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User:SchroCat/Littlehampton libels

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Edith Swan (left) and Rose Gooding (right)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nunc lacus, efficitur non dapibus nec, iaculis in metus. Suspendisse egestas semper nibh aliquet sodales. Aenean in lobortis tellus, a faucibus tortor. Proin imperdiet non augue sed ultricies. Fusce fermentum, dui sed tincidunt sollicitudin, mauris orci laoreet nulla, eget pretium velit elit eu tellus. Maecenas augue urna, tempus vitae magna id, ultricies placerat tellus. Fusce tristique ex diam, id imperdiet quam egestas interdum. Aliquam placerat eleifend magna, eget ullamcorper tellus pharetra at. Donec consequat risus vitae purus tincidunt varius. Nam pellentesque id dui a convallis. Morbi sit amet lectus tortor. In sit amet tincidunt nibh, ac rutrum tellus. Duis tincidunt ac est ut tristique. In justo nisl, mattis id fringilla at, scelerisque ut erat.

Fusce interdum turpis in odio posuere, venenatis viverra tortor posuere. Sed lacus lorem, finibus a mattis in, congue ut justo. Phasellus luctus mi vitae ligula tempus varius. Donec dignissim nibh in est lacinia, vel accumsan diam venenatis. Praesent porttitor massa vitae quam feugiat finibus. Phasellus nec sagittis nisi. Nulla tempus dignissim leo et hendrerit. Aenean ipsum nibh, pulvinar non sem at, posuere aliquam leo. Duis congue auctor urna et lacinia.

Curabitur cursus et justo non bibendum. Aenean ultrices mollis dolor eu consectetur. Ut placerat nibh arcu. Praesent ornare volutpat augue nec accumsan. Aenean ac finibus tellus. Nam laoreet, massa sed facilisis scelerisque, sapien lectus pulvinar lectus, at tincidunt justo ex et arcu. In in maximus ante. Quisque tortor massa, egestas non est a, congue ultrices elit. Vivamus volutpat sollicitudin neque vel hendrerit. Nullam dictum maximus sapien, sit amet porttitor sem. Sed eu facilisis leo, in fermentum mauris. Proin non ante in lectus facilisis rutrum. Vestibulum tincidunt ante non arcu lacinia, ac tempor ex eleifend.


Map, showing the location of Littlehampton
Map, showing the location of Littlehampton
Littlehampton, on the south cost of England





Aftermath and legacy



May 1920 Swan laid a complaint about Gooding with the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.
After the inspector’s visit a ‘flood of filthy postcards’ started. The early letters were signed ‘R—’ and ‘R. G.’; one ended ‘with Mrs. Gooding’s compliments’.
Swan went to the police - no help so started a private prosecution for libel
22 September 1920 Gooding was remanded in custody for two and a half months before trial
13 December 1920 Found guilty - two weeks in prison and bound her over to keep the peace for two years after her release
23 December 1920 Gooding released from prison
1 January 1921 Swan says she received a dirty message which contained the words, “I hope you get all the bad luck you deserve in the New Year for getting me sent to prison.”’
March 1921 Swan launched a new prosecution. Gooding was arrested and committed for another trial. Again a jury found her guilty, and this time Mr Justice Avory sentenced her to twelve months in prison
April 1921 Gooding appealed - rejected
Documents found in the street in same handwriting
c. June 1921 Inspector George Nicholls of Scot Yard on the case
25 July 1921 Gooding’s conviction quashed
July 1923 Swan’s second trial
“Soon after” Swan appealed - rejected
December 1923 Swan petitioned the Home Office, pleading innocence



Notes and references









  • Cockayne, Emily (2023). Penning Poison: A History of Anonymous Letters. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-1987-9505-6.
  • Evans, Mary; Moore, Sarah; Johnstone, Hazel (2019). Detecting the Social: Order and Disorder in Post-1970s Detective Fiction. Cham, Zug: Palgrave Macmillan. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-94520-0. ISBN 978-3-3199-4520-0.
  • Hilliard, Christopher (2017). The Littlehampton Libels: A Miscarriage of Justice and a Mystery about Words in 1920s England. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-1987-9965-8.
  • Morton, James (2015). Justice Denied: Extraordinary Miscarriages of Justice. London: Robinson. ISBN 978-1-4721-1131-9.

Journals and magazines



  • "Alleged Criminal Libels". The Worthing Gazette. 20 July 1923. p. 7.
  • "Anonymous Letter Mystery". The Littlehampton Gazette. 20 July 1923. p. 3.
  • "Anonymous Letter Mystery". The Worthing Gazette. 25 July 1923. p. 3.
  • "Anonymous Letters Case Recalled". The Times. 10 October 1922. p. 9.
  • "Court of Criminal Appeal". The Times. 14 August 1923. p. 4.
  • Jones, Ellen E. (24 February 2024). "Wicked Little Letters Review – a Deliciously Sweary Poison-Pen Mystery". The Observer.
  • "Libellous Card Mystery". The Leeds Mercury. 10 December 1921. p. 7.
  • "Littlehampton Letters". Sussex Express. 17 August 1923. p. 5.
  • "Littlehampton Letters Mystery". The Times. 12 July 1923. p. 9.
  • "Littlehampton Libel Charge". The Times. 19 July 1923. p. 9.
  • "Mrs Gooding's Accuser Freed". Nottingham Evening Post. 10 December 1921. p. 1.
  • "The Littlehampton Mystery". John Bull. 21 January 1922. p. 10.

