({court} filed {date, year}) (“{chosen nickname, if any}”). Remedies Brief of Amici Curiae Robert E. Litan, Roger G. Noll, William D. Nordhaus, and Frederic Scherer, United States v Microsoft Corp, Civil Action No 98-1232, *46–49 (DDC filed Apr 27, 2000) ("Litan Brief").
  • Codified law: {(optional) name of act} ({(on first reference) popular name (or) popular abbreviation (or) "nickname given by author"}), {title or volume number} {codification} {subdivision} ({publisher if an unofficial codification} {year}). National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), 29 USC § 151 et seq (West 1982).
  • Original Act: {name of act} ({(on first reference) “popular name” (or) abbreviation}), {Pub L No xxxx (if available)}, {volume} {source} {first page} ({year of passage}), codified at {citation to codification}. Equal Credit Opportunity Act, Pub L No 93-495, 88 Stat 1521 (1974), codified at 15 USC § 1691(a).
  • Cite sections within original act as well as in code: " Taft-Hartley Act § 301(a), 29 USC § 185(a). "
  • Legislative: {title}, {legislature}, {session}, {subdivision} ({date}). Illinois Senate Resolution No 53, Illinois General Assembly, 99th Sess (May 26, 2015).

Harvard style

  • Cases: <it>{Name of the case}</it> ({Year}) {Volume number} {Abbreviated name of the report series} {Page number on which the case begins}
  • Acts: <it>{Short Title of Act or Ordinance (bills and regulations not italicized} {Year}</it> ({Jurisdiction-abbrev.}) {Section-"ss." or regulations-"rr."}

Commonwealth styles




See t2.43

Note from BlueBook ref: Hansard contains the official verbatim reports of debates, speeches, answers to written and oral questions, and records of divisions. official source. Hansard is divided into three series: one reporting on debates in the House of Commons, one in the House of Lords, and one in the Public Bill Committees of the House of Commons. The abbreviations for each are HC Deb, HL Deb, and for debates in the Public Bill Committees of the House of Commons, it is the title of the Bill followed by Deb.

