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Dr. Zvi Shkedi

Ph.D., Physics, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel




  • Search for a Possible JP=0+, T=2 Resonance in 9Be(3He,Gamma Gamma)12C . Hanna et al., Nuclear Physics Vol. A195 (1972) p.91
  • Hyperfine Interactions of the 6.13 MeV, 3- State of 16O in Ions of Low Charge State. Broude et al., Nuclear Physics Vol.A215 (1973) p.617
  • Magnetic Moment Measurements. Shkedi Z., M.S. Thesis, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel (1972)
  • Hyperfine Interactions of 16O Nuclei in Highly Ionized Atoms. Broude et al., Bulletin of the Israel Physical Society (1973) p.55
  • Width of the 6.20 MeV, JP=1- Level of 18O. Hass et al., Nuclear Physics Vol.A220 (1974) p.217
  • The Magnetic Moment of the 4+, 3.55 MeV Level of 18O. Berant et al., Nuclear Physics Vol.A235 (1974) p.410
  • The Magnetic Moment of the 4+, 3.55 MeV Level of 18O. Berant et al., International Conference on Hyperfine Interactions Studied in Nuclear Reactions and Decay (1974) Uppsala, Sweden, p.94
  • The Magnetic Moment of the First Excited 2+ State in 18O. Speidel et al., Physics Letters Vol.57B (1975) p.143
  • The Magnetic Moment of the First Excited State of 19O. Goldring et al., Nuclear Physics Vol.A262 (1976) p.214
  • Decoupling Measurements with Low-Charge Oxygen Ions Recoiling into Gas. Goldberg et al., Hyperfine Interactions Vol.1 No.5 (1976) p.361
  • The Magnetic Moment of the 96 KeV, 3/2+ Level of 19O. Goldring et al., Bulletin of the Israel Physical Society Vol.22 (1976) p.15
  • On the Systematics of Nuclear Magnetic Moments in Light s-d Shell Nuclei. Shkedi Z., Bulletin of the Israel Physical Society Vol.22 (1976) p.16
  • Magnetic Decoupling of the Hyperfine Interaction of 18F Ions Recoiling into Vacuum. Goldring et al., Hyperfine Interactions Vol.4 No.1-2 (1978) p.183 [Proceedings of the International Conference on Hyperfine Interactions (1977) Madison, New Jersey]
  • Hyperfine Field and Correlation Time Measurements of Sm Ions Recoiling into Gas and into Vacuum, by the Longitudinal Decoupling Method. Goldring et al., Hyperfine Interactions Vol.4 No.1-2 (1978) p.118 [Proceedings of the International Conference on Hyperfine Interactions (1977) Madison, New Jersey]
  • Measurement and Systematics of Magnetic Moments in s-d Shell Nuclei and the Hyperfine Interactions in Ionized Atoms. Shkedi Z., Ph.D. Thesis, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot Israel (1977)
  • Hyperfine Field and Correlation Time Measurements of Sm Ions Recoiling into Gas and Vacuum, by the Longitudinal Decoupling Method. Goldring et al., Hyperfine Interactions Vol.5 No.3 (1978) p.283
  • Emerging Materials for Solar Cell Applications - Electrodeposited Cadmium Telluride. Rod R.L. and Shkedi Z., USA Department of Energy Report Under Contract no. DE-AC04-79ET23008 (1979)
  • Thin Film Polycrystalline Solar Cells Prepared by Electrodeposition. Shkedi Z. and Rod R.L., Proceedings of the 14th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (1980) San Diego, CA, p.472
  • Understanding A/D Converters. Shkedi Z., Sensors Vol.7 No.10 (Sept. 1990) p.41
  • Understanding Performance Characteristics of A/D Converters. Shkedi Z., Sensors Vol.7 No.12 (Nov. 1990) p.28
  • A True 16-bit A/D Converter. Shkedi Z., Sensors Vol.8 No.3 (March 1991) p.64
  • Calorimetry, Excess Heat, and Faraday Efficiency in Ni-H2O Electrolytic Cells. Shkedi et al., Fusion Technology Vol.28 No.4 (1995) p.1720
  • Response to "Comments on 'Calorimetry, Excess Heat, and Faraday Efficiency in Ni-H2O Electrolytic Cells' ". Shkedi Z., Fusion Technology Vol.30 (1996) p.133



Science and Religion



  • Optical Tracking Detector. Shkedi Z., Israel Patent No. 51696
  • Temperature Compensated Pressure Transducer. Shkedi Z., USA Patent No. 4,689,999
  • Compact Digital Pressure Sensor Circuitry. Shkedi Z., USA Patent No. 4,763,063 and Brazil Patent No. PI-8603458
  • Capacitive Pressure Sensor. Shkedi Z., Lips D., and McCormack W., USA Patent No. 4,864,463 and World Organization Patent No. WO-89/10546
  • Pressure Sensor. Arabia F.G., Shkedi Z., and Brandt R.L., USA Patent No. 4,876,892 and World Organization Patent No. WO-89/10545
  • Measuring Circuit. Shkedi Z., European Patent No. EP-0213727
  • Pressure Transducers and Methods for Converting a Variable Pressure Input. Shkedi Z., European Patent No. EP-0210843
  • Capacitive Pressure Transducer. Shkedi Z., Lepkowski J.S., Pogany K.S., and Meyer G.W., USA Patent No. 4,987,782