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子曰:「述而不作, 信而好古, 竊比於我老彭。默而識之, 學而不厭, 誨人不倦, 何有於我哉 」

Confucius said: "I am a transmitter, rather than an original thinker. I trust and enjoy the teachings of the ancients. In my heart I compare myself to old P'eng. Keeping silent and thinking; studying without satiety, teaching others without weariness: these things come natural to me."

Category for the Jane Roberts article



I need you to go to this page and vote whether the category for this article will be "Psychics", "Purported psychics", or "Psychics and/or purported psychics". Someone recently changed the name to "Purported psychics" and I'm trying to get it changed back to something less "skeptical".


Thanks!--Caleb Murdock 08:43, 18 March 2007 (UTC)