  • Case law: <case name> [<year of publication>] <volume, if any> <reporter abbreviation> <first page> (<court abbreviation if not clearly indicated by reporter for post-1865 cases>) <page(s) of specific material, or paragraph number(s) of specific material in brackets, if desired> (appeal taken from <relevant abbreviation>) (<jurisdiction abbreviation if not evident from context>).
    • B.C. Elec. Ry. v. Loach [1916] 1 AC 719 (PC) (appeal taken from B.C.).
  • House of Lords (HL): <case name> <year of publication in parentheses or in brackets, depending on the reporter> <volume number, if any> <reporter abbreviation> <first page> (<court abbreviation, if not clearly indicated by reporter for post-1865 cases>) <page(s) of specific material, or paragraph number(s) of specific material in brackets, if desired> (appeal taken from <relevant abbreviation>) (<jurisdiction abbreviation if not evident from context>).
    • R v. Shayler [2002] UKHL 11, [2003] 1 AC (HL) 35 (appeal taken from Eng.). (note per BB: All judgments after 2001 have a neutral citation -- This preceding entry first lists the neutral Law Reports citation, then the official reporter citation)
  • For England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, the year should be in parentheses in citations when the reporter can be found without reference to the year. If the year is an integral part of the citation and necessary to locate the correct volume of the reporter, it should be in square brackets. Scotland only uses square brackets for neutral citations.
    • R v. Lockwood (1782) 99 Eng. Rep. 379 (KB).
  • Statutes: <statute short title, where available> <year(s)>, <regnal year(s) for statutes enacted prior to 1963> c. <chapter number(s)>, §(§) <section number(s)>, sch(s). <schedule(s), if any> (<jurisdiction abbreviation if not evident from context>). <!-- Indicate regnal years by the following format: <year(s) of reign> <abbreviated name of the monarch> <numeric designation of the monarch in Arabic numerals>. (If the monarch was the first of that name, omit the numeric designation.) (For statutes enacted since 1963, omit the regnal year:) -->
    • Supreme Court of Judicature Act 1925, 15 & 16 Geo. 5 c. 49, § 226, sch. 6 (Eng.).
    • Climate Change Act 2008, c. 27 (UK).
  • If the name is omitted or does not include the date or year, use the citation format: <statute short title, where available>, <regnal year(s) for statutes enacted prior to 1963> c. <chapter number(s)>, §(§) <section number(s)>, sch(s). <schedule(s), if any> (<year if not included in the title of the act>) (<jurisdiction abbreviation if not evident from context>).
    • Hypnotism Act 1952, 15 & 16 Geo. 6 & 1 Eliz. 2 c. 464, § 117 (Gr. Brit.).
  • For citations to an internet source, follow rule 18, and preferably cite to legislation.gov.uk (not regularly updated; cross-ref at West or Lexis):
  • Statutory compilation: <statute title>, (<year of enactment>) § <section or article number(s), if any>, <volume number> <compilation name> (<edition of compilation, if appropriate>) <first page>, <page(s) of specific material, if desired> (<jurisdiction abbreviation if not evident from context>).
    • An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons in Parliament for the Safety and Defence of the Kingdom of England and Dominion of Wales, (1642) I Acts & Ords. Interregnum 1 (Eng.).
    • Law of Property Act, (1925) § 44, 37 Hals. Stat. (4th ed.) 139 (Eng.).
  • Regulations: <regulation name> <year of enactment>, <publication abbreviation> <instrument number>, <article>, ¶ <paragraph number> (<jurisdiction abbreviation if not evident from context>).
    • The Certification of Enforcement Agents Regulations 2014, SI 2014/421, art. 3, ¶ 3 (Eng.).
  • Parliamentary bills: <bill name> <session year>, <abbreviation of applicable House of Parliament> Bill [<bill number>] cl. <clause> (<jurisdiction abbreviation if not evident from context>).
    • Assisted Dying for the Terminally Ill Bill 2004-5, HL Bill [17] cl. 2 (Gr. Brit.).
    • Criminal Justice (Justifiable Conduct) Bill 2004-5, HC Bill [36] cl. 2 (Eng.).
  • Explanatory Notes and Memoranda: <statute short title, where available> <year(s)>, <regnal year(s) for statutes enacted prior to 1963> c. <chapter number(s)>, <Explanatory Notes> ¶(¶) <paragraph number(s)> (<jurisdiction abbreviation if not evident from context>).
    • Climate Change Act 2008, c.27, Explanatory Notes ¶ 2 (UK).
  • Hansard: <abbreviation of applicable House of Parliament> (<date>) (<volume>) col(s). <column number(s)> (<jurisdiction abbreviation if not evident from context>).
    • HC Deb (1 Feb. 2000) (343) cols. 922–23.
  • Due to publication of the Hansard online, recent debates may be available but may not yet have a volume number. In these instances, it is permissible to include the exact date of the debate, following the citation format: <date>, <abbreviation of applicable House of Parliament> (<year of debate>) col(s). <column number(s)> (<jurisdiction abbreviation if not evident from context>).
    • 26 Nov. 2008, HC Deb (2008) col. 707 (UK)
  • Official government reports: <government department or committee name>, <report title>, <session year>, <abbreviation of applicable House of Parliament where report was issued> <paper number>, <paragraph symbol and number, or “at” page number of specific material> (<jurisdiction abbreviation if not evident from context>).
    • Constitutional Affairs Committee, Judicial Appointments and a Supreme Court (Court of Final Appeal), 2003-4, HC 48-I, at 12 (UK).
    • Select Committee on Animals in Scientific Procedures, Report, 2001-2, HL 150-I, ¶ 5(2) (UK).
  • Command papers: <government department or committee name>, <report title>, <year>, <relevant abbreviation> <Command Paper number>, <paragraph symbol and number, or “at” page number of specific material> (<jurisdiction abbreviation if not evident from context>).
    • Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Launch of the Draft Animal Welfare Bill, 2004, Cm. 6252, at 5 (UK).
  • Treaties: <treaty name>, <date of signing>, <abbreviated names of parties to agreement>, <article, if desirable>, <treaty source> (<year of treaty source volume>) (<relevant abbreviation> <Command Paper number, for the British Treaty Series>).
    • Declaration Between the United Kingdom and France and Russia Engaging Not to Conclude Peace Separately During the Present European War, 5 Sept. 1914, Gr. Brit.-Fr.-Russ., Gr. Brit. TS No. 1 (1915) (Cd. 7737).
Cases [long section]
  • Cases prior to 1865: <case name> (<year of publication>) <volume number, if any> Eng. Rep. <first page> <page(s) of specific material, if desired>; <volume number, if any> <nominate reporter abbreviation> <first page>, <page(s) of specific material, if desired> (<jurisdiction abbreviation if not evident from context>).
    • Semayne’s Case (1604) 77 Eng. Rep. 194, 195; 5 Co. Rep. 91 a, 93 b.
    • English Reports/Year Books::"
      • YB 17 Edw. 4, fol. 2a, Pasch, pl. 3 (1477) (Eng.).
      • YB 10 Edw. 2, Hil. 20 (1317) (Eng.), reprinted in 54 Selden Society 53 (1935).
  • Cases after 1865: <case name> <year of publication in parentheses or in brackets, depending on the reporter> <volume number, if any> <reporter abbreviation> <first page> (<court abbreviation if not clearly indicated by reporter>) <“at” page(s) of specific material, or paragraph number(s) of specific material in brackets, if desired> (<jurisdiction abbreviation if not evident from context>).
    • R v. Kelly [1999] QB 621 at 625 (Eng.).
  • Neutral citation (req after 2001): <case name> [<year of publication>] <neutral citation court abbreviation> (<court abbreviation if not evident from citation>) <case reference number>, [<paragraph(s) of specific material, if desired>], <citation to official reporter> (<jurisdiction abbreviation if not evident from context>).
    • Quinland v. Governor of Swaleside Prison [2002] EWCA (Civ) 174 [178], [2003] QB 306 [317] (Eng.).
  • Attributions to judges: <case name> <year of publication in parentheses or brackets, depending on the reporter> <volume number, if any> <reporter abbreviation> <first page> (<court if not clearly indicated by reporter>) <page(s) of specific material, or paragraph number(s) of specific material in brackets, if desired> (<judge name>) (appeal taken from <court abbreviation, if applicable>) (<jurisdiction abbreviation if not evident from context>).
    • R v. Martin [1998] AC 917 (HL) 948 (Lord Hope of Craighead) (appeal taken from HM Court-Martial App. Ct.) (UK).


  • Case law: The citation may be to a print law report or it may be a number assigned by HM Courts and Tribunals Service (a 'neutral citation'). Neutral citations refer to the court (in Corr, UKHL = House of Lords); law report citations refer to the print reporter. Only cases from 2001 onwards will have neutral citations.
  • post 2000 case: {case name} {neutral citation} {law report citation} Corr v IBC Vehicles Ltd [2008] UKHL 13, [2008] 1 AC 884.
  • pre-2001 case: {case name} {law report citation} Corr [2008] 1 AC 884.
  • Year brackets: [square] when the necessary (if the volume number starts over each year), (round) if not (volumes always sequential): Barrett v Enfield LBC (1999) 49 BMLR 1 (HL) --- Barrett v Enfield LBC [2001] 2 AC 550 (HL).
  • Paragraph number (preferred, volume-neutral) in brackets, page number plain.
  • Primary legislation (acts): {Short title} {Year} [, {section}({subsection})]. Shipping and Trading Interests (Protection) Act 1995, ss 1(1) and 4(3)(a).
  • Statutory instruments (orders, regs, rules): numbered consecutively per year: {Name} {Year}, {SI Year/number} Penalties for Disorderly Behaviour (Amendment of Minimum Age) Order 2004, SI 2004/3166
  • Bills: {Title} HC/L Bill ({session}) {number} (running numbers for Commons are in square brackets; round for Lords) -- Academies HL Bill (2010-11) 1, cl 8(2)
  • Command papers/treaties: Department for International Development, Eliminating World Poverty: Building our Common Future (White Paper, Cm 7656, 2009) ch 5
  • Law Commission reports: {title} ({Law Com number}, {year}) -- Law Commission, Reforming Bribery (Law Com No 313, 2008) paras 3.12–3.17
  • Hansards: {HL/HC Deb} {date}, {volume}, {column} -- HC Deb 3 February 1977, vol 389, cols 973–76 -- also ..., col WA261 -- (WA for 'written answer')
  • If the Bill title is very long, begin the citation with ‘PBC Deb’, followed by the Bill number in brackets: PBC Deb (Bill 99) 30 January 2007, cols 12–15
  • Committee reports: Health Committee, Patient Safety (HC 2008–09, 151–I) paras 173–75 -- Joint Committee on Human Rights, Legislative Scrutiny: Equality Bill (second report); Digital Economy Bill (2009–10, HL 73, HC 425) 14–16



All AGLC sources are copyrighted without reprint permission; they are also freely available online; see e.g. Murdoch Univ Library AGLC Referencing Guide.

