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Article evaluation

I read an article on social media and its effects on interpersonal relationships. I found the article along with this class very helpful in terms of helping me realize the importance of media and how it impacts our everyday life.




What I plan to contribute to my topic is updated information about the effects of social media on our interpersonal relationships. Social media evolves everyday and the way we communicate evolves with it. What I can specifically add is a statistic I found that states 81 percent of people have a social media account. https://www.statista.com/statistics/273476/percentage-of-us-population-with-a-social-network-profile/

Lead Section

So far I have made additions to my wiki section based on facts.




These are scholarly articles that talks about the rates of social media interactions versus in person interactions and the negative effects it has on us


According to Chouinard, "You always see a bunch of friend groups hanging out together when each of them is caught up in their digital devices; they constantly want to check what everyone's tweeting, what they are doing, instead of talking to the friends they're sitting with, or holding conversation and engaging with each other"

49 percent of all social contact with kin was conducted online, while 62 percent of interactions with friends employed the internet. They also discovered that not only do more people communicated through the internet, but it had a negative affect on relations. These doctors stated they found that the internet was rated worse for maintaining relationships, and better for getting schoolwork done and exchanging information

More studies were done by Nancy K. Baym, Yan Bing Zhang. and Mei-Chen Lin who are professors at the University of Kansas. They found that 49 percent of all social contact with kin was conducted online, while 62 percent of interactions with friends employed the internet. They also discovered that not only do more people communicated through the internet, but it had a negative affect on relations. These doctors stated t hey found that the internet was rated worse for maintaining relationships, and better for getting schoolwork done and exchanging information

Added a Picture to my section : Social media#/media/File:Social media team.jpeg


 Chouinard, Jean-Sébastien (20 February 2013). ""When Hyperconnectivity Leads to Social Alienation."".


Baym, Nancy K., Yan Bing Zhang, and Mei-Chen Lin. "Social interactions across media: Interpersonal communication on the internet, telephone and face-to-face." New Media & Society 6.3 (2004): 299-318.
