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Aleksander Raevsky (japanologist)

Alexander Raevsky
Александр Раевский
Born(1984-04-13)April 13, 1984
CitizenshipSoviet Union
EducationPhD (2015)
Alma materInstitute of Asian and African Countries (2006) Japanese specialist, psychologist, historian
Occupation(s)Japanologist, psychologist, historian
Employer(s)Moscow State University, Tohoku University
Known forYouTuber,[1] Books, articles and lectures on Japanese culture, art and psychology
Notable workBook I Understood Japan,[2] Internet channel Level One[3]
TelevisionTV program Japanese rules of life

Alexander Evgenievich Raevsky (born 1984) is a Russian Japanese scholar, specialist in the language and culture of Japan, PhD, associate professor at Tohoku University.[4]

Life and career


Born in Moscow in the family of linguist Olga Raevskaya. Graduated from the history department of the Institute of Asian and African Studies at Moscow State University (2006), studied Japanese. Trained in Japan: at Tokai University (2004-2005) and Waseda University (2007-2008). Graduated from graduate school at the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University.[5]

Defended his dissertation for the degree of candidate of psychological sciences on the topic «Socio-psychological factors of religious terrorism in Japan» (2015).[6] He is the author of articles on Japanese studies and psychology.[7]

He taught Japanese and lectured on regional studies at the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University (2009–2019). Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Psychology of Language and Teaching Foreign Languages, Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State University (2018-2019). Scientific interests: history and culture of Japan, social psychology, ethnopsychology, psychology of terrorism, psychology of aggression. Specialist in the history of the Aum Shinrikyo sect. Visiting Professor at Tohoku University (2019–2021), associate professor at Tohoku University (from 2021).

I understood Japan (cover layout)

Author of a book on the culture and history of Japan I understood Japan. From dragons to Pokemon, published by AST publishing house in 2022.[2] The book describes the main milestones of Japanese history, examines the roots of the phenomenon of manga and anime, as well as classical Japanese cinema, and provides facts about the national cuisine of the Japanese and their tastes.

Participant in programs about Japanese culture on the Mayak radio station, Radio Russia, TV channel 360, Kommersant FM, NTV channel, KP in Ukraine, lecturer at educational Level One project.[8][9][10][11]

YouTuber, leading channels on Japanese culture, history and psychology (total number of views ― 6.5 million; total number of subscribers - 42 thousand).[3][12]

Rules of life


Expert on the culture and history of Japan in the program Rules of life (2014-2019) on the Culture TV channel.