  • Case law: {case name} [/({year}]/) {vol? num?} {court abbrev} {first & pinpoint?} ({judge (optional)}) ('{second ref name}')
Kartinyeri v Commonwealth (1998) 195 CLR 337, 383 (Gummow and Hayne JJ).
Chamberlain v The Queen [No 2] (1984) 153 CLR 521, 529.
Dale v Scott; Ex parte Dale [1985] 1 Qd R 406, 408 ('Dale Case').
  • Unreported (medium-neutral): {Case Name} [{Year}] {Abbreviation for the Court} {Judgement number from court} [{Pinpoint ref to paragraph(s)}] -- Murray v The Queen [2002] HCA 26 [54]-[55].
  • Unreported (not medium-neutral): {Case Name} ({Court}, {Judge}, {Full date}) {Pinpoint ref to page(s)} -- Ross v Chambers (Supreme Court of Northern Territory, Kriewaldt J, 5 April 1956) 77.
  • Year essential if square-bracketed, optional for journal cite if round-bracketed
  • Legislation: {Short Title Year} ({Jurisdiction abbreviation}) {Pinpoint to section(s)/rule(s)} -- National Parks and Wildlife Regulation 2009 (NSW) reg 6.
  • Bill: Interactive Gambling Bill 2001 (Cth).
  • Explanatory memo: Explanatory Memorandum, Corporate Law Reform Bill 1992 (Cth).
  • Hansard: Commonwealth, Parliamentary Debates, Senate, 18 June 2008, 2642-4 (Bob Brown).
  • Committee report: Law Reform, Road and Community Safety Committee, Parliament of Victoria, Inquiry into the Crimes Amendment (Unlicensed Drivers) Bill 2018 (Report, September 2018) 5.
  • Bills digest: Department of Parliamentary Services (Cth), Bills Digest (Digest No 23 of 2010-11, 20 October 2010) 10.
  • Inquiry/submission: Law Institute of Victoria, Submission No 78 to House of Representatives Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs, Parliament of Australia, Inquiry into Older People and the Law (13 December 2006).
  • Direction: Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs (Cth), Direction No 90: VIsa Refusal and Cancellation under Section 501 and Revocation of a Mandatory Cancellation of a Visa under Section 501CA (15 April 2021) para 9.4.1.

Murdoch U Lib exampls:

  • Act : Evidence Act 1995 (NSW).
  • Bill : Corporations Amendment (Crowd-Sourced Funding) Bill 2015 (Cth).
  • Commentary - Online: JW Carter, LexisNexis, Carter on Contract (online at 20 February 2018) [04-001].
  • Commentary - Print: Neil J Williams, LexisNexis Butterworths, Civil Procedure: Victoria, vol 1 (at Service 299) [21.01.1].
  • Orders : Federal Court Rules 1979 (Cth) ords 3, 5–6, 7 r 4A.
  • Policy : Department of Home Affairs (Cth), Procedures Advice Manual 3: Division 5.3 – Approval of nominated positions (employer nomination), para 25.3.
  • Professional Conduct Rules : Law Society of the Australian Capital Territory, ACT Legal Profession (Solicitors) Conduct Rules 2015 (at 20 November 2015) r 8.1 <https://www.actlawsociety.asn.au/documents/item/1921>.
  • Regulations : Heritage Regulation 2006 (ACT) reg 5(1).
  • Rules : Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 2005 (NSW) r 6.2(1), (3A)(a)–(b).
  • Explanatory Memorandum/Notes/Statement : Explanatory Memorandum, Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Bill 2006 (Vic).
  • Gazettes : Commonwealth, Gazette: Special, No S 489, 1 December 2004.
  • Internet Materials : 'James Edelman', High Court of Australia (Web Page) .
  • Journal organised by volume : RJ Ellicott, "The Autochthonous Expedient and the Federal Court' (2008) 82(10) Australian Law Journal 700.
  • Journal organised by year : John Kleinig, 'Paternalism and Personal Integrity' [1983] (3) Bulletin of the Australian Society of Legal Philosophy 27.
  • Parliamentary Papers -- Hansard : Environment and Natural Resources Committee, Parliament of Victoria, Inquiry into the Environmental Effects Statement Process in Victoria (Parliamentary Paper No 59, September 2011).
  • Second Reading Speech (in Hansard) : Commonwealth, Parliamentary Debates, Senate, 1 February 2017, 39 (George Brandis, Attorney-General).
  • Speech : Virginia Bell, 'Section 80: The Great Constitutional Tautology' (Lucinda Lecture, Monash University, 24 October 2013).
  • Australian Bureau of Statistics Materials : Australian Bureau of Statistics, Corrective Services, Australia, September Quarter 2017 (Catalogue No 4512.0, 30 November 2017).
  • Treaty: Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Providing for the Reciprocal Recognition and Enforcement of Judgements in Civil and Commercial Matters, signed 23 August 1990, [1994] ATS 27 (entered into force 1 September 1994).

NYU International law guide


The NYU 2006 book covers several worldwide jurisdictions. 1st edition is free online, but 2nd edition (2009) is printed, and I can't find further updates.




  • U.N. CHARTER, art.2, para.4.
  • S.C. Res. 1141, U.N. SCOR, 52d Year, Resolutions and Decisions of the Security Council 1997, at 91, U.N. Doc. S/INF/53 (1999).
Or cite by report volume: S.C. Res. 743, 47 U.N. SCOR at 42, U.N. Doc. S/RES/743 (1992) [Establishing a Protection Force].
Informal/subsequent: S.C. Res. 487 (19 June 1981), para. 3.
  • G.A. Res. 183, U.N. GAOR, 52d Sess., Supp. No. 52, vol. I, at 157, U.N. Doc. A/52/49 (vol. I) (1999).
Short form: G.A. Res. 183, 49 GAOR at 157, U.N. Doc. A/52/49 (1999).
Informal/subsequent: G.A. Res. 242 (22 Nov. 1967), p. 1, para. 1.

