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User:Slmvbs/Army Kinema Corporation

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Originally during the Second World War, part of E.N.S.A. (Entertainments National Services Association). After the war, this part separated and became The Army Kinema Corporation. In 1958: the headquarters of the AKC in London, was at 36 Dover Street, London. The organization came under the umbrella of the War Office (at that time). In 1958: the headquarters of the AKC in BAOR was situated in Kingsley Barracks, Minden, BFPO 29 (11th Infantry Brigade, 1st British Corps). This included the film vaults, film distribution centre, and workshops. Most of the senior head office staff, ie the District Director, Deputy Director, Personnel Manager, and Circuit Supervisors (one for the north, and one for the South).All of these had Officers Status, which entitled them to use the Officers Mess where ever they were. Other staff (as myself) such as the three or four British based Relief Projectionists and Managers, plus the Static Managers at each location, all had WOs and Sgts Status. This entitled them to messing facilities in the WOs and Sgts Mess (accommodation/meals). This also applied on both troopships and trains. Most British staff were all ex-service personnel. Film distribution throughout the two circuits was both on a Monday and a Thursday. This was when programmes were moved on to the following cinema on the circuit; this was done by road. The two Circuit Supervisors who looked after the two circuits, were based at both Minden (north) and in Rheindahlen, (south). The Royal Air Force had its own independent cinema organization, this was called "Astra" and involved about 12 Astra Cinemas on RAF bases throughout BAOR.


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