Program topics

  • April 10, 2014 «Attitudes towards shoes in Japan»[13]
  • April 14, 2014 «Hierarchy of Japanese thinking»[14]
  • April 21, 2014 «Japanese order and neatness»[15]
  • May 12, 2014 «About gifts in Japan»[16]
  • May 19, 2014 «Manga»[17]
  • May 27, 2014 «Time in Japanese culture»[18]
  • September 15, 2014 «Traditional Japanese food ― sushi and the fifth taste ― Umami»[19]
  • September 25, 2014 «Japanese hard work»[20]
  • October 1, 2014 «Sumo»[21]
  • October 14, 2014 «Bushido (Code of the Samurai)»[22]
  • November 12, 2014 «Japanese television»[23]
  • November 17, 2014 «Youth street fashion in Japan»[24]
  • December 18, 2014 «Hikikomori»[25]
  • January 28, 2015 «Ghosts in Japanese culture»[26]
  • February 4, 2015 «Holidays in Japan»[27]
  • February 25, 2015 «Japanese poetry»[28]
  • March 3, 2015 «Hinamatsuri»[29]
  • April 2, 2015 «Hanami»[30]
  • April 14, 2015 «Earthquakes. On the phenomenon, image and consequences of an earthquake in Japanese culture»[31]
  • May 12, 2015 «Kimono. Traditional Japanese national costume and its history»[32]
  • September 17, 2015 «Attitudes towards garbage in Japan»[33]
  • September 21, 2015 «Moon Festival in Japan»[34]
  • October 8, 2015 «Japanese baths»[35]
  • October 27, 2015 «Japanese talismans, amulets and amulets»[36]
  • December 23, 2015 «Truth and fiction about Japan»[37]
  • January 21, 2016 «Japanese attitude towards mountains and volcanoes»[38]
  • March 3, 2016 «Geisha»[39]
  • March 15, 2016 «Bonsai»[40]
  • April 11, 2016 «Seppuku»[41]
  • September 12, 2016 «Japanese politeness»[42]
  • October 3, 2016 «Self-discipline in Japanese culture»[43]
  • October 18, 2016 «Attitude towards old people in Japan»[44]
  • November 21, 2016 «Japanese table etiquette»[45]
  • January 11, 2017 «How do the Japanese divide people into types?»[46]
  • January 24, 2017 «Pointless Japanese inventions»[47]
  • February 14, 2017 «Characters in animation by Hayao Miyazaki»[48]
  • March 2, 2017 «Amazing museums and unusual places in Japan»[49]
  • March 28, 2017 «Origami. Popular entertainment or philosophy?»[50]
  • October 5, 2017 «Ten most beautiful places in Japan»[51]
  • October 30, 2017 «Japanese tattoos»[52]
  • November 23, 2017 «Yakuza»[53]
  • December 14, 2017 «Godzilla»[54]
  • January 15, 2018 «Weird Japanese Sports Games»[55]
  • February 8, 2018 «The concept of shame in Japanese society»[56]
  • February 22, 2018 «Kawaii»[57]
  • March 15, 2018 «Artificial food in Japan»[58]
  • April 4, 2018 «Japanese design»[59]
  • May 17, 2018 «The meaning of gestures in Japanese society»[60]
  • May 29, 2018 «Mottainai»[61]
  • September 24, 2018 «Kodawari»[62]
  • October 15, 2018 «Nakizumo»[63]
  • November 7, 2018 «Fugu»[64]
  • November 26, 2018 «Hanafuda»[65]
  • January 21, 2019 «Hokkaido and winter traditions»[66]
  • February 4, 2019 «Three symbolic plants of Japan»[67]
  • March 25, 2019 «Robots in Japan»[68]
  • May 8, 2019 «Chiogami ninge»[69]
  • May 20, 2019 «Reiwa era»[70]
  • September 11, 2019 «Pachinko»[71]
  • September 25, 2019 «Mascots in Japan»[72]
  • October 14, 2019 «Purikura»[73]


  1. ^ views ― 6.5 million; subscribers ― 42 thousand
  2. ^ a b I understood Japan 2022.
  3. ^ a b Level One channel statistics.
  4. ^ Tohoku University: Alexander Raevsky.
  5. ^ Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State University (Alexander Raevsky)
  6. ^ Defense of a dissertation for an academic degree
  7. ^ Scientific works of Alexander Raevsky
  8. ^ Alexander Raevsky (Lecturer of the educational program «Level One»).
  9. ^ Aum Shinrikyo: the story of a sect that wanted to destroy everyone.
  10. ^ The end of the samurai era.
  11. ^ Japanese mythology: legends that cause horror.
  12. ^ Alexander Raevsky channel statistics.
  13. ^ Attitudes towards shoes in Japan.
  14. ^ Hierarchy of Japanese thinking.
  15. ^ Japanese order and neatness.
  16. ^ About gifts in Japan.
  17. ^ Manga.
  18. ^ Time in Japanese culture.
  19. ^ Traditional Japanese food.
  20. ^ Japanese hard work.
  21. ^ Sumo.
  22. ^ Bushido.
  23. ^ Japanese television.
  24. ^ Youth street fashion in Japan.
  25. ^ Hikikomori.
  26. ^ Ghosts in Japanese culture.
  27. ^ Holidays in Japan.
  28. ^ Japanese poetry.
  29. ^ Hinamatsuri.
  30. ^ Hanami.
  31. ^ Earthquakes.
  32. ^ Kimono.
  33. ^ Attitudes towards garbage in Japan.
  34. ^ Moon Festival.
  35. ^ Japanese baths.
  36. ^ Japanese talismans, amulets and amulets.
  37. ^ Truth and fiction about Japan.
  38. ^ Japanese attitude towards mountains and volcanoes.
  39. ^ Geisha.
  40. ^ Bonsai.
  41. ^ Seppuku.
  42. ^ Japanese politeness.
  43. ^ Self-discipline in Japanese culture.
  44. ^ Attitude towards old people in Japan.
  45. ^ Japanese table etiquette.
  46. ^ How do the Japanese divide people into types?.
  47. ^ Pointless Japanese inventions.
  48. ^ Characters in animation by Hayao Miyazaki.
  49. ^ Amazing museums and unusual places in Japan.
  50. ^ Origami.
  51. ^ Ten most beautiful places in Japan.
  52. ^ Japanese tattoos.
  53. ^ Yakuza.
  54. ^ Godzilla.
  55. ^ Weird Japanese Sports Games.
  56. ^ The concept of shame in Japanese society.
  57. ^ Kawaii.
  58. ^ Artificial food in Japan.
  59. ^ Japanese design.
  60. ^ The meaning of gestures in Japanese society.
  61. ^ Mottainai.
  62. ^ Kodawari.
  63. ^ Nakizumo.
  64. ^ Fugu.
  65. ^ Hanafuda.
  66. ^ Hokkaido and winter traditions.
  67. ^ Three symbolic plants of Japan.
  68. ^ Robots in Japan.
  69. ^ Chiogami ninge.
  70. ^ Reiwa era.
  71. ^ Pachinko.
  72. ^ Mascots in Japan.
  73. ^ Purikura.