On Europe


EU bodies

  • Method of citing case law from ECLI. {Type of decision} {Full date}, {Usual name of case}, {Case number in register}, [{not published},] {ECLI: code}, paragraph(s) {paragraph(s)} -- Ref is "not published" if not printed in full in the Reports.
Judgment of 12 July 2005, Schempp, C-403/03, EU:C:2005:446, paragraph 19
  • ECHR: Decision on admissibility delivered by the Grand Chamber: ---
Campbell v. Ireland (dec.) [GC], no. 45678/98, ECHR 1999-II
Judgment on revision delivered by a Chamber: --- Campbell v. Ireland (revision), no. 45678/98, § 15, ECHR 1999-II
Unreported, etc: --- Durand v. France (striking out), no. 45678/98, § 24, 5 September 1999
Slight changes from old style?: --- Allenet de Ribemont v. France (interpretation), 7 August 1996, § 17, Reports of Judgments and Decisions 1996-III --- Moreira de Azevedo v. Portugal, no. 11296/84, Commission decision of 14 April 1988, Decisions and Reports 56, p. 126 --- Garnieri v. Italy, no. 22256/88, Commission decision of 18 May 1992, unreported
If a titles of judgment includes the name of a newspaper or publication, the name will appear in roman: --- The Sunday Times v. the United Kingdom (Article 50), 6 November 1980, § 22, Series A no. 38


  • ECJ: {case number} {parties} {citation to the official reporter, including the year of decision.}
C-213/89, The Queen v. Sec'y of State for Transp. ex parte Factortame Ltd., 1990 E.C.R. I-2433.
58/69, Elz v. Comm'n, 16 E.C.R. 507 (1970).
  • Legislation: {institution} {type of act} {year} O.J. (L. {act number}) {page number} -- Council Directive 90/476, art. 5, 1990 O.J. (L 266) 1, 2.



{Name of EU institution} {Year of publication} {Title} {Place of publication}: {publisher} -- European Commission. (2007). Making globalisation profitable. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.





government portal to French law (1990+)

  • Cases: <court name> [<court abbreviation>] [<English translation of court name>] <city, if applicable>, <chamber, if applicable>, <date of decision in month day, year format>, <case number, if available>, <reporter or journal abbreviation, if available> <year of publication, if applicable>, <section of journal, if applicable>, <page on which decision appears, or decision number, if applicable>, <author of case observation or note, if applicable> (<country abbreviation if not evident from context>).
    • Cour d'appel [CA] [regional court of appeal] Limoges, civ., Oct. 1, 2012, 11/01081.
    • CE Ass., Nov. 8, 1974, 90.368, Rec. Lebon 541.
  • Cases citing to a reporter or journal, follow the particular formats below where they differ from the general format above.:
    • Tribunal de grande instance [TGI] [ordinary court of original jurisdiction] Nice, May 30, 1990, D. 1991 Somm. 113, obs. F. Derrida (Fr.).
    • Cour d’appel [CA] [regional court of appeal] Paris, 1e ch., Dec. 20, 1994, JCP 1994, II, 22250, note Neirinck (Fr.).
    • Cour de cassation [Cass.] [supreme court for judicial matters] 2e civ., Mar. 16, 2000, Bull. civ. II, No. 46 (Fr.).
    • CAA Douai, 3e ch., Aug. 7, 2013, 12DA01725
  • Constitutional jurisdiction: Conseil constitutionnel [CC] [Constitutional Court] decision No. <decision number><category of decision>, <date of decision in month day, year format>, <publication abbreviation> <first page>, <page(s) of specific material, if desired> (<country abbreviation if not evident from context>).
    • Conseil constitutionnel [CC] [Constitutional Court] decision No. 82-154DC, Dec. 29, 1982, Rec. 80 (Fr.).
  • Constitution: <year> Const. <article> (<country abbreviation if not evident from context>).
  • Codes: <code name> [<code abbreviation>] [<English translation of code name>] <article> (<country abbreviation if not evident from context>).
    • Code civil [C. civ.] [Civil Code] art. 23 (Fr.).
  • Statute, Loi, Decret: <law or decree number> du <date in French of law or decree> <law or decree name> [<English translation of law or decree number, date, and name>], <reporter or journal name> [<reporter or journal abbreviation>] [<English translation of reporter or journal>], <date of publication>, p. <page number> (<country abbreviation if not evident from context>).
    • Loi 2008-776 du 4 août 2008 de modernisation de l’économie [Law 2008-776 of August 4, 2008 on the Modernization of the Economy], Journal Officiel de la République Française [J.O.] [Official Gazette of France], Aug. 5, 2008, p. 12471.
    • Loi 85-699 du 11 juillet 1985 tendant à la constitution d'archives audiovisuelles de la justice [Law 85-699 of July 11, 1985 for the Formation of Audiovisual Archives of the Judiciary], La Semaine Juridique [JCP] [Juridical Weekly] III, No. 57447.
  • Treaties and conventions: <treaty or convention name>, <date of signing>, <abbreviated names of parties>, Journal Officiel de la République Française [J.O.] [Official Gazette of France], <date of publication>, p. <page number> (<country abbreviation if not evident from context>).
    • Tourism Accord, Oct. 26, 1979, Fr.-Mex., Journal Officiel de la République Française [J.O.] [Official Gazette of France], June 15, 1980, p. 1478.
Cite to the J.O., if therein; otherwise, cite to one of the following:
Recueil des traités et accords de la France (1961–date): <year> Recueil des traités, No. <number>
Recueil des traités de la France (1713–1906): <volume> Recueil des traités <page>

WUSTL Global Studies Law Review Intl. Citation Manual


avail at WUSTL Global Studies Law Review Intl. Citation Manual

Other misc styles


=Bluebook Canada


"There are six main citation styles used by Canadian case reporters:" (just go to bb site instead of us rewriting all of them) (When citing French translations of Canadian cases, the party names are separated by “c.,” which refers to “contre,” the French translation of “versus.”)

