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Project Achievement Overview

Overview Achievements
Amount Rank / Titel Family Member(s)
1 Minister-President Felix Schwarzenberg (Austrian Empire)
1 Vice-Prime Minister Karl Schwarzenberg (Czech Republic)
2 Minister of Foreign Affairs Felix Schwarzenberg (Austrian Empire)
Karl Schwarzenberg (Czech Republic)
Cardinal Friedrich (Titular church: Sant'Agostino)
Archbishop Friedrich (Archbishop of Salzburg and Prague)
Bischop Ernst (Bishop of Győr)
Field Marschall (OF-10)
Generals (OF-6 to OF-9)
Senior Officers (OF-3 to OF-5)
Junior Officers (OF-1 to OF-2)
18 Order of the Golden Fleece Georg Ludwig (1627)
Johann Adolf (1650)
Ferdinand (1688)
Adam Franz (1712)
Joseph I. (1732)
Johann I. (1782)
Josef II. (1808)
Karl I. (1809)
Adolf (1836)
Karl II. (1852)
Edmund (1862)
Karl III. (1881)
Adolf Josef (1889)
Karl IV. (1907)
Johann (1915)
Joseph III. (1951)
Karl VI. (1960)
Karl VII. (1991)
2 Military Order of Maria Theresa Karl I.
Order of Saint Stephen of Hungary
Royal Bavarian Order of Saint George
Sovereign Military Order of Malta
Constantinian Order
Teutonic Order

Project Trivia


Eleonore Vampir

SMS Schwarzenberg Helgoland

Art Collection:

Artists: Ferdinand Runk, Hamilton, Beethoven etc.

Project Economic Impact


Bohemian Railway

Schwarzenberg Channel

Project Decendents

European style family tree bottom to top (William, Prince of Wales)

Johann I. Nepomuk
5th Prince of Schwarzenberg, 10th (3rd of his line) Duke of Krumlov
2. Charles III of the United Kingdom3. Lady Diana Spencer
4. Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark5. Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom6. John Spencer, 8th Earl Spencer7. The Honourable Frances Roche
8. Prince Andrew of Greece and Denmark9. Princess Alice of Battenberg10. George VI of the United Kingdom11. Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon12. Albert Spencer, 7th Earl Spencer13. Lady Cynthia Hamilton14. Maurice Roche, 4th Baron Fermoy15. Ruth Gill

--- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Family_trees ---

Project Euro-Map



Name Image Location Map Comments
Krumlov Castle
Krumau Castle
Český Krumlov Castle
Český Krumlov, South Bohemia
Location of Český Krumlov Castle
Location of Český Krumlov Castle
Český Krumlov
Český Krumlov (Czech Republic)
Held from 1719 until the expropriation in 1947

UNESCO World Heritage Site

One of the largest castles in the world
Hluboká Castle
Frauenberg Castle

Hluboká nad Vltavou, South Bohemia
Location of Hluboká Castle
Location of Hluboká Castle
Hluboká nad Vltavou
Hluboká nad Vltavou (Czech Republic)
Acquired by Johann Adolf I of Schwarzenberg in 1661

Held until the expropriation in 1947

One of the finest examples of Neo-Tudor architecture in Historicism
Vimperk Castle
Winterberg Castle

Vimperk, South Bohemia
Location of Vimperk Castle
Location of Vimperk Castle
Vimperk (Czech Republic)
Acquired in 1698

Held until the expropriation in 1947
Třeboň Castle
Wittingau Castle

Třeboň, South Bohemia
Location of Třeboň Castle
Location of Třeboň Castle
Třeboň (Czech Republic)
Acquired in 1698

Held until the expropriation in 1947
Protivín Castle
Protivín, South Bohemia
Location of Protivín Castle
Location of Protivín Castle
Protivín (Czech Republic)
Acquired in 1711

Held until the expropriation in 1947
Kratochvíle Castle
Kurzweil Castle
Netolice, South Bohemia
Location of Kratochvíle Castle
Location of Kratochvíle Castle
Kratochvíle (Czech Republic)
Inherited in 1719 from the Princes of Eggenberg

Held until the expropriation in 1947
Červený Dvůr Castle
Rothenhof Castle

Chvalšiny, South Bohemia
Location of Chvalšiny
Location of Chvalšiny
Chvalšiny (Czech Republic)
Inherited in 1719 from the Princes of Eggenberg

Held until the expropriation in 1947
Borovany Castle
Forbes Castle

Borovany, South Bohemia
Location of Borovany
Location of Borovany
Borovany (Czech Republic)
Acquired in 1789 in exchange for the Dominion of Vlčice (German: Wildschütz)

Held until the expropriation in 1947
Dříteň Castle
Zirnau Castle

Dříteň, South Bohemia
Location of Dříteň Castle
Location of Dříteň Castle
Dříteň (Czech Republic)
Acquired in 1698

