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Child Labour is defined as the work done as part time or full time by the under age children to at low payment or to pay debt taken by their parents. Child labour is the worst crime in world which destroys children future completely and so the nation’s future too. A Child has full right to live his childhood by playing, studying and enjoying but due to some selfish people they are forced to do work as labour in unhealthy environment. Sometimes their real parents became their enemies because they force their children for labour work either due to selfishness or fulfil their basic needs for survival in the world.

Who is Responsible for Child Labour

In India, more than 5 million children are engaged in labour work that is completely not acceptable in order to make our country healthy, wealthy and socially developed. Survey says that, poverty and shortage of good primary schools are the main cause for child labour. Except that, mental state of parents also affects this crime. Until a parent is not aware of harmful impacts of this crime “child labour” on their children, it is almost impossible to end this crime. Extreme poor and rural areas are the sources of this evil “Child Labour” or “Child Slavery”. This trend has developed in rural areas to send their kids for work instead of sending them to school to get education.

What are the workspaces for Child Labour

There are so many places in India where this crime still exists like households, real estates, hotel and restaurants, manufacturing plants, handicraft industry, entertainment industry, coal & mines, etc. Some of them are too hazardous and dangerous for young ones which can physically and mentally damage them like exploitative occupation of coal mines and industries of matchbox and fireworks, but still children are working there in excess number. Shefali Singh Rajput (talk) 12:51, 19 February 2018 (UTC)Consequences / Effects:

Child labour has several negative impacts. Some of them include:

1. Loss of Quality childhood: It is important for human beings to enjoy every stage of their development. A child should play with friends and make memories for a lifetime. Youths should explore life and form strong foundations that would define their adult lives. Child labour, therefore, leads to loss of quality childhood as children will be deprived of the opportunity to enjoy the amazing experiences that come with being young. Children are often encouraged to play because it helps in their growth and development. A child forced to work will miss many of the good things associated with childhood.

2. Health issues: Child labour can also lead to health complications due to undernourishment and poor working conditions. It is highly unlikely that people who employ children also have the moral capacity to ensure that they have good working conditions. Working in places such as mines and badly conditioned factories may result in lifetime health issues for children employed to work in these places. A child assigned physically demanding duties may suffer physical trauma that may scar him or her for life.

3. Mental trauma: It is not a pleasant experience to be kept working as a child while your age-mates are out playing and going to school. Children also lack the ability to shield themselves from most of the challenges that occur in the workplace. Issues such as bullying, sexual exploitation, and unfavorable working hours may result in mental trauma in these children. They will find it hard to forget the past and may become societal misfits because of bad childhood experiences. Child labour may also result in the lack of emotional growth and thus insensitivity.

4. Illiteracy: Children that are employed do not have the time to go to school. They spend a lot of time in their workstations as the days and years go by. The lack of education and illiteracy makes them individuals with limited opportunities as far as employment is concerned. Education also prepares a person for several challenges in the society and without it, one may turn out to lack the basic skills required to overcome many of life’s problems. An individual who has gone to school may be aware of how to approach certain situations in life without resorting to brute force. An illiterate person, on the other hand, considers force to be the only answer to nearly all of the challenges experienced.