  • 1) Reporters for which the year constitutes the volume number.: <case name>, [<year of report>] <abbreviation of report> <first page> (<country abbreviation> <province abbreviation, if applicable> <court abbreviation, if applicable>).
    • Chase v. Campbell, [1962] S.C.R. 425 (Can.).
    • Roméo Lafrance c. Hôpital St-Luc et Commission des affaires sociales, [1980] C.A. 497 (Can. Que.).
  • 2) Reporters that begin at volume one each year, and are thus organized by year first, then volume number. Omit the year of decision when it is the same as the reporter year: <case name> (<year of decision, if different>), [<reporter year>] <volume number> <reporter abbreviation> <first page> (<country abbreviation> <province abbreviation, if applicable> <court abbreviation, if applicable>). (Include the year of decision when it is different from the reporter year):
    • R. v. Morgentaler, [1993] 3 S.C.R. 463 (Can.).
    • Brockville Hotel Co. v. Aga Heat (Can.) Ltd., [1944] 2 D.L.R. 698 (Can. Ont. C.A.).
    • Swiss Bank Corp. v. Air Can. (1987), [1988] 1 F.C. 71 (Can. C.A.).
  • 3) Reporters that are divided into series, and are thus organized by series first, then volume number. : <case name> (<year of decision>), <volume number> <reporter abbreviation> <series> <first page> (<country abbreviation> <province abbreviation, if applicable> <court abbreviation, if applicable>).
    • Weber v. Ont. Hydro (1992), 98 D.L.R. 4th 32 (Can. Ont. C.A.).
  • 4) Reporters that are organized by volume only. : <case name> (<year of decision>), <volume number> <reporter abbreviation> <first page> (<country abbreviation> <province abbreviation, if applicable> <court abbreviation, if applicable>).
    • R. v. Chehimi (I.Y.) (2007), 419 A.R. 336 (Can. Alta. Q.B.).
  • 5) Neutral citations: <case name>, <year of decision> <neutral citation court abbreviation> <document number>, <parallel citation, if desired> (<country abbreviation if not evident from context> <province abbreviation, if applicable>).
    • MacDonald v. Taubner, 2006 ABQB 138, para. 4 (Can.).
  • 6) Case citations to electronic systems. WL, QL, and CanLII have different citation formats: CanLII citation format: <case name>, <year of decision> CanLII <document number> (<country abbreviation> <province abbreviation, if applicable> <court abbreviation, if applicable>).
    • Apple Computer Inc. v. Mackintosh Computers Ltd., 1987 CarswellNat 675 (Can. F.T.C.D.) (WL).
    • Victorov v. Davison, [1988] O.J. No. 190 (Can. Ont. H.C.J.) (QL).
    • Doug Burns Excavation Contracting Ltd. v. Int’l Union of Operating Eng’rs, Local 721, 1999 CanLII 1081 (Can. N.S. S.C.).
  • Constitutions:
    • Constitution Act, 1867, 30 & 31 Vict., c 3 (U.K.), reprinted in R.S.C. 1985, app II, no 5 (Can.).
    • Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Part I of the Constitution Act, 1982, being Schedule B to the Canada Act, 1982, c 11 (U.K.).
  • Statutes: Justice Laws Consolidated Acts collection: .
    • Province of Ontario Savings Office Act, R.S.O. 1990, c P.30 (Can.).
    • Code of Civil Procedure, R.S.Q., c C-25 (Can.).
    • Civil Code of Québec, S.Q. 1991, c 64, art 2 (Can.).
    • Freehold Mineral Rights Tax Act, R.S.A. 2000, c F-26, amended by S.A. 2006, c 21 (Can. Alta.).
  • Regulations: Justice Laws Consolidated Regulations collection: Federal regulations, as registered citation: <name>, SOR/<year>-<number> or SI/<year>-<document number>.
    • Passenger Information Regulations (Preclearance Act), SOR/2002-147 (Can.).
    • Speed Limits, O. Reg. 383/08 (Can.).

BlueBook China


Translated sources: For citations to translated or bilingual sources, choose one of the following options:

