
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Shuuvuia is a user who tried to come up with a good username, but every one he tried turned out to have been taken. After creating the Shuuvuia (dinosaur) article, he decided to use this obscure saurichian's name as his username. I am also an avid supporter of Userboxes, since they look cool and allow users to have fun on wikipedia, besides creating articles of course :)

Well, go find something interesting. Look up hamsters. That's a good start.

Mindless Notes Your Life May Or May Not Depend On[edit]

Troodon ROCKS!

Although the link below this line says Turkeys, it actually leads somewhere else. Go ahead. Try it out.


Books are good for you. Go read a book. Now.

The "Weeeeeeeeeeeeee" section[edit]


The "Weeeeeeeeeeeeee" with a !!!! on the end of it section[edit]
