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User:Shriya Kumar

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Self Help


There is a saying “the best place to find a helping hand is at the end of our own arm”. Self help means the act of relying on your own efforts and abilities in order to solve your problem, rather than seeking other’s help to the maximum potential we have.

Help Yourself


Problem before us may involve a need & opportunity to get more ability to solve problem. We can stretch ourselves for our maximum potential, by using all our resources in hand. We can keep learning new things to increase our skill and resources, develop self-confidence by removing fear of mistake or failure. We can also make self-help groups for mutual help & learning. We can borrow only such outside help that is needed and help using our own full potential.

Get Success By Helping Yourself


Knowing our problems better, we can be the best helper for the problem, and doing own we can better & timely execute. Using Self-help means help is guaranteed and it also increases our probability of getting outside help, if something still needed. Doing our own and stretching ourselves also gives us new learning and capability, in process, for future success as well. While success with self-help improves our self-confidence, failure provides valuable learning as foundation for success of future efforts.

Self Help Called Best Help


Self help is called best help from many perspectives. For individual, self-help is quickest & forever guaranteed help, and most effective being best executable. As per saying, “Your best teacher is your last mistake” means, self-help guide Individual in getting success, more skill, with increasing confidence & self-respect. Self-help benefits society also. Self-help helps utilizing full potential of society. When people gives their maximum to solve their problem, rather than burdening on others, it keeps their desire reasonable, increase their ability, increases surplus for genuinely needy, thus increases society’s total well-being, capability and output, & creates healthy competitive social environment.

What Can We Conclude?


There is a famous saying “God helps those who help themselves”. We should give maximum try ourselves to achieve our goal. It is our self-help approach that leads us to success route, besides benefiting society as well. However, we shouldn't misuse title message to deny help to genuinely needy people, and should offer our genuine help the poor and genuinely needy people in our society.