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User:Sportytappy/Ultimate Sports Day

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Ultimate Sports Day ... Ultimate sports day is a children's television programme that is broadcast on CBBC. Its original run began on saturday 28th January 2012 where it was broadcast weekly at 9;00 am. It has been regularly rerun since. A team of four athletes from each of the four home nations; England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland compete as teams against each other in a series of head to head activities for points. Each nation has a team of four athletes made up of 2 girls (1 under 14 and 1 under 16) and 2 boys (1 under 14 and 1 under 16). The athletes were selected and coached by specially chosen team coaches who were all elite national athletes in their sports. The first 2 episodes focus on selection and the others on the head to head games. The training and assessments took place at Ravenscraig, Scotland

The teams


England; Emily, Shanice, Leo, Allard (captain)
Scotland; Sarah, Ellen, Frazzle, Fraser
Wales; Isobel, Anna, Joe (captain) and Jacob
Northern Ireland; Thomas, Andrew, Sarah and Phoebe



Episode 1


This episode showed the first of the trials for each of the nations; England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Each nations coach was also annnounced. Dean Macey (decathlete) for England. Sinead Kerr (ice skating) for Scotland. Barry Mcguigan (boxer) for Northern Ireland. Christian Malcolm (sprinter) for Wales. 75 children made it through to this stage from auditions and the application process.

Phase 1 - 75 down to 3

For this stage the 75 children who had made it through the application process were narrowed down to the top 32, 8 for each nation. All of these contestants underwent a set of physical tests set out by top sports trainer proffessor Greg Whyte. Those who scored top marks in their age group were picked to go through to the next round.

The 7 tests; rowing (500m row), sit ups, bleep test (multi-stage fitness test), chin ups, jump for height (vertical jump test), running in a figure of 8 and a 60 m sprint. A variety of tests were used as this allowed different strengths to be identified. It also meant that certain sports did not have an overall advantage over others. Those who excelled in one test may not in another.

At the beginning of the 2nd day the athletes were told if they made it into the team or not and squads of 8 were chosen for each nation, 2 athletes in each of the 4 catergories.

The squads were:
Wales; Jacob (13), Joe, Hannah (13), Morgan (13), Isobel, Anna
England: Leo (13), Harry, Sophie (13), Emily (13), Allard (15), Jack (14), Shanice (14), Harmonie
Scotland; Frazzle, Fraser (15), Ellen (15), Sean (13), Sarah, Louise
Northern Ireland; Thomas 12, Jack, Ben 13, Zoe, Phoebe (13), Andrew, Sarah

Phase 2 - 32 to 16 places

The target of this phase was to choose the final squad and for coaches to get to know the strengths and weaknesses of their athletes. new skills were introduced and athletes progress was monitored to see how they adapted to learning new skills and being in a new environment.

Splash and dash First the athletes were taught how to canoe. For the challenge their mentor was in the boat. The athlete had to pull the boat to the shore. Then they had to row across and get out of the boat as fast as possible. This allowed the athletes speed and endurance to be monitored. Their tactics and risk were also observed. Most noticable was Leo who came up with the strategy of running with the rope away from the shore and then running back while the boat continued to move. this saved a lot of time. many others then followed this tactic as it proved to be very effective.

Sports masterclass - sprint
This was taken by Kelly Sotherton (heptathlete). Athletes were given a sprint masterclass in order to improve their speed and how to pass a baton - teamwork and communcation. The session started with a warm up. This was followed by drills to help improve technique and therefore speed and efficiency. They were then taught how to pass a baton and make team mates aware of where the baton is and when to recieve it.

Sports masterclass - basketball - This was taken by Philips Idowu (triple jumper). He showed the athletes how to score hoops. This was a new skill for many athletes. therefore the coaches were able to see who made progress and how quickly they progressed.

Sports masterclass - archery Philips Idowu then went on to lead the archery masterclass. This was a new skill to almost all the athletes. This was therefore the easiest indicator of how quickly athletes could pick up new skills. It also highlighted whether people were willing to put in a lot of practice in order to improve or not with each country having allocated practice times. Much to Malcolm's dismay team Wales missed one of their practices with the team then coming forward with the excuse of going to sleep and resting instead of going to practice.

Episode 2


This episode involved further tests to help coaches pick their ultimate team. There was also the mid week assessment where skills tests were undertaken an the mentors spoke to each of their athletes in turn. Along with looking at marks scored the mentors also had to take ach individuals attitude into account along with how they work as a team

Challenge 1 - ultimate bike control

For this challenge the mentors picked individuals who they thought they hadn't seen enough of, or wanted to see in a new challenge. It involved a tough bike course requiring skill, concentration and determination. Out of the athletes picked for the challenge Fraser struggled the most and gave up. This made Sinead's decision harder and she spoke to Fraser about not giving up even when something is hard or you are not succeding.

Challenge 2 - archery challenge

All the contestants took part in this game. The aim was to score the maximum of 30 points from 3 arrows. Also improvement from the last time they undertook this challenge would be taken into consideration to show how they have improved.

Challenge 3 - obstacle course

This was a tough challenge as it tested their stamina and mentle toughness. First they had to run across a stream then scramble under a cargo net followed by running over tires and then running with weights. They then had to do pressups and run the course a second time. The athletes ran in pairs, against teh other person in their catergory for their country. There were lots of tough matches especially Thomas against Ben for Northern Ireland where Ben won as Thomas tripped over near the finish line. The race that was won easiest was by Jacob in the under 14 Welsh boys.