Held until the expropriation in 1947
Drslavice Fortress
Drislawitz Fortress
Drslavice, South Bohemia
Location of Drslavice Fortress
Location of Drslavice Fortress
Drslavice (Czech Republic)
Acquired in 1698

Held until the expropriation in 1947
Kestřany Castle
Kesterschan Castle

Kestřany, South Bohemia
Location of Kestřany Castle
Location of Kestřany Castle
Kestřany (Czech Republic)
Acquired in 1700

Held until the First Land Reform in 1924
Old Libějovice Castle
Libějovice, South Bohemia
Location of Old Libějovice Castle
Location of Old Libějovice Castle
Libějovice (Czech Republic)
Acquired in 1801

Held until the expropriation in 1947
New Libějovice Castle
Libějovice, South Bohemia
Location of New Libějovice Castle
Location of New Libějovice Castle
Libějovice (Czech Republic)
Acquired in 1801

Rebuilt 1816 – 1817

Held until the expropriation in 1947
Ohrada Castle
Wohrad Castle

Hluboká nad Vltavou, South Bohemia
Location of Ohrada Castle
Location of Ohrada Castle
Hluboká nad Vltavou
Hluboká nad Vltavou (Czech Republic)
Built 1708 – 1713

Held until the expropriation in 1947
Chýnov, South Bohemian Region
Location of Chýnov Castle
Location of Chýnov Castle
Chýnov (Czech Republic)
Acquired in 1719

Held until the expropriation in 1947
Postelberg Castle

Postoloprty, North Bohemia
Location of Postoloprty Castle
Location of Postoloprty Castle
Postoloprty (Czech Republic)
Acquired in 1692

Held until the expropriation in 1947
Nový Hrad
Neuschloß Castle

Jimlín, Ústí nad Labem Region
Location of Nový Hrad Castle
Location of Nový Hrad Castle
Nový Hrad
Nový Hrad (Czech Republic)
Acquired in 1767

Held until the expropriation in 1947
Lobositz Castle

Lovosice, Ústí nad Labem Region
Location of Lovosice Castle
Location of Lovosice Castle
Lovosice (Czech Republic)
Acquired in 1783

Original seat of the Schwarzenberg Archives

Held until the expropriation in 1947
Zittolieb or Zitolib Castle

Cítoliby, North Bohemia
Location of Cítoliby Castle
Location of Cítoliby Castle
Cítoliby (Czech Republic)
Acquired in 1803

Held until the First Land Reform in 1924
Domauschitz Castle

Domoušice, North Bohemia
Location of Domoušice Castle
Location of Domoušice Castle
Domoušice (Czech Republic)
Acquired in 1802

Held until the First Land Reform in 1924
Kornhauz Castle

Mšec, North Bohemia
Location of Mšec Castle
Location of Mšec Castle
Mšec (Czech Republic)
Held until the expropriation in 1947
Divice Fortress
Vinařice (Louny District), Ústí nad Labem Region
Location of Divice Fortress
Location of Divice Fortress
Divice (Czech Republic)
Acquired in 1802

Held until the First Land Reform in 1924
Brodec Castle
Brodec (Louny District), Ústí nad Labem Region
Location of Divice Fortress
Location of Divice Fortress
Brodec (Czech Republic)
Acquired in 1802

Held until the First Land Reform in 1924
Dobrš Castle
Dobrž Castle
Dobersch Castle

Dobrš, South Bohemia
Location of Divice Fortress
Location of Divice Fortress
Dobrš (Czech Republic)
Acquired in 1707

Sold in the 19th century.
Vlčice Castle
Wildschütz Castle

Vlčice (Trutnov District)
Location of Vlčice Castle
Location of Vlčice Castle
Vlčice (Czech Republic)
Acquired in 1675

Held until 1789

Exchanged for Borovany
Břecštejn Castle
Silberstein Castle
Hrádeček (Vlčice)
Location of Břecštejn Castle
Location of Břecštejn Castle
Břecštejn (Czech Republic)
Acquired in 1675

Held until 1789

Exchanged for Borovany
Orlík Castle
Worlik Castle

Orlík nad Vltavou, South Bohemia
Location of Orlík Castle
Location of Orlík Castle
Orlík nad Vltavou
Orlík nad Vltavou (Czech Republic)
Main residence of the Schwarzenberg Secundogeniture

Restored in 1992

Held to present

Publicly accessible
Čimelice Castle
Čimelice, South Bohemia
Location of Čimelice
Location of Čimelice
Čimelice (Czech Republic)
Acquired in 1840 through the marriage of Karl II Schwarzenberg with Josefina Marie Wratislaw of Mitrovic

Spring and summer residence of the Schwarzenberg Secundogeniture

Restored in 1992

Held to present
Karlov Castle
Karlov (Smetanova Lhota), South Bohemia
Location of Karlov Castle
Location of Karlov Castle
Karlov (Czech Republic)
Restored in 1992

