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Hello! I'm Matthew and welcome to my user page. I'm a student at the University of Washington studying Informatics focusing on Human Computer Interaction (HCI). I enjoy design, riding and understanding major cities public transportation systems, avocados, riding my bicycle and daydreaming about moving to the Netherlands (someday!).

I mostly edit grammer, punctuation, and capitalization on pages. I leave my preferred style of grammer, punctuation, and capitalization out of Wikipedia. I want to concentrate on being accurate and adhere to the structured fundamentals of correct grammer. Did you just ask WHAT are the structured fundamentals and WHO made them? Good. I like you! That's a question I've always asked (about many "structured" systems) but end up just thinking its mostly about one's perception. Basically, I want to make the English language on here readable for all users. Lets stay away from pretentious, difficult to understand, trying-to-show-off words and sentences. However, that doesn't mean we can't write brillant articles!

Write on users, write on!

’sThis user understands that apostrophe's apostrophes are for possession and contraction, not pluralization.
.This user's favorite punctuation is the period.