1) Follow rule 20.2.5, giving parallel citations to the original language source and a translated version;
2) Where the original is difficult or impossible to verify, cite to the translated source without reference to the original language version. In this case, it is not necessary to preface the source with “translated in.
    • Law on Guarding State Secrets (promulgated by the Standing Comm. Nat'l People's Cong., Sept. 5, 1988, rev'd Apr. 29, 2010, effective Oct. 1, 2010), art. 11, 2010 P.R.C. Laws 71.75 (China).
  • Cases: <romanized Chinese case name> (<Chinese case name>) [<English translation of case name>], <source> (<court abbreviation> <date of decision, following rule 10.5>) (<country abbreviation if not evident from context>).
    • Wei Qinjian Su Zhongbao Caichan Baoxian Youxian Gongsi Taishan Shi Zhigongsi, Zhongguo Nongye Yinhang Taishan Shi Zhihang Xiachuan Yingyesuo (卫勤俭诉中保财产保险有限公司台山市支公司,中国农业银 行台山市支行下川营业所) [Wei Qinjian v. PICC P&C Ltd., Taishan Branch & China Agric. Bank, Taishan Branch, Xiachuan Operation Office], 1991 Sup. People’s Ct. Gaz. 101 (Sup. People’s Ct. 2001) (China).
    • China Nat’l Technical Imp./Exp. Corp. v. Indus. Res. Co., China L. & Prac., Aug. 22, 1988, at 26 (Shanghai Interm. People’s Ct. May 11, 1988).
  • Constitutions: Xianfa <article>, <section> (<year>) (<country abbreviation if not evident from context>). (Give the promulgation year of the version cited. Abbreviate the subdivisions of constitutions, such as article and clause, using English abbreviations, )
    • Xianfa art. 35, § 1 (1982) (China).
  • Laws: <romanized Chinese law name> (<Chinese law name>) [<English translation of law name or shortened name>] (promulgated by <enacting/adopting authority>, <promulgation date>, effective <effective date>) <volume number> <source> <first page>, <page(s) of specific material, if desired> (<country abbreviation if not evident from context>).
    • Lifa Fa (立法法) [Law on Legislation] (promulgated by the Standing Comm. Nat’l People’s Cong., Mar. 15, 2000, effective July 1, 2000) 2000 Standing Comm. Nat’l People’s Cong. Gaz. 112 (China).
    • Shiyou Tianranqi Guandao Baohu Fa (石油天然气管道保护法) [Law on the Protection of Petroleum and Natural Gas Pipelines] (promulgated by the Standing Comm. Nat’l People’s Cong., June 25, 2010, effective Oct. 1, 2010), art. 10, 2010 Falü Huibian 105, 107, translated in 2010 P.R.C. Laws 109, 113.
  • Rules and regulations: <romanized Chinese regulation or rule name> (<Chinese regulation or rule name>) [<English translation of regulation or rule name or shortened name>] (promulgated by <enacting/adopting authority>, <promulgation date>, effective <effective date>) <source>, <publication date>, at <first page>, <page(s) of specific material, if desired> (<country abbreviation if not evident from context>). (Note that many Chinese databases do not provide searchable codes or numbers uniquely identifying a case, regulation, etc.)
    • Yaopin Jiandu Xingzheng Chufa Chengxu Guiding (药品监督行政处 罚程序规定) [Provisions on Procedures for Administrative Penalties of Drug Supervision] (promulgated by the St. Food & Drug Admin., Apr. 28, 2003, effective July 2, 2003; rev’d by the Ministry of Health, Oct. 17, 2012) St. Council Gaz., Mar. 10, 2013, at 7, http://english1. english.gov.cn/official/2013-03/11/content_2351644.htm (China).
    • Regulation on the Administration of Tourism in Beijing Municipality (promulgated by the Standing Comm. People’s Cong. Beijing Municipality, Sept. 10, 2004, effective Dec. 1, 2004), CLI.10.56742(EN) (Lawinfochina).
  • Judicial interpretations: <romanized Chinese judicial interpretation name and number> (<Chinese judicial interpretation name and number>) [<English translation of judicial interpretation name or shortened name and number>] (promulgated by <enacting/adopting authority>, <promulgation date>, effective <effective date>) <source>, <publication date>, at <first page>, <page(s) of specific material, if desired> (<country abbreviation if not evident from context>).
    • Zuigao Renmin Fayuan Guanyu Shiyong <Zhongua Renmin Gongheguo Xingzheng Susong Fa> De Jieshi, Fashi [2018] Yi Hao (最高人民法院关 于适用《中华人民共和国行政诉讼法》的解释,法释【2018】1号) [Interpretation on Application of <Administrative Procedure Law of People’s Republic of China>, Judicial Interpretation No. 1 [2018]] (promulgated by the Judicial Comm. Sup. People’s Ct., Nov. 13, 2017, effective Feb. 8, 2018) Sup. People’s Ct. Gaz., Feb. 6, 2018, http://gongbao.court.gov.cn/Details/ff963094d7a6d678980d4972b5961e.html (China).
  • Treaties and conventions --
Citation of a bilateral treaty, convention, or international agreement: <treaty name>, <date of signing>, <subdivision>, <abbreviated names of parties to agreement>, <treaty source> (<country abbreviation if not evident from context>).
Citation of a multilateral treaty, convention, or international agreement: <treaty name>, <date of signing>, <subdivision>, <one Chinese treaty source>, <one international treaty source, if applicable> (<country abbreviation if not evident from context>).

BlueBook India


Reporters AIR, ILR, etc all seem to have different styles? Also industry- and region-specific?

  • Cases: <case name>, (<year of reporter>) <volume number> <reporter abbreviation> <first page> (<year of decision if different from the year of reporter>) (per <name of judge to cite dissenting or concurring opinion>) (<country abbreviation if not evident from context>).
    • Bachlan Singh v. State of Punjab, (1980) 2 SCC 684, 751 (per Bhagwati, I., dissenting) (India).
  • Statutes: use official govn't source like The Gazette of India: <act/ordinance name>, <year of act/ordinance>, § <section number> (<if ordinance, date of ordinance>) (<country abbreviation if not evident from context>).
    • The National Food Security Ordinance, 2013, §3 (July 5, 2013).
  • Bills: <bill name>, <year of Bill>, Bill No. <bill number> of <year of bill>, § <section number> (<date of bill>) (<country abbreviation if not evident from context>).
    • The Right to Information (Amendment) Bill, 2013, Bill No. 112 of 2013, §3 (August 5, 2013).
  • Circulars, Directions and Guidelines: <name of issuing authority>, <circular/direction/guideline name>, <circulation/direction/guideline number, if available> (Issued on <date of circular/direction/guideline> (<country abbreviation if not evident from context>).
    • Securities and Exchange Board of India, Master Circular for Depositories, SEBI/HO/MRD/DP/CIR/P/118 (Issued on October 25, 2019).

Bluebook Ireland

  • Cases: <case name> [<year>] <volume number, if one exists> <neutral citations, if applicable> <reporter/publication abbreviation, if available, and unreported cases> <first page of case, or opinion number in that calendar year for neutral citations and unreported cases> (<court abbreviation, unless citing to the highest court or indicated by neutral citation> <year of decision if not already provided>) (<country abbreviation if not evident from context>).
    • Ryan v. Att’y Gen. [1965] IR 294 (Ir.).
    • KSK Enters. Ltd. v. An Bord Pleanála [1994] 2 IR 128, 135 (Ir.).
    • DPP v. Carolan [1998] 2 ILRM 212 (H. Ct.) (Ir.).
    • Gilligan v. Special Criminal Court [2005] IESC 86 [2006] 2 IR 406 (Ir.).

Online references should be to the Irish Statute Book, where available.

  • Statutes: <short title, including year if in title> (<Act No., or if before 1938, Pub. Stat. No.>/<year>) (<country abbreviation if not evident from context>).
  • Admin material: <short name of instrument or order> (SI <number>/<year>) (<country abbreviation if not evident from context>). -- (Or:) -- <short name of instrument or order> (SR & O <number> of <year>) (<country abbreviation if not evident from context>).
  • Parliamentary debates: <volume number> <publication abbreviation> (<date>) col. <column number> (<country abbreviation if not evident from context>).
    • 83 Dáil Deb. (Feb. 17, 1979) col. 556 (Ir.).
  • Commission reports: <author name>, <title> (<Parliament number if available>, <year of publication if available>) (<country abbreviation if not evident from context>).
    • Gov’t of Ir., Inter-Departmental Working Group on Abortion, Green Paper on Abortion (1999).
  • Treaties: <treaty name>, ITS No. <treaty number>/<year> (<country abbreviation if not evident from context>).
    • Agreement Between the Government of Ireland and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, ITS No. 1/2008 (Ir.).