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  • Alexander Raevsky (2014-04-10). "Attitudes towards shoes in Japan". TV channel Culture. Program «Rules of Life» (in Russian). Retrieved 2023-11-19.
  • Alexander Raevsky (2014-04-14). "Hierarchy of Japanese thinking". TV channel Culture. Program «Rules of Life» (in Russian). Retrieved 2023-11-19.
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  • Alexander Raevsky (2014-11-17). "Youth movements in Japan and street fashion". TV channel Culture. Program «Rules of Life» (in Russian). Retrieved 2023-11-19.
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  • Alexander Raevsky (2015-01-28). "Ghosts in Japanese culture". TV channel Culture. Program «Rules of Life» (in Russian). Retrieved 2023-11-19.
  • Alexander Raevsky (2015-02-04). "Holidays in Japan". TV channel Culture. Program «Rules of Life» (in Russian). Retrieved 2023-11-19.
  • Alexander Raevsky (2015-02-25). "Japanese poetry". TV channel Culture. Program «Rules of Life» (in Russian). Retrieved 2023-11-19.
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  • Alexander Raevsky (2015-05-12). "Kimono. Traditional Japanese national costume and its history". TV channel Culture. Program «Rules of Life» (in Russian). Retrieved 2023-11-19.
  • Alexander Raevsky (2015-09-17). "Attitudes towards garbage in Japan". TV channel Culture. Program «Rules of Life» (in Russian). Retrieved 2023-11-19.
  • Alexander Raevsky (2015-09-21). "Moon Festival in Japan". TV channel Culture. Program «Rules of Life» (in Russian). Retrieved 2023-11-19.
  • Alexander Raevsky (2015-10-08). "Japanese baths". TV channel Culture. Program «Rules of Life» (in Russian). Retrieved 2023-11-19.
  • Alexander Raevsky (2015-10-27). "Japanese talismans, amulets and amulets". TV channel Culture. Program «Rules of Life» (in Russian). Retrieved 2023-11-19.
  • Alexander Raevsky (2015-12-23). "Truth and fiction about Japan". TV channel Culture. Program «Rules of Life» (in Russian). Retrieved 2023-11-19.
  • Alexander Raevsky (2016-01-21). "Japanese attitude towards mountains and volcanoes". TV channel Culture. Program «Rules of Life» (in Russian). Retrieved 2023-11-19.
  • Alexander Raevsky (2016-03-03). "Geisha". TV channel Culture. Program «Rules of Life» (in Russian). Retrieved 2023-11-19.
  • Alexander Raevsky (2016-03-15). "Bonsai". TV channel Culture. Program «Rules of Life» (in Russian). Retrieved 2023-11-19.
  • Alexander Raevsky (2016-04-11). "Seppuku". TV channel Culture. Program «Rules of Life» (in Russian). Retrieved 2023-11-19.
  • Alexander Raevsky (2016-09-12). "Japanese politeness". TV channel Culture. Program «Rules of Life» (in Russian). Retrieved 2023-11-19.
  • Alexander Raevsky (2016-10-03). "Self-discipline in Japanese culture". TV channel Culture. Program «Rules of Life» (in Russian). Retrieved 2023-11-19.
  • Alexander Raevsky (2016-10-18). "Attitude towards old people in Japan". TV channel Culture. Program «Rules of Life» (in Russian). Retrieved 2023-11-19.
  • Alexander Raevsky (2016-11-21). "Japanese table etiquette". TV channel Culture. Program «Rules of Life» (in Russian). Retrieved 2023-11-19.
  • Alexander Raevsky (2017-01-11). "How do the Japanese divide people into types?". TV channel Culture. Program «Rules of Life» (in Russian). Retrieved 2023-11-19.
  • Alexander Raevsky (2017-01-24). "Pointless Japanese inventions". TV channel Culture. Program «Rules of Life» (in Russian). Retrieved 2023-11-19.
