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I'm pretty boring, so you're probably here by mistake. Click the BACK button on your browser's navigation toolbar, or just go here instead.

If you're not here by accident, you obviously have too much free time. Why not look over this article and improve it if you can? If you're too lazy to help out (shame on you!), you can burn some time by reading the following:

Six times seven equals forty-two, which is the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything. But you knew that already, didn't you? Well, did you know that I've studied German as a second language for six years? or that I prefer two spaces between sentences over one and the long dash over the short? or that I consider myself a patient, open-minded person? Do you know what "gracious professionalism" is? or where it came from?

See? I told you I'm boring.

This user contributes using Firefox.