BlueBook Nigeria


Web sources: Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, Revised Edition (1990-); The International Centre for Nigerian Law

  • Cases: <case name> [<year of decision>] <volume number> <reporter abbreviation> <first page>, <page(s) of specific material, if desired> (<country abbreviation if not evident from context>).
  • Statutes: <statute name> (<revised edition year>) Cap. (<number>), <section, if desired> (<country abbreviation if not evident from context>).
Statutes altern.: <decree name> No. (<number>) (<year>) <volume number>:<issue number, if applicable> <“O.G.” or “S.O.G.”>, <page(s) of specific material, if desired> <section, if desired> (<country abbreviation if not evident from context>).
    • Arbitration and Conciliation Act (2006) Cap. (A18), § 17 (Nigeria).
    • Civil Aviation (Amendment) Decree No. (51) (1999) 86:35 O.G., A1895 § 1 (Nigeria).
    • Electoral Act No. (6) (2010) 97:64 O.G., A1103 (Nigeria).
    • Acts Authentication Act (1990) Cap. (4), § 1 (Nigeria), http://www .nigeria-law.org/Acts%20Authentication%20Act.htm.

Bluebook Russia


(official government portal for laws and other legal information) (summaries and translations of selected presidential acts in English on the Russian Federation President’s website) (website of the Russian Supreme Court with access to the Court’s rulings

  • Cases: Citation of a ruling or explanation of the Verkhovnyĭ Sud Rossiĭskoĭ (Verkh. Sud RF) (Russian Federation Supreme Court): <ruling or decision name, with subdivisions if desired> [<English translation of ruling or decision name, with subdivisions if desired>], <publication name> [<publication abbreviation>] [<English translation of publication name>] <year of publication, or full date of publication if citation is made to a newspaper>, No. <issue number>, p. <page(s) of specific material> (<country abbreviation if not evident from context>).
    • Postanovlenie Plenuma Verkhovnogo Suda Rossiĭskoĭ Federatsii “Nekotorye Voprosy Vozmeshchenia Vreda” ot 1 noiabr’ 2008 g., abz. 4 p. 3 [Plenary Ruling of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, “Selected Issues of Damage Compensation,” of Nov. 1, 2008, section 4, part 3], Biulleten’ Verkhovnogo Suda RF [BVS] [Bulletin of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation] 2008, No. 12, p. 17.
    • Postanovlenie Plenuma Verkhovnogo Suda Rossiĭskoĭ Federatsii “Nekotorye Voprosy Vozmeshchenia Vreda” ot 1 noiabr’ 2008 g., abz. 4 p. 3 st. 89 [Article 89, Part 3, Section 4 of the Russian Federa- tion Supreme Court Plenary Ruling on Selected Issues of Damage Compensation of Nov. 1, 2008], Rossiĭskaia Gazeta [Ros. Gaz.] Dec. 1, 2008.
  • Cases in Konstitutsionnyĭ Sud Rossiĭskoĭ Federatsii (Konst. Sud RF) (Russian Federation Constitutional Court): Cite to the Russian official gazettes Sobranie Zakonodatel’stva Rossiĭskoĭ Federatsii or Rossiĭskaia Gazeta: <ruling or decision name, with subdivisions if desired> [<English translation of ruling or decision name, with subdivisions if desired>], Sobranie Zakonodatel’stva Rossiĭskoĭ Federatsii [SZ RF] [Russian Federation Collection of Legislation] <year of publication>, No. <issue number>, Item <item number> (<country abbreviation if not evident from context>).
Or else: <document name> [<English translation of document name, with subdivisions if desired>], Rossiĭskaia Gazeta [Ros. Gaz.] <date of publication> (<country abbreviation if not evident from context>).
    • Postanovlenie Konstitutsionnogo Suda Rossiĭskoĭ Federatsii ot 1 dekabria 2008 g. [Ruling of the Russian Federation Constitutional Court of Dec. 1, 2008], Sobranie Zakonodatel’stva Rossiĭskoĭ Federatsii [SZ RF] [Russian Federation Collection of Legislation] 2008, No. 37, Item 3451.
  • Constitutions: <name of constitution> [<abbreviation of constitution>] [Constitution] <section> (<country abbreviation if not evident from context>). (For constitutions in force before 1993, indicate the jurisdiction and the date of adoption:)
    • Konstitutsiia Rossiĭskoĭ Federatsii [Konst. RF] [Constitution] art. 27 (Russ.).
    • Konstitutsiia RSFSR (1978) [Konst. RSFSR] [RSFSR Constitution].
  • Codes: Codes can be cited to their publication in Russia’s official gazette or as individual documents: <code name> [<code abbreviation>] [<English translation of code name>] <article> (<country abbreviation if not evident from context>).
    • Grazhdanskiĭ Kodeks Rossiĭskoĭ Federatsii [GK RF] [Civil Code] art. 123 (Russ.).
  • Statutes and decrees: <name of law> [<English translation of law>], <name of publication> [<abbreviation of publication>] [<name of publication in English, unless citing to Ros. Gaz.>] <year of publication, or full date of publication if citation is made to a newspaper>, <issue number>, <item number> (<country abbreviation if not evident from context>). (Do not include <name of law> [<English translation of law>] if the full title of the document is included in the text.)
    • Federal’nyĭ Zakon RF o Grazhdanstve Rossiĭskoĭ Federatsii [Federal Law of the Russian Federation on Citizenship of the Russian Federa- tion], Sobranie Zakonodatel’stva Rossiĭskoĭ Federatsii [SZ RF] [Russian Federation Collection of Legislation] 2004, No. 12, Item 1151.
    • Sobranie Zakonodatel’stva Rossiĭskoĭ Federatsii [SZ RF] [Russian Federation Collection of Legislation] 2004, No. 12, Item 1151.
  • Citation format for acts published in a newspaper: <name of act> [<name of act in English>], <name of publication>, <date of publication>, <page number> (<country abbreviation if not evident from context>). (Cite legislative acts for the period of 1917 to 1937 to 'Soviet Acts' or 'Russian Acts':)
    • Zakon SSSR o Grazhdanstve SSSR [USSR Law on Citizenship of the USSR], Izvestiia, Dec. 12, 1988, p. 3.
    • Izvestiia Tsentral’nogo Ispolnitel’nogo Komiteta Sovetov Rabochikh i Krest’ianskikh Deputatov SSSR [Izv.TsIK] [Bulletin of the USSR Central Executive Committee of the Councils of Workers’ and Peasants’ Deputies]
  • laws of the Russian Empire: <name of law> [<English translation of law>] <name of publication> [<abbreviation of publication>] [<name of publication in English>], <volume number>, <year of publication>, No. <item number> (<country abbreviation if not evident from context>).
    • Zakon o Poseleniiakh na Kitaĭskoĭ Granitse [Law on the Chinese Border Settlements] Polnoe Sobranie Zakonov Rossiĭskoĭ Imperii [PSZ] [Complete Collection of Laws of the Russian Empire], II, v. XLIX, 1874, No. 53418.
  • Legislative hearings: <hearing title> [<English translation of hearing title>] <publication name> [<publication abbreviation>] [<English translation of publication name>] Issue <issue number>, <period of coverage>, p. <page(s) of specific material> (<country abbreviation if not evident from context>).
    • O Razvitii Sporta v Rossiĭskoĭ Federatsii [On Sport Development in the Russian Federation] Parlamentskie Slushaniia v Gosudarstvennoĭ Dume [Parl. Slush.] [Parliamentary Hearings in the State Duma] Issue XI, Jan.–June 2003, p. 17 (Russ.).
    • Sostoianie Zakonodatel’noĭ Bazy Okhrany Zdorov’ia, Slushaniia v Sovete Federatsii RF [State of Legislation on Health Care, Hearings in the RF Federation Council], Mar. 25, 2004 (Russ.).

