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Hello Wikipedians my name is Shatteraura - there is a story behind the name but I don't remember it. So yea this is my page!

Why I Started Editing


Well I've used Wikipedia for a long time to find info on the things I love, however there was one particular page that existed for a while but to my dismay was deleted. This page was the Miku Hatsune Wikipedia page, I was rather upset about this fact but I thought I had no clue as to how to rewrite the page myself to make it stay; this was a while ago. However about 1 and a bit months ago I discovered that someone had started a fledgling Miku article again! Without a second thought I signed up to Wikipedia! I have collected a great deal of information about Miku while I've been a fan of hers, and I'm glad to say that anything I write down has a cite on the internet [Basically I'm not just a fan with lots of opinions I actually took time to learn my stuff!] As you may have noticed I have done a TON of edits to the Miku page already, and I sincerely hope that this information is both interesting and useful for everyone, and despite already having nearly doubled the information on the page I'm glad to say I still have more to go!

Miku Hatsune


Well if you read the section above you will know that she is the whole reason I'm here, I've been a very big fan of Miku from the very year of her creation in 2007 all the way to the present. I have no idea why but she inspires me a lot, despite her not being a real person I still can't help but think of her as one. I hope one day to see one of her live concerts, and I pray that people never stop loving her and her music.

The Rest


Well there's not much to tell really, all that really matters to you and me at this point and in this place is the Miku Hatsune Wikipedia page. If I ever manage to finish the Miku Wikipedia I would be happy to move on to another page, currently though the Miku page is the closest to my heart. Apparently even closer than my own page considering the minimal effort I've placed into its construction!