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Sunology is a theoretical system that establishes definitions for steps within the whole of human development and subsequent consciousness, represented by a circle, using mathematical base systems to establish the meanings of individual steps. The theory is expanded into a tool for self-understanding via the cycle steps by using universal and personal markers to determine personality and where one is in their life, in terms of short-term (30-day), mid-length (30-month) and long-term (30-year) cycles.

History of Sunology


Sunology was created and introduced by astrologer Rev. Sharon Moore in August of 2009, as it is described in detail in the book, A Guide to Source Connection (Using Astrology's Amazing Sabian Symbols).

Sunology was borne out of a series of spiritual practices, experiences and insights over a period of seven years, in conjunction with an in-depth study of the history of the Sabian Symbols and their proposed meanings by several reknowned astrologers, including Dr. Marc Edmund Jones, Dane Rudyhar, Blaine Bovee, and Lynda Hill.

Spiritual Practices


Prior to its introduction, Moore spent five years researching the Sabian Symbols and meditating on them daily, to come to a point of indepth understanding about their history and meanings. She also attributes many of the insights about Sunology to her completing Hira Ratan Manek's strict protocol around the Hindu spiritual practice of [sungazing]. Resulting in no eye damage, she experienced a sense of clearer insight and increased positivity, and she did not experience inedia, although this was not her goal. (Proponents of Sunology bo not generally recommend this practice, and if so, only recommend this to those who have undergone many years of daily meditation and a refined raw food diet.)

Defining the Degrees of the Zodiac


One of the most significant contributions of Sunology is the use of a systematic method to define the degrees of the zodiac in a way which is observable and verifiable, using the Sabian Symbols to validate the systematic approach. The systematic method of correlating the degrees with the zodiacal signs - one degreee for every 12 degrees of a sign, or 2.5 degrees per every sign - aligning them with the place

After many years of researching the Sabian Symbols in order to define the degrees of the zodiac, she arrived at

How Sunology Defines the Cycle


Where consciousness is defined as the whole of human awareness - the experience of seeing things, feeling, and thinking. Consciousness can further be defined that which can be seen, felt, thought, and experienced. as these things can be understood in a natural order of most basic and simple to most complex and complete. Sunology correlates the 12-step zodiacal cycle with a 30-step to define the degrees of the zodiac. Taking a deeper look at the cycle, which mirrors the meaning of the zodiacal chart and will shows how this works. Aries symbolizes the new start or spark of consciousness that sets out on its path. Taurus is then this spark’s interaction with the natural world. In this interaction there is developed a sense of identity with the world that creates a split within the consciousness. Gemini is the energy that symbolizes the mental recognition or processing of this split, thus it stands for data and the naming of things. It is the basic aspect of mind. Cancer is the meaning that has been derived based on the name it was assigned during the mental phase of Gemini. Therefore Cancer is the emotional aspect of the consciousness in its interaction with the world. From this, the self is fully developed and able to express. Thus there is at Leo.

The Purposes of the Zodiacal Chart in Sunology


The primary markers in Sunology are the natal position of the Sun and secondary progressed positions of the Sun and moon and their daily, monthly and yearly movements, respectively. It combines a universal understanding about the natural order of steps inherent within a cohesive event with the astrological definitions of the zodiacal signs. Sunology teaches that a cycle can be correlated with is symbolic of humanity's mass consciousness, which acknowledges a natural and constant order of happenings within any event, similar to Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey, only broader and taking more of life's features - such as partnership projection and the development of transpersonal aspects of the life - into account. Sunology uses the zodiacal chart in two ways. It uses the protypical zodiacal cycle to The first is in its correspondence with the circle of progress. On a personal level, the zodiacal chair is run for the person's birthday and certain points or markers within this chart are used to determine personality and where the person is in his or her cycles of life. Using an understanding of the overall cycle and markers within the personal zodiacal chart, an astrologer or layperson can pinpoint both personality and place in the cycles.

The Sabian Symbols


The Sabian Symbols are a set of 360 symbols that were intuited in 1922 by Dr. Marc Edmund Jones and Elsie Wheeler and introduced in the bookl, Astrology. Dane Rudhyar claimed the symbols held the mystery of the definition of the degrees of the zodiac in his book "Astrology's Cycle Dane Rudhyar was responsible for rewording the symbols to correspond with the meanings he inutited for the degrees of the zodiac.

Comparing Astrology and Sunology




Sunology is related to astrology in that the generally accepted meaning of the signs is used as a context for defining the degrees. Sunology uses the movement of the Sun and moon to

Distinguishing Features


Sunology distinquishes itself from astrology in The reason degrees are used rather than signs is because they offer more detail, they are aligned with the solar movement of an approximate one degree per day, the number 30 is amenable to short, mid and long-term timeframes (i.e., 30 days in a month, 2.5 years in 30 months or, thinking in terms of five and ten year plans, 2 signs in a 5 year period and 4 signs - a third of the zodiacal cycle - in a 10 year period), and the base for defining the The primary celestial bodies which are used to reflect a progressive cycle are the Sun and the moon.

Sunologers realize that the various steps through the cycle are energies that manifest physically in more than one way. Therefore Sunology is a symbolic language of an intuitive nature and sunologers do not believe they can predict the future. Their purpose is to help people to understand where they are in a cycle from a short-term, mid-term, and a long-term perspective using a person’s past and current life as a context for how the cycle will proceed. Sunologers also practice and teach Sunology in a way that enables the person that they are working with to learn this cycle so that they can then follow the steps for themselves.

but as a tool that reflects the paradigm that a particular culture has establishe One of its goals is to shift astrology out of the realm of psuedoscience



[1] [2] [3] Review by astrologer [Lynda Hill]