The selection

At the end of the assessment week the mentors each announced their chosen athletes for their ultimate sports day teams.
England; Emily, Shanice, Leo, Allard
Scotland; Sarah, Ellen, Frazzle, Fraser
Wales; Isobel, Anna, Joe and Jacob
Northern Ireland; Thomas, Andrew, Sarah and Phoebe

Episode 3


team england vs team wales joe = welsh captain allard = english captain

Sky Walker - tests strength and balance start at base of 5 metre tower. climb up unaided. then balance and walk across beam. pick up 3 medals from below beam one at a time and hang on bars above. then jump and pull down countries flag

Wales Isabel - athletics (15) England Emily - triathlon(13)

If fall off beam are out of game. each medal is worth 5 points.

both got up at same time. Isabel collected a medal first, then Emily. Isabel then got another medal. Emily picked up 2nd medal but fell off so was out of game. Isobel then collected final medal and pulled her flag earning herself another 15 points. at the end of the games the score was 30 points to 5 for Wales.

The Chaser runnung 150 metres before the mysterious chaser catches up. if they cross the finish line before he catches them they each earn 10 points.

Winners; Joe, Allard, Leo therefore scores are wales 40 wngland 25

Bungee basketball - stamina and accuracy Joe 15 (rugby) and Hannah 13 sprinting Allard 15 Hockey and Shanice 14 Basketball

boys in first round jump of and bounce then throw balls into basket. 2 points for middle baskets, 3 for next and 5 for outer hoop

allard kept going for 5 point basket. at end of this round Allard scored 70 points to Joe's 33 points.

round 2 Shanice scored 6 points, hannah scored 15

combined wales scored 48 points and england scored 76 points

overall scores = wales 88 england 101

Push o war - stamina wales Joe and Isabel England Allard and Shanice England won first round = 10 points england won tound 2 = another 10 points, 20;0 round 3 england won very quickly, 30;0

engalnd 131, wales 88

Spin shot team mates throw balls. player catches a football while on rotating disk. move round and score in goals while missing spinning arms and alternating goals. 3 points are awarded for every goal.

Jacob 13 hockey leo 13 judo

Jacob scored 7 goals = 21 points Leo scored 12 goals = 36 points

at end of round scores wales 109, england 167

winners; hannah, isabel, shanice wales 20 points england 10 points. total scores wales 129, wales 177

The team relay Bike power - 200 metre sprint to light tower 1 athlete once finished bike power tag next athletes to go up skywalker and climb up across beam collecting rings and then climbing down a ladder. they then tag the first athlete who runs over to the bungee tower. 3rd athlete then has to get teams rings. once completed first athlete runs back to bike and completes another 200 metre sprint. then tags final athlete who sprints up a pole collecting rings and then jumping to release teams flag. 5 points are awarded for each ring collected with a further 50 points for completing first.

Athlete order Wales; Hannah, izzymm, joe, jake England; Shanice, leo, allard, emily

Shanice finished bike power just before Hannah. Izzy emerged out of tower before leo. leo reached ladder and floor first. team reserces help with bungee. allard got first rings before joe started. Allard finished first. Shanice finished just before hannah. Emily reached flag just before jake. therefore wales scored 55 points and england 105

final totals; Wales;184 England; 282

Episode 4


team northern ireland; captain andrew vs team scotland; captain ellen

Skywalker sarah 13 athletics - scotland sarah 14 artistic gymnasitcs - ni

scotland reach top first both girls get on to beams at the same time girls both holding on to ropes ni reach medal first ni hang medal first scotland still holding rope for balance and puts medal on ni then put second medal on soon afterwards scotland hang second medal but still holding rope ni get third medal and leap to victory = scotland 10 ni 30 both penalised for use of rope = -5 points each therefore scores = scotland 5 ni 25

the chaser andrew 17.28 fraser 17.72 thomas 18.16

frazzle = caught = no points

therefore 20 pointgs for ni 10 for scotlnd making the scores scotland; 15 ni;45

bungee basketball ni; andrew 14 athletics and phoebe 13 athletics (high jump) scotlANd; ellen 15 athletics an frazzle 14 hockey

boys jump first girls help pull up net ellen scores first scoring 3 points ellen was more consistent and scored more, mainly in 3 pointer then 5 phoebe 37 ellen 50

andrew went for 5 pointers frazzle was off aim and managed to score for opposition andrew was very consistent and kept on scoring andrew 85 frazzle 11 therefore scotland; 61 ni; 122

therfre scores = ni 167 scotland 76

push o war ni thomas and andrew 12 rugby scotland frazer 15 athletics (800m) and ellen round 1 - ni go from the buzzer and win immediatelty round 2 - ni gradually push block and scotland off round 3 - scotland unable to get a grip adn get pushed off again therefore 30 points to ni

final scores = scotland; 197 ni; 76

Spin shot - football - accuracy and agility ni; thomas scotland; ffrazzle

thomas went first missed first coulple then got into a good rhythym and scored 5 in a row, missed 1 then got into another rhthym finished with a score of 11 = 33 points

frazzle finished with 7 = 21 points

scores= scotland; 97 ni; 230

the chaser - girls chaser catches sarah ni and ellen

sarah - scotland - first. 19.36 phoebe 19.64 therefoere 10 points a piece

ni 240 scotland 107

the ring relay

team order scotland; sarah, frazer, ellen ni; thomas, sarah, andrew

thomas finished just before ellen frazer reached tp of tower first frazer collects rings first both lowered themselves onto ladder at same time sarah collected next ring first sarah reached floor and tagged thomas first andrew starts and finishes first closely followed by sarah thomas finished sprint first then tagged phoebe sarah then tagged frazzle frazzle scrambled up the tower first and grabbed the flag

scotland 105 ni 55

final score ni 295 scotland 212

Episode 5


Episode 6