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  • Alexander Raevsky (2017-03-28). "Origami. Popular entertainment or philosophy?". TV channel Culture. Program «Rules of Life» (in Russian). Retrieved 2023-11-19.
  • Alexander Raevsky (2017-10-05). "Ten most beautiful places in Japan". TV channel Culture. Program «Rules of Life» (in Russian). Retrieved 2023-11-19.
  • Alexander Raevsky (2017-10-30). "Japanese tattoos". TV channel Culture. Program «Rules of Life» (in Russian). Retrieved 2023-11-19.
  • Alexander Raevsky (2017-11-23). "Yakuza". TV channel Culture. Program «Rules of Life» (in Russian). Retrieved 2023-11-19.
  • Alexander Raevsky (2017-12-14). "Godzilla". TV channel Culture. Program «Rules of Life» (in Russian). Retrieved 2023-11-19.
  • Alexander Raevsky (2018-01-15). "Weird Japanese Sports Games". TV channel Culture. Program «Rules of Life» (in Russian). Retrieved 2023-11-19.
  • Alexander Raevsky (2018-02-08). "The concept of shame in Japanese society". TV channel Culture. Program «Rules of Life» (in Russian). Retrieved 2023-11-19.
  • Alexander Raevsky (2018-02-22). "Kawaii". TV channel Culture. Program «Rules of Life» (in Russian). Retrieved 2023-11-19.
  • Alexander Raevsky (2018-03-15). "Artificial food in Japan". TV channel Culture. Program «Rules of Life» (in Russian). Retrieved 2023-11-19.
  • Alexander Raevsky (2018-04-04). "Japanese design". TV channel Culture. Program «Rules of Life» (in Russian). Retrieved 2023-11-19.
  • Alexander Raevsky (2018-05-17). "The meaning of gestures in Japanese society". TV channel Culture. Program «Rules of Life» (in Russian). Retrieved 2023-11-19.
  • Alexander Raevsky (2018-05-29). "Mottainai". TV channel Culture. Program «Rules of Life» (in Russian). Retrieved 2023-11-19.
  • Alexander Raevsky (2018-09-24). "Kodawari". TV channel Culture. Program «Rules of Life» (in Russian). Retrieved 2023-11-19.
  • Alexander Raevsky (2018-10-15). "Nakizumo". TV channel Culture. Program «Rules of Life» (in Russian). Retrieved 2023-11-19.
  • Alexander Raevsky (2018-11-07). "Fugu". TV channel Culture. Program «Rules of Life» (in Russian). Retrieved 2023-11-19.
  • Alexander Raevsky (2018-11-26). "Hanafuda". TV channel Culture. Program «Rules of Life» (in Russian). Retrieved 2023-11-19.
  • Alexander Raevsky (2019-01-21). "Hokkaido and winter traditions". TV channel Culture. Program «Rules of Life» (in Russian). Retrieved 2023-11-19.
  • Alexander Raevsky (2019-02-04). "Three symbolic plants of Japan". TV channel Culture. Program «Rules of Life» (in Russian). Retrieved 2023-11-19.
  • Alexander Raevsky (2019-03-25). "Robots in Japan". TV channel Culture. Program «Rules of Life» (in Russian). Retrieved 2023-11-19.
  • Alexander Raevsky (2019-05-08). "Chiogami ninge". TV channel Culture. Program «Rules of Life» (in Russian). Retrieved 2023-11-19.
  • Alexander Raevsky (2019-05-20). "Reiwa era". TV channel Culture. Program «Rules of Life» (in Russian). Retrieved 2023-11-19.
  • Alexander Raevsky (2019-09-11). "Pachinko". TV channel Culture. Program «Rules of Life» (in Russian). Retrieved 2023-11-19.
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  • Alexander Raevsky (2019-10-14). "Purikura". TV channel Culture. Program «Rules of Life» (in Russian). Retrieved 2023-11-19.
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  • Aleksander Raevsky (2022). I understood Japan. From dragons to pokemon (in Russian). Мoscow: Publishing house AST. p. 368. ISBN 978-5-17-145160-8.