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                               SU-85B,SU-85 and SU-122-44

SU-85B was an upgraded form of Soviet (Russian) tank which were using in the world war 2 "SU-76"
which were using as help to been "anty infantry" tank basicaly used to destroy hard
fortified places like bunkers and "anty infantry" places with machin guns which will stop infantry.

This tank was developed in winter 1944-1945 and never seen massive production and it's bad
becouse when this idea would be invested in the start of the world war 2 maybe war will end faster
and there will not be that many victims of the war.

SU-85 is Developed on the basis of the T-34 medium tank and the SU-122 assault gun.
Produced from August 1943 through July 1944.The SU-85B was developed year after and get name from SU-85.
SU-85 was needed in the 1942 becouse of new german tanks which armor was too thick to be penetrate by tanks
who fight in this years, the idea for the new tank has become while the new tank gun has been produce
and there were no other tanks who been able to drive with this new canon, the same poeple who develope the gun
develope the tank who can drive with that masive canon, please don't think that this tank was slow
SU-85 was able to drive with speed 55km/h so it was fast tank with a deadly canon.