Bluebook Switzerland


multilingual country example

  • Bundesgericht (BGer)/Tribunal fédéral (TF)/Tribunale federale (TF) (Federal Supreme Court): Cite to BGE/ATF/DTF, or SJ, if therein; otherwise, cite to Pra or JdT.: <court name> [<court abbreviation>] [<English translation of court name>] <date of decision>, <docket number for decisions only published online> <volume number> <reporter or periodical name> [<reporter or periodical abbreviation>] <part number> <page number> (<country abbreviation if not evident from context>).
    • Bundesgericht [BGer] [Federal Supreme Court] Jan. 28, 1999, 125 Entscheidungen des schweizerischen Bundesgerichts [BGE] I 96 (Switz.).
    • Tribunal fédérale [TF] Jan. 10, 2014, 4A_431/2013.
    • Bundesgericht [BGer] [Federal Supreme Court] Sept. 23, 2008, 2C_268/2008 (Switz.).
    • Tribunal pénal fédéral [TPF] [Federal Criminal Court] Feb. 21, 2014, RH.2014.2 (Switz.).
  • current constitution: <constitution name in German or French> [<constitution abbreviation in German or French>] [Constitution] <date of enactment>, <abbreviation or full title of systematic collection of laws> <number of law>, <article>, <paragraph, if applicable> (<country abbreviation if not evident from context>).
    • Bundesverfassung [BV] [Constitution] Apr. 18, 1999, SR 101, art. 29, para. 1 (Switz.).
    • Constitution fédérale [Cst] [Constitution] Apr. 18, 1999, RO 101, art. 29, para. 1 (Switz.).
  • former constitution: <title in German and/or French>, <date>, <abbreviation or full title of chronological collection of laws in German and/or French> [<abbreviation of former constitution in German and/or French>] <article> <paragraph, if applicable> (<country abbreviation if not evident from context>).
    • Bundesverfassung, Constitution fédérale, May 29, 1874, AS 1, RO 1 [BV 1874, Cst 1874] art. 4 (Switz.).
  • Codes: <code name in German, French, and/or Italian> [<code abbreviation in German, French, and/or Italian>] [<English translation of code name>] <date of enactment>, <compilation of laws> <number of law>, <article>, <paragraph, if applicable> (<country abbreviation if not evident from context>).
    • Schweizerisches Zivilgesetzbuch [ZGB], Code civil [CC], Codice civile [CC] [Civil Code] Dec. 10, 1907, SR 210, RS 210, art. 3 (Switz.).
To cite a former version of a code that was in effect at an earlier date, rather than citing to the updated and systematic compilation of laws, which is maintained as a loose-leaf system and available online, it is preferable to cite to the chronological collection of laws and to mention the operative date or the last amending law:
    • Schweizerisches Strafgesetzbuch [StGB] [Criminal Code] Dec. 21, 1937, SR 757 (1938), as amended by Gesetz, Oct. 4, 1991, AS 2465 (1992), art. 37, para. 1 (Switz.).

BlueBook Roman Law



  • Digest of Justinian. Citation format: <work abbreviation> <book number>.<section number>.<item number> (<name of author>, <title of work of author> <book number of work of author>).
    • Dig. 9.2.23 (Ulpian, Ad Edictum 18).
  • Code of Justinian. Citation format: <work abbreviation> <book number>.<title number>.<section number(s)> (<relevant emperor name(s)> <year(s)>).
    • Code Just. 2.45.3 (Diocletian & Maximian 290/293).
  • Novels of Justinian. Citation format: <work abbreviation> <number of novella>.<section number> (<year>). (Citations to a particular English translation may be included parenthetically.)
    • Nov. 15.1 (535) (F. de Zuleta trans., 1946).



See CS1 COinS key list. Current metadata interpretation is based on court cases and legislation being officially published in periodicals/journals, which is often the case:

  • rft.atitle -> "article title" = litigants or act title (rft.title may be deprecated)
  • rft.jtitle -> "journal title" = reporter, journal, or other periodical or publisher of law
  • rft.au = 'court name' and possibly 'legislature'/'body'/'executive' aliases. Nothing else seems to fit.
  • rft.pub -> "publisher" = shows up only in MaroonBook 4.6(d), for codified law, in same position as court name.
  • rft_id -> look into whether these are corrupted by outside templates
  • rft.cc = Unused in CS1/2 but we would certainly want it for international law, unless something like rft.place can be usurped appropriately. {{cite patent}} would also use it.
  • rft.genre = article (??? default for periodical, but look into possible others)
  • rft_val.fmt = info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:journal (very few choices)

Further goals

  • language and format support