Held to present
Varvažov Castle
Warwaschau Castle
Varvažov, South Bohemia
Location of Varvažov Castle
Location of Varvažov Castle
Varvažov (Czech Republic)
Acquired in 1847 from the Sovereign Military Order of Malta

Restored in 1992

Held to present
Rakovice Castle
Rakovice, South Bohemia
Location of Rakovice
Location of Rakovice
Rakovice (Czech Republic)
Acquired in 1840 through the marriage of Karl II Schwarzenberg with Josefina Marie Wratislaw of Mitrovic

Restored in 1992

Held to present
Sedlec Castle
Sedletz Castle

Sedlec in the town of Kutná Hora, Central Bohemia
Location of Sedlec Castle
Location of Sedlec Castle
Sedlec (Czech Republic)
Acquired in 1819 from the Cistercians

Restored in 1992

Held to present
Dřevíč Castle
Grund Castle

Sýkořice, Central Bohemian Region
Location of Dřevíč Castle
Location of Dřevíč Castle
Dřevíč Castle
Dřevíč Castle (Czech Republic)
Built by Joseph Wilhelm Ernst, Prince of Fürstenberg in the first half of the 18th century

Sold by Maximilian Egon II, Prince of Fürstenberg to Czechoslovakia

Acquired by Karel Schwarzenberg in 1991

Held to present
Hunting lodge Tyrolský dům
Tiroler Haus
Květov, South Bohemia
Location of Tyrolský dům
Location of Tyrolský dům
Květov (Czech Republic)
Restored in 1992

Held to present
Nový Dvůr
Obora u Cerhonic, South Bohemia
Location of Nový Dvůr
Location of Nový Dvůr
Nový Dvůr
Nový Dvůr (Czech Republic)
Acquired by Dr. Friedrich & Regula Schwarzenberg in the 1990's

Held to present and main seat of Ferdinand Schwarzenberg
Tochovice Castle
Tochovice, South Bohemia
Location of Tochovice Castle
Location of Tochovice Castle
Tochovice (Czech Republic)
Acquired in 1840 through the marriage of Karl II Schwarzenberg with Josefina Marie Wratislaw of Mitrovic

Restored in 1992

Seat of Ernst Schwarzenberg's descendants

Sold in 2022
Zbenice Castle
Zbenice, Central Bohemian Region
Location of Zbenice Castle
Location of Zbenice Castle
Zbenice (Czech Republic)
Acquired in 1805 through Karl I Schwarzenberg

Held until 1948
Bukovany Castle
Schloss Bukowan

Bukovany u Kozárovic, Central Bohemian Region
Location of Bukovany Castle
Location of Bukovany Castle
Bukovany (Czech Republic)
Acquired in 1816 through Karl I Schwarzenberg

Held until the First Land Reform in 1925
Zalužany Castle Zalužany, South Bohemia
Location of Zalužany Castle
Location of Zalužany Castle
Zalužany (Czech Republic)
Held until the First Land Reform in 1924
Osov Castle
Osov, South Bohemia
Location of Osov Castle
Location of Osov Castle
Osov (Czech Republic)
Acquired in 1840.

Sold in 1927.

Zvíkov Castle
Zwingenberg Castle

Zvíkovské Podhradí, South Bohemia
Location of Zvíkov Castle
Location of Zvíkov Castle
Zvíkov (Czech Republic)
Held until 1948. In 1992 it was returned to the family and handed over to the care of the state.

Publicly accessible

Starosedlský Hrádek Castle
Altsattler Bürgel Castle

Starosedlský Hrádek, Central Bohemia
Location of Starosedlský Hrádek Castle
Location of Starosedlský Hrádek Castle
Starosedlský Hrádek
Starosedlský Hrádek (Czech Republic)
Held until 1948.
Palais Schwarzenberg
Schwarzenberský palác

Location of Palais Schwarzenberg
Location of Palais Schwarzenberg
Prague (Czech Republic)
Acquired in 1719

Held until the expropriation in 1947

Publicly accessible
Palais Salm
Salmovský palác
Small Palais Schwarzenberg

Location of Palais Salm
Location of Palais Salm
Prague (Czech Republic)
Acquired in 1811

Held until the expropriation in 1947
Palais Deym
Deymův palác

Location of Palais Deym
Location of Palais Deym
Prague (Czech Republic)
Acquired in 1845

Prague seat of the Schwarzenberg Secundogeniture

Held to present
Palais Bissing
Bissingenský palác
Tatarkovic dům
Schwarzenberský dům

Location of Palais Bissing
Location of Palais Bissing
Palais Bissing
Palais Bissing (Czech Republic)
Acquired in 1850

Consisting of two buildings: No. 90/17 (larger building with Schwarzenberg CoA) and No. 91/19.

Military Units, Guards and Marksmen


Schwarzenberg Ulanen


Lancers, therefore cavalryman.

Schwarzenberg Guard


Grenadiers guard.

Murauer Bürgergarde


Civil infantery guard.

Fürtstl. Priviligierte Scheinfelder Böllerschützen


Marksmen unit.