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Natural disasters

There are many natural disasters, there are volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis and many more. A lot of these natural disasters are create by the tectonic plates beneath the earth, or the weather system in the world. Earthquakes, earthquakes can be in any country such as Spain,

Volcanoes As you probably know, there are loads of volcanoes around the world. They are extremely dangerous and not safe to live near. The reason for this is that a volcano can erupt whenever, like the one in Pompeii 79 AD. Here is a couple more facts about volcanoes : The word ‘volcano’ comes from the Roman fire god Vulcan. Inside a volcano is magma, but when it comes out it is lava and then it dries in to molten rock. There is are dangerous volcanoes in the countries including the USA, Hawaii, Mexico, Colombia, New Guinea, Africa, Philippines, Japan, Rome and Indonesia.

Volcanos 2018

A volcano can be made by the tectonic plates of the earth rub together to shoot up to transform to a volcano or mountain. Tsunami A tsunami is caused by either an underwater volcanoes or the tectonic plates. Tornado

A tornado is a whirlwind also a sandstorm that can be made by a strong wind and sand that swirls together to make it stronger so it can break buildings a normal tornado is that sucks up dirt mixed together to make a normal one.

Volcanos There are lots of different tips of volcanoes .Here are some tips like Mount Merapi it is near Indonesia, another tip is Yellowstone Caldera in the USA.

TSUNAMIS ! Tsunamis are a big and gigantic wave coming from the ocean and can also gobble everything up and can go for miles and miles ! There are very dangerous because they can knock buildings over.

Tsunamis are made by the tectonic plates moving in the earth’s surface, or can be caused by volcanic eruptions. Tsunamis come to beaches or big islands. Any small islands will be swallowed intantally.

Volcanoes: Volcanoes come from the roman word Vulcan. Volcanoes are very dangerous. Never go near one. If you come across a volcano run fast!

Tsunamis Tsunamis are caused by when one of the tectonic plates under the sea shots up towards the surface and the water goes over it creating a wave. Tsunamis are devastating natural disasters and can wipe out whole cities. Dangerous volcanoes Volcanoes are also dangerous, volcanic eruptions happen when the magma from the magma chamber chamber rises to the surface and begins to push up causing pressure. When the pressure can’t be held back any longer, the volcano erupts. Some amazing facts about volcanoes are: • Volcanoes are named after the Greek fire god, Vulcan. • The Volcanic eruption in Pompey is a very historic eruption.

Volcanoes: There are three different types of Volcanoes, active, dormant, and extinct. Volcanoes are made by tectonic plates moving and crashing together causing a volcano to form. After a while, the magma stores up to much and causes it to erupt.


The tectonic plates rub together or they go towards each other. In the volcanoes the orange stuff is called magma and out of the volcanoes it is called lava, the lava when it sets it turns into soled rock called pumas. The tube that the lava comes out of is called a vent/chimney and the tube that makes the lava come out of the side is called a secondary side vent , there are lots of different shapes.


It were that two tectonic plates rub up and down and then I pushes all the water up which makes a tsunami.




There are millions of dangerous volcanoes in our world here are the dangerous

Volcanoes and located in:

1. Mount Vesuvius, Italy 2. Mount Merapi ,Indonesia 3. Galeras Pasto , Colombia 4. Yellowstone Toba , U.S.A 5. Popcate’petl , Mexico 6. Mauna Loa , Hawaii 7. Mount Nyinagono , Congo 8. Sarurajima , Japan 9. Toal Volcano , Philippines 10. Ulawun , Papua New Guinea

Volcanoes shoot up lava that is made out of boiling magma.It comes from the inner core .


The ring of fire is one of the strongest in the whole world. Some volcanoes have destroyed most houses

                          Natural disasters 

Acid rain is mostly created by people because people make chemicals so it gets into the clouds and that’s what creates acid rain. The biggest volcano is on Mars and also the name volcano came from the fire King Vulcan.

Natural disasters

There are hundreds natural disasters around the world. There are volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis and many more. A lot of these can cause many natural disasters which are created by the tectonic plates beneath the earth, or the weather systems in the world. Tsunamis wipe out cities, lava burns people and earthquakes crush objects.

Did you know? Did you know that one of the most dangerous volcanoes isn’t on earth its on Mars?

Most volcanoes are near the ring of fire!