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Who is Stryteler, you ask? Well, he's just like you. An average everyday kind of person who has a job, life, home, family, and reasonable public transportation. A lover, but not a fighter. A good friend to have, but no one to mess around with except in casual consent just for fun. A good writer who has been published, but doesn't do it to be notable or self-serving or rich and famous, but only to tell a story and have readers thinking.

He likes adult contemporary music, but nothing too hard on the ears or the mind. He likes the kind of rap music you can actually understand the words to, and dig the music behind the words. When it comes to the genre of classic rock, turn on the Mega Bass and crank it up. He is a sucker for one-hit wonders, sappy loves songs, and golden oldies they just don't write anymore for whatever lie we tell ourselves.

He is a huge "Law & Order" fan, and loves sitcoms and contact sports.

Now that you know he can write, did you know he can edit also? Sure. Just know your stuff, and make sure what you write about conforms with the rules and things in it can be verified. He does not discuss deletions, or corrections. Suffice to say, if it fits what he has to do, grow a thick skin and a good spine because when it comes to Wikipedia, all decisions are final.

It was a pleasure meeting you.